10-Jan-11 News -- Gates announces an arms race with China

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
Tom Acre
Posts: 94
Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:48 am

Re: 10-Jan-11 News -- Gates announces an arms race with Chin

Post by Tom Acre »

Jack Edwards wrote:...
and how it subsequently blew up in their faces)
I'm not sure it has blown up in their faces. I think that there is still a large part of the population that relies on liberal MSM sources which aren't going to admit they made a mistake in the reporting...

Jack, yes there are too many who still rely on these outlets, but when the facts are 180degrees opposite of what they initially report, their dishonesty is laid bare for the world to see
Jack Edwards wrote:
And, it appears that the Millennial Generation has more than its fair share of nihilists.
It bugs me when we take one data point from a huge population and extrapolate it to the whole population. John's stereotypes of each generation make perfect sense when considering that there is a bell shaped distribution of personalities and tendencies in each generation. But each generation has nihilistic nutcases, bad managers, spoiled people, etc. there just happen to be a few more in some generations than others.
The stereotypes are easy to understand (somewhat like Plato's 'Nobel Lie'), but the reality is more complex. As it matures, I think we'll see generational analysis move away from the stereotypes as we uncover the mechanisms that guide generational phenomena.

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