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2-Jun-12 WV-U.S. officials confirm authorship of Stuxnet

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:29 pm
by John
2-Jun-12 World View -- U.S. officials confirm authorship of Stuxnet computer virus

Disastrous global financial news continues to pour out

** 2-Jun-12 World View -- U.S. officials confirm authorship of Stuxnet computer virus
** ... 02#e120602

Hezbollah's Nasrallah threatens war over hostages in Syria
Unconfirmed report: Top 5 Hezbollah officers kidnapped
U.N. Human Rights Council to investigate al-Assad crimes against humanity in Syria
Egypt Braces For Verdict In Hosni Mubarak Trial
Disastrous global financial news continues to pour out
U.S. officials confirm authorship of Stuxnet computer virus

Generational Dynamics, Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Lebanon,
Syria, Bashar al-Assad, Syrian Revolutionaries - Aleppo Province,
United Nations, Human Rights Council, Charles Taylor,
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, Muslim Brotherhood,
Stuxnet, Iran

Re: 2-Jun-12 WV-U.S. officials confirm authorship of Stuxnet

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:49 am
by Trevor
Whenever there's a new jobs report, the economy always seems to create fewer jobs than expected. Last month, economists were predicting 200,000-250,000. I wonder if we're going to end up sliding back into recession this year, since the rest of the world economy is going to hell as well.

Frankly, I think by now a lot of people have figured out that none of this is going to get the economy functioning again. It's just a game of "Cover my ass" and trying to make sure that the other side gets the blame when everything falls apart.

Re: 2-Jun-12 WV-U.S. officials confirm authorship of Stuxnet

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:59 am
by Marc
Funny, Trevor, I was just thinking yesterday that the proverbial average Joe or average Jane was getting to a point that the optimistic news and associated statistics are beginning to wear thin with him or her to the point of a credibility crisis. An ironic by-product of that happening may be for much of the American and global public to want to retreat even more into the funhouse to some extent — to obsess on buying or using that next iGadget, or taking an even more gaudy interest in whatever reality-TV or slag-pop star suits their fancy. If this happens, this will solidify the ability for the politicians and bankers/financial execs and other such folks to keep on doing their thing even more and more — until something massive just gives under the stress of it all (or the heat from China becomes too much).

Finally, as part of this, I'm thinking that that sequestration thing (remember that, all?) will mostly be nullified by Congress in the late-2012 lame-duck session (with much bitching and infighting, of course) and kicked down the road until around Summer 2013. Of course, a bit of a price will be paid for that — Standard & Poor's will probably knock down America's credit rating from AA+ to AA, but hey, it's still a very good credit rating.... —Best regards/Peace, Marc

Re: 2-Jun-12 WV-U.S. officials confirm authorship of Stuxnet

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:36 am
by Trevor
Some are going into debt just to survive, while others are doing so because they can't break their old habits. Businesses are committing fraud, from top to bottom (we like talking about evil CEOs and such, but ordinary employees are no better) This isn't a balance that can be sustained.

As for our credit rating, let's remember how quickly many of the European countries were downgraded. It'd be arrogant to assume that it can't happen to us as well.

French speaking virtual assistant

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:35 am
by arganmor