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16-Mar-10 News - Historic Israeli-US ties deteriorate

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:39 pm
by John
16-Mar-10 News - Historic Israeli-US ties deteriorate

** 16-Mar-10 News - Historic Israeli-US ties deteriorate
** ... 16#e100316

"Author Michael Lewis pins the blame for the financial crisis"
"Tension grows between France and Germany over Greece bailout"
"Warning: Your bank won't protect you from online banking fraud"
"Israeli-US ties continue to deteriorate over settlement issue"
"Additional Links"

Re: 16-Mar-10 News - Historic Israeli-US ties deteriorate

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:17 am
by VinceP1974
Foreign policy under the Democrats is one giant I TOLD YOU SO for me.

I've been telling anyone who would listen to me that the proposition that the Bush administration was fundamentally damaging to our foreign policy is a myth. The only people who were truly put off by Bush were governments that were in the hands of Leftists (of course not every leftist government felt this way)

I knew that the Democrats would conduct things in their usual arrogant oblivious manner. That their naked power (yet incredibly ignorant and stupid) politics would be seen as what it is in all its arrogance and crassness.

that they would have no respect for our traditional relationships, that they would denigrate our own country because of their self-loathing of their own nation , history and culture.

That they would hilariously assume that since they got rid of Bush, and Bush was the problem and they were the solution that these other countries in the world would be falling over themselves to satisfy every demand of the new administration.

That the Democrats would have an entitlement mentality regarding other countries doing what the Democrats want.

That our allies would be alienated and our enemies emboldened and our defenses denigrated and our prestige soiled and our country imperiled.

I TOLD YOU SO (of course when I say that I dont mean anyone in this forum.. but had you known me for a few years, I TOLD YOU SO)