19-Mar-12 WV-Head of Egypt's Coptic Church dies

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19-Mar-12 WV-Head of Egypt's Coptic Church dies

Post by John »

19-Mar-12 World View -- Beloved head of Egypt's Coptic Christian Orthodox Church draws huge crowds

A flood of Syria's refugees causes security problems for Turkey

** 19-Mar-12 World View -- Beloved head of Egypt's Coptic Christian Orthodox Church draws huge crowds
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 19#e120319

France's far-left candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon gains in presidential polls
Accusations against Goldman Sachs continue to gain traction
Psychopaths on Wall Street
A flood of Syria's refugees causes security problems for Turkey
Black market for weapons to Syria's opposition is drying up
Head of Egypt's Coptic Christian Orthodox Church draws huge crowds
Pope Shenouda helped keep Egypt calm for decades

Generational Dynamics, France, Jean-luc Mélenchon,
François Hollande, Nicolas Sarkozy,
Goldman Sachs, Greg Smith, Generation-X culture,
financial psychopaths, Syria, Turkey, Bashar al-Assad,
Russia, China, United Nations, Security Council,
Lebanon, Egypt, Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Orthodox Church,
Anwar Sadat, Hosni Mubarak, Israel, Camp David peace agreement

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Re: 19-Mar-12 WV-Head of Egypt's Coptic Church dies

Post by Trevor »

Yeah, I just don't see the uprising in Syria lasting much longer. Unless someone intervenes, and I don't think we will, this is a fight the older generation will win, foreshadowing much worse to come in 25-30 years.

Considering what's going on in Egypt right now and that they've entered a crisis era, is it possible that we could see a civil war? I looked at the list and it appears as if about 25 percent of all crisis wars happen 56-61 years after the end of the previous one.

Even though I've heard the story many times, the sheer level of fraud just amazes me. How could something on this scale occur and have no one raise the alarm or do anything about it? It boggles the mind at times and their excuses are just as disgusting. I remember watching this discussion on the news and I heard someone say. "This is no big deal; it's just one disgruntled employee." The sentiment seems to be a pretty common one. Are they lying or have they deliberately blinded themselves?

And now we have one investor after another saying "Hooray, the bubble's back on" now that the DJIA has reached 13,000. You'd think after the 2000 crash and the 2007-2008 crash that they'd learn to be a little more cautious, but obviously not.

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Re: 19-Mar-12 WV-Head of Egypt's Coptic Church dies

Post by OLD1953 »

Some did raise the alarm. In large institutions they were ignored or the issues were hushed up, some of the smaller ones actually investigated and then cleaned house. My wife reported numerous irregularities in the secondary mortgage offices of the bank she was working for and they did investigate, and wound up selling this mess of junk for about 10 cents on the dollar value. Which was very good timing on their part, as they got rid of it about six months before the bottom fell out. There isn't a separate secondary mortgage dept at that bank any longer. I've still got my money there, they've taken their lumps and moved on.


Re: 19-Mar-12 WV-Head of Egypt's Coptic Church dies

Post by JULLIEN1 »

the ultra-far-left-wing Jean-Luc Mélenchon
From a French point of view, Mélenchon is just a normal leftist, a "true" one i.e. someone against capitalism. European unification (both a recovery era idea to prevent a third World War and a generational awakening era idea designed to put an end to the former nations) forced France to marginalize its normal way to do economics, le colbertisme (dirigism and protectionism : Colbert was a famous minister of Louis XIV). The project being unraveling and an economic crisis hitting us, our reaction (that of the average French but not in the elites which have so much bet on the European project) is as usual to call for state intervention. French nationalism is rising both on the right wing (Marine Le Pen, comments of the minister of interior Guéant about the inequality of civilizations, recent declarations of Sarkozy [probably demagogy] on immigration and Europe) and on the left wing : call for a socialist state outside the EU is to call for a renewed French "independence".

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Re: 19-Mar-12 WV-Head of Egypt's Coptic Church dies

Post by mannfm11 »

They should start out by brutally executing some of these banksters for treason, since their actions are going to eventually threaten the existance of the US itself. I read Yves Smith's book Econned. In it she describes how Morgan Stanley had adopted this game in the 1990's of intentionally blowing up clients for profit. Also, she put in evidence the 1994 Mexican financial crisis was an intentional act to blow up the financial positions of Mexican Banks. Wall Street looked upon these banks as pinettas filled with money, waiting to be burst open. Robert Rubin, formerly of Goldman Sachs and later of Citi, came in as Treasury Secretary and bailed out Mexico so their banks could pay off. To think we allow such pigs to work in high places?

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