29-Oct-12 WV-Europeans demand sovereign control of Greece

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29-Oct-12 WV-Europeans demand sovereign control of Greece

Post by John »

29-Oct-12 World View -- Europeans demand sovereign control of Greece

China and Japan continue to prepare for war

** 29-Oct-12 World View -- Europeans demand sovereign control of Greece
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 29#e121029

China and Japan continue to prepare for war over Senkaku/Diaoyu islands
Chinese xenophobia towards Japan skyrockets amid noodle wars
Europeans demand sovereign control of Greece

Generational Dynamics, China, Japan, Senkaku, Diaoyu,
Ground Self-Defense Force, GSDF, Tingyi noodles, Uni-President,
Master Kang Artificial Pork Flavor Instant Noodles,
Furenju Realty, Shanghai, Nissan, Toyota,
Greece, Troika, EC, ECB, IMF, Germany, Mario Draghi
Russia, Vladimir Putin, Spain


Re: 29-Oct-12 WV-Europeans demand sovereign control of Greec

Post by James »

You missed the story about Israel taking out a weapons facility in Sudan in an apparent dry-run for an Iran mission.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: 29-Oct-12 WV-Europeans demand sovereign control of Greec

Post by John »

James wrote: You missed the story about Israel taking out a weapons facility in
Sudan in an apparent dry-run for an Iran mission.


** 25-Oct-12 World View -- Proposals grow for Israel to annex the West Bank
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 25#e121025

containing the item:

**** Sudan blames Israel for explosion of military factory in Khartoum


Re: 29-Oct-12 WV-Europeans demand sovereign control of Greec

Post by NoOneImportant »

Wow, I don't know what concerns me most:

N Korea saying it will nuke the South;
China, and Japan;
US/Israel and Iran.

N Korea in an attempt to influence the South's election, is simply telling S Korea that it needs nukes to survive.

Japan is discretely telling the world - hope that China is listening - that it has developed nukes over the past several years as an outgrowth of their reprocessing capability.

And the only question regarding the mullahs is whether they purchased the plans for a workable - as reported - nuclear device at the same time that they purchased the reprocessing capability from the father of the Pakistani bomb, A.Q. Kahn. If so they have no need to test the device, and can go from zero to lots of devices as the fizzle material becomes available. As they are known to have started reprocessing with 40 metric tons of uranium hexiflouride, they have enough highly enriched uranium to create 10 - 15 devices. Will they just nuke Israel, or Israel, the carrier fleets - 3 on station in the Persian Gulf - and several US cities, and/or an EMP at the same time - was the 11/8/2012 contrail off Catalina Island an EMP dry run? http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=6SU ... =endscreen

See how wonderful the world is with a weak impotent America. Send the Red SOB in the White House out to apologize some more - it's just working wonders.

When Reagan fired all the Air Traffic Controllers he sent a clear message to the Soviets: "you have no idea what I will, or will not do!" The Red in the White House has established that there is nothing he will do - there is no jeopardy for any global bad actor. He seeks to reduce the American nuclear arsenal to 300 devices. 300 devices will fit on a single Trident boomer submarine. What will the other 12 Trident subs use, and the Navy, and the Air Force. Will they use rocks? What ambassador Chris Stevens got is being prepared for all of America.

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Re: 29-Oct-12 WV-Europeans demand sovereign control of Greec

Post by ZipSaw »

I came across this link on another blog and thought it was interesting enough to post here. It describes the possible reason for the Benghazi attack and the reason no help was rendered by the US armed forces. I say “possible reason” because I cannot confirm the reliability of information on the linked website, but then again what sources can be trusted today. {John’s site excepted ;) }

Any comments are appreciated.




Re: 29-Oct-12 WV-Europeans demand sovereign control of Greec

Post by NoOneImportant »

Having read the article at the above web site, one can never be sure - it's certainly plausible. Another plausible was that what was actually intended in Benghazi was a snatch gone bad - the intent was to emulate the 1979 debacle in Iran, although if that were the case you don't start by shooting up the place with automatic weapons, and RPGs.

But, what one can be sure of is that Putin was given an unmistakable message of impotence and weakness when Medvedev was told personally, by Obama, in Soul, in March of 2012: "... this is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility...." Medvedev's response? "... I understand, I will transmit this information to Vladimir...."

Who did this rookie think he was talking to? his high school buddy? There has been a life time's worth of antipathy between the U.S. and Russia. All those apparatchiks - the communist true believers - from the old Soviet Union did not simply die, evaporate, and blow away in 1989 after the fall of the Soviet Union.

How sad, America is getting exactly what she asked for - mediocrity. In business mediocrity simply fails, it's the reason that people like the President hate capitalism - it doesn't care who you are, it requires that you perform. But this isn't business is it? In international affairs mediocrity causes people to die - with circumstances as they are, regardless of who gets elected there will be many more deaths to come; weakness only emboldens evil.


Re: 29-Oct-12 WV-Europeans demand sovereign control of Greec

Post by James »

I was referring to yesterday's developments, including the explanation for the Dubai incident.

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