15-Dec-12 WV-Outrage grows that U.S. did not jail HSBC execs

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15-Dec-12 WV-Outrage grows that U.S. did not jail HSBC execs

Post by John »

15-Dec-12 World View -- Outrage grows that U.S. did not jail anyone at HSBC bank for money laundering

Russia supplies Syria with supersonic Iskander missiles to counter Patriots

** 15-Dec-12 World View -- Outrage grows that U.S. did not jail anyone at HSBC bank for money laundering
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 15#e121215

Outrage grows that U.S. did not jail anyone at HSBC bank for money laundering
President Obama gives tear-filled statement about Newtown school shooting
U.S. will send 400 troops with Patriot systems to Turkey-Syria border
Russia supplies Syria with supersonic Iskander missiles to counter Patriots

Generational Dynamics, HSBC, money laundering, Eric Holder,
Mike Taibbi, Felix Salmon, Newtown school shooting,
Turkey, Syria, Leon Panetta, Incirlik air base, Patriot system,
Russia, Iskander missiles

Had enough

Re: 15-Dec-12 WV-Outrage grows that U.S. did not jail HSBC e

Post by Had enough »

John you have hit a new low on you site today. You take every opportunity to bash Obama and yet you claim to be non biased on you website. Taking the sad story of a mass shooting of children by a mentally disturbed individual and convert it into anti Obama statement by referring the right to work movement. What a bitter, low class person you are. Don't waste your time to respond to my post as you reply will not be read. I will not visit you site again.

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Re: 15-Dec-12 WV-Outrage grows that U.S. did not jail HSBC e

Post by John »

Had enough wrote:John you have hit a new low on you site today. You take every opportunity to bash Obama and yet you claim to be non biased on you website. Taking the sad story of a mass shooting of children by a mentally disturbed individual and convert it into anti Obama statement by referring the right to work movement. What a bitter, low class person you are. Don't waste your time to respond to my post as you reply will not be read. I will not visit you site again.

I don't care about the right to work movement. I was writing about
the open support that Obama supporters have for violence when it suits
their cause. I don't care about gun control either, but Obama
exploited the school tragedy to make an ideological gun control pitch
as well, "regardless of politics." Call me "low class" if you want,
but I found the display disgusting. He exploited violence this week
for political purposes in two ways -- condoning the union violence,
and then using the school violence for politics. But you're right
about one thing -- as the corruption grows in the administration, as
there's one coverup after another, and anyone who disagrees with a
policy is called "racist," as he exploits violence for political
purposes, I'm having a harder and harder time dealing with Obama.
You're right that it's affecting my ability to remain as politically
neutral as possible, but as the HSBC case illustrates, the corruption
is becoming overwhelming. It's overwhelming in Washington, on Wall
Street and in Europe. I'm sorry I offended you.

I know that President Obama would never take advice from a nobody like
me, but if he asked me, I would tell him that I don't believe he'd
suffer politically if he firmly condemned violence by his supporters.
If, instead of exploiting the school tragedy for politics, he made an
impassioned plea to "end all violence," then he'd be less divisive.
That's what America needs now, not someone who makes things worse by
using a tragedy to bash his political opponents.

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Re: 15-Dec-12 WV-Outrage grows that U.S. did not jail HSBC e

Post by shoshin »

John, with regard to Obama, you have become a caricature of yourself.


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Re: 15-Dec-12 WV-Outrage grows that U.S. did not jail HSBC e

Post by John »

We'll see, Dave, we'll see.

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Re: 15-Dec-12 WV-Outrage grows that U.S. did not jail HSBC e

Post by at99sy »

Obama is our elected representative, head of state, commander in chief, etc.. You know, The buck stops here guy.
But the buck never stops with him. He hates everything this country has ever stood for. He despises the individuality
of our nation and the citizens and immigrants who took the opportunities afforded to those who acted and took risks
to build a great physical expression of creative philosophy. He casts blame on everyone who is opposed to his ideology.
He refuses to accept blame on any level. Obama consistently seeks out the least defendable person or group to accuse
of wrong doing. Conservatives, the Rich, unseen videos, acting stupidly.... Whites who disagree with him are racists, heterosexuals
who disagree with him are bigots, blacks opposed are traitors to the cause. There is a clear slant to this administrations agenda
and if one cannot see that they are naive and have a blind-sided sucker punch coming in their future.
Times are tense and getting more and more unstable. When and environment is under great stress the organisms within become agitated and behave
more and more irrationally. Aberrant behavior is becoming more common around the world. Look at China where private gun ownership is forbidden.
The use of knives, machetes, and even screwdrivers are being uses almost weekly in attacks on children. We are close to a tipping point.

to borrow the inspiration of Niemoller: First they came for the Rich, Then they came for the taxpayers, then they came for the laws, then they came form the teachers, then they came for the merchants, then they came for the books, then they came for the excess,.................And when I had nothing left they declared me equal and set me to work.

Every Tyrant needs a scapegoat. Obama has the luxury of 150 million useful idiots to do his bidding until they become less useful. He is certainly going to be redrawing the lines of tyrannical precedence. In Germany it was primarily a race war with targeting an easy victim in the Jewish community. Obama is going to target people based on race, class, wealth, religion,thoughts, speech, ability, ambition, and anything else he can use to divide and destroy this nations ability to prosper. I think Mao and Stalin are the most likely comparatives for division and creating "change" within a system and or culture. Possibly Nicolae Ceaușescu is a good partner as well: "...was a maverick and despotic Rumanian Communist leader who pursued an independent course abroad and demanded slavish subservience at home." http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/refere ... index.html

As John points out, this administrations transparity and agenda is demonstrated by rewarding crooked bankers with small fines in relation to the gross amounts of profits made on illegal and immoral operations, instead of sending them to prison or publicly executing them as the French would have done in years past. People who choose to live in a hole end up getting buried in that hole. Putting your head in the sand leaves a vulnerable spot quite exposed.

In a society where the working are demonized and the educated are scrutinized, when the criminal is glorified and rewarded, the law abiding is restrained, the entitled encouraged to take more, the disenfranchised will either rise up and rebel, get distracted by a magnificent diversion of energy, or they will roll over and play along to get along. I see a magnificent distraction on the horizon which will lead to an attempted disarmament of the public which will result in the desired social rebellion and lead to more desired oppression if not the abolishing of the Constitution in the "interest of public safety and the nation."

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Re: 15-Dec-12 WV-Outrage grows that U.S. did not jail HSBC e

Post by Trevor »

Obama is our elected representative, head of state, commander in chief, etc.. You know, The buck stops here guy.
But the buck never stops with him. He hates everything this country has ever stood for. He despises the individuality
of our nation and the citizens and immigrants who took the opportunities afforded to those who acted and took risks
to build a great physical expression of creative philosophy. He casts blame on everyone who is opposed to his ideology.
He refuses to accept blame on any level. Obama consistently seeks out the least defendable person or group to accuse
of wrong doing. Conservatives, the Rich, unseen videos, acting stupidly.... Whites who disagree with him are racists, heterosexuals
who disagree with him are bigots, blacks opposed are traitors to the cause. There is a clear slant to this administrations agenda
and if one cannot see that they are naive and have a blind-sided sucker punch coming in their future.
Times are tense and getting more and more unstable. When and environment is under great stress the organisms within become agitated and behave
more and more irrationally. Aberrant behavior is becoming more common around the world. Look at China where private gun ownership is forbidden.
The use of knives, machetes, and even screwdrivers are being uses almost weekly in attacks on children. We are close to a tipping point.
The problem is much bigger than Obama. I don't see him as an evil dictator, but he wouldn't be able to accomplish anything of the sort on his own. The media plays the biggest role in it, in refusing to mention anything. They only criticize him on occasion because the "Fascist News Network" as I've often heard it referred to do so first and eventually they have to give at least a minor mention. Some don't even do that, like NBC and especially MSNBC; I'd have to say those are the worst offenders.

In actual dictatorships, it's not the evil leader that's the main problem. It's the million of people who follow him, who do what he says, who believe what he believes, and who are willing to carry out what he wants.

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Re: 15-Dec-12 WV-Outrage grows that U.S. did not jail HSBC e

Post by gerald »

interesting gun facts vs other deaths http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-12-1 ... -gun-facts

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Re: 15-Dec-12 WV-Outrage grows that U.S. did not jail HSBC e

Post by John »

Someone has referred me to:

http://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/lookup2 ... =C00033423

which lists campaign donations made by HSBC. They've given millions
of dollars in campaign contributors to candidates in both parties,
with more given to Republicans than Democrats.

This suggests the real reason that HSBC isn't being criminally
prosecuted. A criminal trial would expose the fact that many
politicians of both parties, in Congress and the administration, knew
that HSBC was making drug and terrorist money, and took campaign
contributions anyway.

So this isn't personally about Obama. It's about massive corruption
in Washington and probably on Wall Street as well, where many
politicians are simply crooks, though Obama is President, and the
President is the chief crook.

And let's not forget that last year Peter Schweizer appeared on 60
minutes, after doing extensive research that showed that people in
both parties in Congress were benefitting from insider trading that
would be illegal for anyone except someone in Congress.

http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18560_162-5 ... formation/

Instead of moving this story forward, the mainstream media ignored it,
except to call Schweizer a right-wing nutcase.

So you guys can call me any names you want -- "low class" or
"caricature" or whatever crap you want to throw at me -- but what's
going on today in Washington, especially the Obama administration, is
disgusting and dangerous.

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Re: 15-Dec-12 WV-Outrage grows that U.S. did not jail HSBC e

Post by gerald »

from --

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-12-1 ... ead-widely

for what it is worth


Father of Alleged Connecticut Shooter is VP of GE Capital: Report

According to ABC and Yahoo news, the alleged shooter at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, Adam Lanza, is the son of Vice President of GE Capital, Peter Lanza. Peter Lanza is also a partner at Ernst & Young, and major accounting firm. The older brother, Ryan Lanza, is also reported to be employed at Ernst & Young.

Peter Lanza, who drove to northern New Jersey to talk to police and the FBI, is a vice president at GE Capital and had been a partner at global accounting giant Ernst & Young.
Adam’s older brother Ryan Lanza, 24, has worked at Ernst & Young for four years, apparently following in his father’s footsteps and carving out a solid niche in the tax practice. He too was interviewed by the FBI. Neither he nor his father is under any suspicion.

Another report from Stamford Advocate says Peter Lanza is vice president of taxes for GE Energy Financial Services and also an adjunct professor a Northeastern University in Boston since 1995. The facts have been sketchy and changing from hour to hour.

After 28 years of marriage, Peter and Nancy Lanza divorced. Nancy Lanza was found shot at her home. A source told The Post Ryan has told investigators he last saw Adam in 2010 and that Adam is autistic.

The tragedy is also being politically exploited for tighter gun control. If they ever get guns banned in the U.S., the politically unfavorable will be quickly rounded up and we will get a Soviet style authoritarian system magnified by 100. It is not the guns doing the shooting, but the people. Some of the “leaders” in the U.S. want to get the guns away from the citizens. I don’t know what the answer is to the violence that permeates the United States, but it is likely a symptom of a very sick society. Nobody is shedding tears for the thousands of children who die from U.S. bombs. A nation that exports violence around the planet with an elite core of individuals that profit from it, is destined to be troubled domestically. It’s a karmic certainty.

Obama’s tears

Are Obama’s tears fake like some people are suggesting? Obama has no compunction to order bombings all over the place which regularly kill civilians including children. He also authorizes the killing of Americans, so it’s very hard to believe that his tears are real, although anything is possible in this strange world.

http://www.infowars.com/father-of-alleg ... l-reports/

Pssst, word on the street is the father is vice president for GE energy financial services and is going to testify in the LIBORgate trail soon.

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