10-Jan-11 News -- Gates announces an arms race with China

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10-Jan-11 News -- Gates announces an arms race with China

Post by John »

10-Jan-11 News -- Defense Secretary Gates announces an arms race with China

Japan and South Korea unite against China and North Korea

** 10-Jan-11 News -- Defense Secretary Gates announces an arms race with China
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 10#e110110

"Defense Secretary Gates announces an arms race with China"
"Japan and South Korea unite against China and North Korea"
"Governments around the world struggle with increasing food prices"
"Additional links"
Euro zone crisis returns of Portugal's debt
30,000 Red Shirt protesters demonstrate in Thailand
Israeli academics protest


Re: 10-Jan-11 News -- Gates announces an arms race with Chin

Post by Guest »

I don't think that China necessarily wants a "hot" war with the US but believes it can absorb parts of Asia without direct conflict with the US. Considering the Obama/Clinton State Dept. they are probably right. I also think China is annoyed with us for our handling of the financial crisis. They now realize that we will debase the value of their Treasury/currency holdings without regard for them and I think this pisses them off. After all, they already sold us all these goods at a huge discount and they feel we will screw them out of much of the rest because we lack any discipline whatsoever. I always wondered why nobody ever talks about what China's true GDP would be if it was calculated by value and not usd/rmb


Re: 10-Jan-11 News -- Gates announces an arms race with Chin

Post by tx »


I am a long-term reader of your website. I understand that the more people against your analysis and opinion, the more you feel you are right about what you are saying. I totally respect your analysis and attitude. After all, you are a much wiser person than most of people including me. I just think that It will be better if you could write your article in a relatively soft and non-bias tone. For example:

"From the point of view of Generational Dynamics, China is arming and planning for a major war with the United States."

Do you think it's better say " from the point of view of generational dynamics, United states and China are arming and planning for a major war with each other", Or if you want to add North Korea, South Korea or Japan etc?

I just feel that you always use the theory of GD which according to your opinion, should apply to all the mankind and countries in the world. Don't you think it's better to forget that you are a US citizen while you are analyzing the world event with GD? Don't you think if you keep using the way that you are using, it only increase the tension between the people in China and United States? I want peace, nothing else.

By keeping doing the way you are doing, I have a feeling that you will lose reader, eventually. it is harmful to the GD theory which I think it's an awesome best theory I ever heard. It's not about you, It's about the GD.

Again, John, I was very excited to see you for the first time from the video clip you posted. I understand your outrage against the things happened in the world. I share the same.


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Re: 10-Jan-11 News -- Gates announces an arms race with Chin

Post by shoshin »

John, you have been oddly silent on the Tucson shooting. Is it because it contradicts your view of the left-wing being more violent then the right wing? I admit it defies generational explanation (or perhaps left or right bias), especially since the guy is a certifiable kook.

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Re: 10-Jan-11 News -- Gates announces an arms race with Chin

Post by John »

tx wrote: > "From the point of view of Generational Dynamics, China is arming
> and planning for a major war with the United States."

> Do you think it's better say " from the point of view of
> generational dynamics, United states and China are arming and
> planning for a major war with each other", Or if you want to add
> North Korea, South Korea or Japan etc?
Well, I'll have to think about this. Maybe there's a way to use
different wording.

But I don't think there's any equivalence between the mood of the US
and the mood of China. I would consider it next to impossible that
the US would launch a preemptive attack on China, but I would not be
surprised at all if China launched a preemptive attack on the US --
which is what they're arming themselves for.
tx wrote: > By keeping doing the way you are doing, I have a feeling that you
> will lose reader, eventually.
Very funny. If I start worrying about popularity then I'll never
get anything done.


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Re: 10-Jan-11 News -- Gates announces an arms race with Chin

Post by John »

Dear David,
shoshin wrote: > John, you have been oddly silent on the Tucson shooting. Is it
> because it contradicts your view of the left-wing being more
> violent then the right wing? I admit it defies generational
> explanation (or perhaps left or right bias), especially since the
> guy is a certifiable kook.
Oh please, David. The reason that I don't comment right away on
things like that is so I won't have to get involved in silly political

The fact that one psychopathic individual shot and killed or wounded
several Democrats does not change the overall global trend of
increasing violence on the left.

From the point of view of Generational Dynamics, what's interesting
about the Gabrielle Giffords shooting is not the shooting itself, but
the effect it will have on the attitudes and behaviors of the

So at some point I'll probably comment on the shooting, and I may tie
it in to the Salman Taseer killing that happened in the same time

However, the fallout of the Giffords shooting is beginning to be

Republicans and Tea Partiers are ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS that they're being
blamed for this shooting, because Sarah Palin put a bullseye on one of
her campaign graphics. They point to the incredibly vicious vitriol
that Democrats launched continually against President Bush, including
the 2006 movie Death of a President that portrayed the assassination
of President Bush himself, and they point to Democratic campaign ads
that also contain violent imagery directed at Republicans. They also
point to MSNBC, a network whose only purpose is to make vitriolic
attacks against Republicans and Tea Partiers, sometimes with violent

As I said, the right is ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS over this. We've seen how
the Tea Party was energized by attacks on them, including the
despicable "tea bagger" invective, and my expectation is that the Tea
Party will be energized by these new attacks.



Re: 10-Jan-11 News -- Gates announces an arms race with Chin

Post by Guest »

Oh, John, you know I love poking a stick at you once in a while, just to get to the kernel of insightful comments I know will emerge.And thanks for reminding me about the Taleer assassination, though I doubt anyone will throwing rose petals at Mr. Loughfer... But, John, really, MSNBC???...they are a tiny fly compared to the steaming pile of s**t that is FOX....there is no comparison...


Re: 10-Jan-11 News -- Gates announces an arms race with Chin

Post by Guest »

Hi John,
I really appreciate your comment and willingness to consider my suggestion. to me, that's invaluable.


Tom Acre
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Re: 10-Jan-11 News -- Gates announces an arms race with Chin

Post by Tom Acre »

The facts clearly show that the Arizona Safeway Shooter was known by friends as a "Left-wing/Liberal", was a drug user, had Occult Shrines, and was severely mentally disturbed. From a generational analysis standpoint, two things stand out; first, how nonchalantly, cynically and callously the media employed this macabre crime to their mean political ends (and how it subsequently blew up in their faces). And, it appears that the Millennial Generation has more than its fair share of nihilists.

Jack Edwards
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Re: 10-Jan-11 News -- Gates announces an arms race with Chin

Post by Jack Edwards »

It seems like every few months on this forum we have to get into a little snit about whether or not the MSM is really liberally biased and whether or not FOX is even more conservatively biased etc. etc.

I've reached a point where I no longer watch any news program on TV. What irritates me is when journalists and reporters act like they are reporting just the facts when by omission or emphasis are really trying to convert the audience to their political take on the story. I would rather listen to someone I know is liberal or conservative and who freely admits it - at least I know where their bias is coming from and that they are honest about it.

I'm no Palin supporter. If I were a politician, I wouldn't have used an add with cross hairs in it - but frankly, that's pretty tame to a lot of stuff I've read coming from liberal sources over the years towards conservatives. My take on it is that with the recent success of the tea party movement that conservatives aren't just sitting down and taking it anymore. The way in which this incident was immediately portrayed as obviously being by some right wing nutcase without any data to support it was incredibly inept and irresponsible.

Tom Acre said:
From a generational analysis standpoint, two things stand out; first, how nonchalantly, cynically and callously the media employed this macabre crime to their mean political ends
Couldn't agree more.
and how it subsequently blew up in their faces)
I'm not sure it has blown up in their faces. I think that there is still a large part of the population that relies on liberal MSM sources which aren't going to admit they made a mistake in the reporting. A lot of people aren't going to hear from the MSM, that they got it wrong. Don't expect them to apologize. Despite all the after the fact analysis, how many people still feel Bush unfairly stole the 2000 election? Media outlets aren't going to admit to blatant mistakes. They are really in the business of political indoctrination while making money, not reporting on news. That goes for FOX too. Again, I don't watch any of them, they disgust me. I'll read from a wide variety of sources - if I can tell they are doing poor reporting, I'll go on to a different story.
And, it appears that the Millennial Generation has more than its fair share of nihilists.
It bugs me when we take one data point from a huge population and extrapolate it to the whole population. John's stereotypes of each generation make perfect sense when considering that there is a bell shaped distribution of personalities and tendencies in each generation. But each generation has nihilistic nutcases, bad managers, spoiled people, etc. there just happen to be a few more in some generations than others.

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