7-Apr-11 News -- Portugal requests bailout

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7-Apr-11 News -- Portugal requests bailout

Post by John »

7-Apr-11 News -- Portugal requests bailout after disastrous bond auction

Spain will be the new target of 'the markets'

** 7-Apr-11 News -- Portugal requests bailout after disastrous bond auction
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 07#e110407

Sorry for the delay in posting this -- I just couldn't keep my eyes
open last night.

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Re: 7-Apr-11 News -- Portugal requests bailout

Post by burt »


First I'd like to thank you for your blog and your work, it is for me an essential dimension to my own analysis of the world, so "you have the right" (humor) to sleep, don't worry.

Now about Spain: If "money" thought that Spain was in danger, the Euro would have felt immediatly after the announce of the bailout of Portugal, but the Euro holds...

This is now a poker game, and everything is good to bluff the world: OR the dollar, or the Euro, OR the Yen, OR the Pound.

I wouldn't say that the Euro is dead before having proof, (the same about the dollar), we have an expression here : "Don't sell the bear before having killed him"
World is becoming less and less rational and everyone is lying (see Fukushima, see Topocean, and so on), so where it goes is unpredictable, except that "nowhere: Houston we have a problem"


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Re: 7-Apr-11 News -- Portugal requests bailout

Post by OLD1953 »

I would expect the US budget problems to be solved the same way they were solved last time through this mill, via large scale tax increases.

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Re: 7-Apr-11 News -- Portugal requests bailout

Post by burt »

OLD1953 wrote:I would expect the US budget problems to be solved the same way they were solved last time through this mill, via large scale tax increases.
http://www.businessinsider.com/republic ... nds-2011-4
I recommend this article, not only because of its content, but because it looks like it is in the mood that John describes:
"FIGHT don't look for solution"

We'll see

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Re: 7-Apr-11 News -- Portugal requests bailout

Post by OLD1953 »

Ryan's plan is interesting (once you get past the obligatory verbiage) especially in the bits he leaves unsaid. For example, "cutting" corporate taxes to 25% while removing all corporate tax deductions would effectively double govt income from corporate taxation, and I'm dead certain he knows this. I don't object to the states having control of Medicare/Medicaid funds because the states also have control of the state boards and comptrollers that control behavior of insurance companies, and this would finally give the states an incentive to actually control costs rather than allow the insurance companies to set whatever prices they feel like asking for. (Honestly, what city have you been in where the biggest buildings in the city did not belong to either insurance companies or banks? And we have laws against usury and controlling insurance costs? Really? Reality bites, doesn't it?) His plan is far from perfect, it COULD serve as the starting point for something reasonable, but I'm with John here, nothing will be done until things go absolutely to hell, and then it'll be massive tax increases, IMHO.

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