Generational Dynamics: Forecasting America's Destiny Generational
 Forecasting America's Destiny ... and the World's


These pages contain the complete manuscript of the new book Generational Dynamics: Forecasting America's Destiny, written by John J. Xenakis. This text is fully copyrighted. You may copy or print out this material for your own use, but not for distribution to others.
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Chapter 13 -- America's Manifest Destiny and You

	War is God's way of teaching Americans geography.
		-- Satirist Ambrose Bierce (1842-1913)

How the nation and the world have changed since 2001!

Since World War II, America has acted as "Policeman of the World," defending freedom and democracy wherever it could. However, in the space of a few years, that's changed from a defensive role to a preemptive role. This is how the people of the idealistic Baby Boomer generation think of America, and how they want us, as a country, to act.

Table of Contents

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Book Home


Chapter 1 -- Basics and Some Myths about War

Chapter 2 -- American History

Chapter 3 -- The Principle of Localization I

Chapter 4 -- The Principle of Localization II

Chapter 5 -- Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace

Chapter 6 -- Another Great Depression?

Chapter 7 -- Great Awakenings in World History

Chapter 8 -- History of Western Europe

Chapter 9 -- Islam versus Orthodox Christianity

Chapter 10 -- History of Asia

Chapter 11 -- Trend Forecasting

Chapter 12 -- The Next Century

Chapter 13 -- America's Manifest Destiny and You


What you should do -- as an individual


What you should do -- as a community leader


What you should do -- as a national politician

Appendix -- List of Crisis Periods


End Notes

Concept Index


Book Cover

As the world's only remaining superpower, America is viewed not only by Americans but also by people around the world as the country that protects freedom and democracy around the world.

We use the phrase "manifest destiny" to describe what America's role has become. We chose that phrase to relate America today to Spain during the 1500s.

The 1500s were the Golden Age of Spain. The country was rich and powerful, and had just "discovered America," and had just completed the reconquest of Spain from the Muslims (see page [westeurope#24]). It became, in the minds of the Spanish people, the manifest destiny of Spain to be the power that would spread true Christianity throughout Europe and the New World.

America is viewed not only by Americans but also by people around the world as the country that protects freedom and democracy around the world

The period since World War II has been the Golden Age of America. Today it's our manifest destiny to defeat terrorism and lead the world to Democracy and Freedom.

This is an awesome responsibility. All Americans will be tested.

What you should do -- as an individual

Ever since I discovered, in 2002, that the Generational Dynamics methodology implies that we were already in a 1930s-style depression, I've been telling my friends the following: Even if you don't believe this conclusion, you should still protect yourself and your family by saving money and making only necessary purchases. I've been gratified to see several of my friends save themselves by exercising great care that they might not otherwise have exercised.

Unfortunately, it's human nature that human lives become cheap in times of war and financial crisis. So each person has to fill a dual role: Look for ways to serve your community and your country, but also make sure that you protect yourself and your family.

What you should do -- as a community leader

If you're a political leader of a town, if you're the head of a school, business, labor union, church, youth group, or other organization, then you're in a position to help people, or to help people help each other.

America's greatest danger is the belief that it can do everything

What you should do -- as a national politician

History also tells us that we can win over terrorism during this crisis period. By proceeding with caution, America can fulfill its manifest destiny, can defeat terrorism, and can remain the greatest country the world has ever known by bringing freedom and democracy to the rest of the world!

Copyright © 2002-2016 by John J. Xenakis.