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Generational Dynamics Web Log for 12-Dec-05
Over 5,000 whites riot against Muslims on Sydney beach

Web Log - December, 2005

Over 5,000 whites riot against Muslims on Sydney beach

Australia joins many other countries that fought in WW II in becoming xenophobic.

Thousands of young white men, yelling racist chants, chased and attacked Australians of Middle Eastern appearance on Sydney beaches on Sunday. Among the racist chants were "kill the Lebs", "kill the wogs," "go home Lebby scum". and "we grew up here - you flew here."

The violence was triggered by a brawl last week when volunteer lifeguards were attacked by a Lebanese gang of youths. Once this incident occurred, people stirred up an anti-Lebanese campaign all week, using text messaging and talkback radio, calling for a revenge attack this weekend. This call for revenge appears to have worked.

Following the beach violence, gangs of youths of Middle Eastern descent conducted a series of revenge attacks, smashing and burning dozens of cars.

Aussie politicians unanimously condemned the violence, but didn't always agree on the causes. One politician expressed the sentiment of many when he said he was "disgusted by the offensive behaviour shown by hundreds of my fellow Australians."

But others pointed out that people on those beaches had frequently been harassed and intimidated by gangs with Middle Eastern backgrounds, and that the problem had been getting worse with no response from the police.

What immediately struck me about this situation was its apparent similarity to what happened in the Netherlands in November of last year. The country appeared to melting down completely, following the murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh by a Muslim extremist. After that, arson attacks burned over a dozen mosques and Muslim schools, and the Dutch people have become increasingly anti-Muslim since then.

But this kind of xenophobia is hardly unique to Australia and the Netherlands. We've had non-Muslim versus Muslim race riots in France, Germany, England, Russia, India and Malaysia, just to name a few. And we've seen xenophobia between Japan on the one hand and Korea and China on the other hand send relations among these countries become the worst in decades.

We're a unique time in history, 60 years after the end of World War II, when all the countries that fought in the war are now being led by people born after the war, people who don't have personal memory of its horrors, and are unwilling to compromise to prevent another such war, making a new war certain.

Generational Dynamics cannot predict the attitudes and behaviors of any individual, since each individual is free to do what he or she wants. But Generational Dynamics does predict changes in the attitudes and behaviors or large masses of people, based on generational changes. Throughout history, whenever a genocidal crisis war is fought, the people who fight in that war consider it to be so horrible that they pledge never to let anything like it happen again; but when the people who were alive during that war all disappear (retire or die), all at once, about 55-60 years after the end of the war, then the nation enters a "crisis period." A crisis period is characterized by an increasing desire for confrontation and retribution, and sooner or later a miscalculation leads to a new crisis war.

The last crisis war for America and many other countries was World War II. All of these countries are now in, or are entering, a generational crisis period. That's why xenophobia is increasing, as is a desire for confrontation and retribution. Generational Dynamics predicts that xenophobia will continue to increase, and this will lead to a new "clash of civilizations" world war, and that this will happen sooner rather than later. (12-Dec-05) Permanent Link
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