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Iran's political crisis continues to grow, as the college year
by John J. Xenakis
Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad promised his audience, "This regime (Israel) will not last long. Do not tie your fate to it ... This regime has no future. Its life has come to an end."
In Iran's largest and most violent protests yet, nephew of opposition leader is killed:
Iranian police fired on protesters on Sunday,...
Iran fails to smash student protests, as the Dubai crisis batters its economy:
Huge peaceful student protests in cities across Iran were met with violence...
Theological split in Iran widens as opposition protests continue:
The Islamic Republic of Iran versus the Persian Republic of Iran....
Iran plays a grand game in international nuclear weapons talks:
Will she or won't she?...
Furious Iran blames Pakistan, US and Britain for Sunday's terrorist attacks:
Iran's Revolutionary Guards vow revenge....
Big Iran street protests greet Ahmadinejad's fiery denunciations of Israel:
Iran's political crisis continues to grow, as the college year begins....
Escalating civil war in Yemen threatens to pull in Iran, Saudi Arabia and U.S.:
Last week, President Obama said we would help Yemen in its "fight against terrorism,"...
New Iran demonstrations commemorate the student protests of July 9, 1999:
Hardline Iranian mullahs had thought that they had crushed the demonstrations ...
Ayatollah Ali Khamanei relives his childhood, as Iran arrests UK Embassy employees:
Following a week of massacres, protestors have taken to the rooftops,...
Iran's Khamenei appears desperate, as reports of Tehran massacres grow:
An amazing generational battle is proceeding in Iran....
A generational explanation of Iran's political crisis:
What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object?...
Iran's government panics, as Supreme Leader hints at violence against protesters:
Friday's speech by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was a significant escalation...
Iran: Violent street demonstrations follow Ahmadinejad's landslide election victory:
Opposition supporters are claiming massive election fraud,...
President Obama casts a vote against Iran's President Ahmadinejad:
Can reformist Mir-Hossein Musavi beat Ahmadinejad in the June 12 elections?...
Stock markets in Iraq and Iran are surging.:
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says "it is the end of capitalism."...
Wall Street Journal describes Iran's generational Awakening era:
Young Iranians turn away from the Quran and go for self-help and New Age....
China "betrays" Iran, as internal problems in both countries mount:
Diplomats say that China has provided Iran's nuclear weapons plans to the UN....
Iranian speedboats threaten to blow up US ships in Gulf of Hormuz:
Question: Why did Iran do it?...
Students at Tehran University risk protest against Ahmadinejad:
When Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia University...
Iran's President Ahmadinejad facing a growing "generation gap":
Gas rationing and restrictions on women are infuriating the college-age generation....
Iranian police swoop down on women with loose headscarves:
Sorry, I just can't stop laughing at this one....
Iraqi Sunnis are turning against al-Qaeda in Iraq :
This is exactly the kind of thing that generational theory predicts.
Iran hostage crisis grows increasingly dangerous:
This is comparable to the 1962 Cuban missile crisis....
An Iranian scholar says that Tom and Jerry cartoons are a Jewish conspiracy:
Professor Hasan Bolkhari is loonier than Ahmadinejad....
Iran is using cartoons to fight decline in anti-Americanism:
Anti-Americanism has been declining in Iran for ten years,...
Iran and Russia increasingly at odds over Iran's nuclear development:
Saying that Moscow "will not play anti-American games" with Iran,...
The U.S. vs Iran debate may be unifying the Iraqis:
Iraqis don't want interference from either America or Iran....
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad holds two-day Holocaust denial conference:
He says that Israel "will soon be wiped out."...
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatens Europe and Israel:
He also says he has a "connection with God"...
Iran test fires submarine to surface missile in the massive "Blow of Zolfaqar" military games:
Iran (like China) continues rapid militarization, while confrontation over nuclear development looms....
Iran and Ahmadinejad are waiting for the Mahdi:
Most people know about the belief by Christian fundamentalists about the Second Coming of Christ,...
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a very charismatic leader:
In his 60 Minutes interview, he was witty, charming, confident and deadly....
Iranian representatives witnessed North Korea's July 4 missile tests:
According to Assistant Secretary of State Chris Hill,...
Allah Akbar!! Ahmadinejad announces that Iran is enriching uranium:
Clearly trying to provoke an Israeli or American military attack on Iran,...
State of the Union speech displays continuing misreading of Iran:
It's wishful thinking to believe that an overthrow of the Mullahs is coming....
Europe resigns itself to a nuclear Iran:
Defiant Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continues to lead Iran to be the regional superpower,...
Iran appears to be positioning itself as a post-war superpower:
Iran restarts its nuclear enrichment program while calling for Israel's removal....
Iran will set up a "love fund":
Iran's new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, plans a billion dollar fund...
Feminism flourishes in Iran, as the international crisis on nuclear weapons intensifies:
Iran's new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, named a hardline Islamist cabinet on Sunday,...
Iran's plan to develop nuclear fuel is "irreversible":
France calls it a "major international crisis"...
Ultraconservative Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wins Iran Presidential election:
I try to find humor wherever I can for this serious web site, and with this guy it's easy....
Iran holding chaotic runoff election on Friday:
Iran and Iraq are generational twins, and their elections show it....
Iran: Tehran University student unrest is building against the government:
"Moderate" President Mohammad Khatami blamed the hard-line Muslim clerics...
Iran moves forward with developing nuclear weapons technology:
Iran has indicated that it won't budge on its plans to develop nuclear enrichment technology,...
Iraq Today vs 1960s America (Revised):
They have much in common: Bombings, assassinations, student demonstrations, violent riots, calls for insurrection and civil war and harsh rhetoric. That's much more than a coincidence.
Riots in Iran: Will there be a violent overthrow of the Iranian Mullahs? Generational Dynamics says 'No.' (25-Jun-03) |
The occasion of the Friday speech by Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was al-Quds Day, where al-Quds is the Arabic name for Jerusalem. Ahmadinejad was speaking in support of the Palestinians, and condemning Israel. Here are some excerpts from his speech:
We do believe that if war is waged in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is because of Zionists' provocation. If Sudan is suppressed it is because of Zionists' temptations. Zionists are behind all the conspiracies of the arrogance and colonialism. They do not allow the main factor of excuses for Palestine occupation be examined and surveyed. ...
The pretext for establishing the Zionist regime is a lie - a lie which relies on an unreliable claim, a mythical claim, and the occupation of Palestine has nothing to do with the Holocaust."
These are some of the most inflammatory statements that Ahmadinejad has made in a while.
As I've written in my analysis of Iran's strategy, Iran would like to gain hegemony over the entire Mideast. To this end, they've provided money to the Palestinians, armed Hizbollah to fight Israel, supplied Shia terrorists in Iraq with materials for roadside bombs, and supplied Sunni terrorists in Afghanistan with materials for roadside bombs. In recent months, Iran has been providing support to the Shia Houthi rebels in Yemen's civil war.
Ahmadinejad is trying to mimic the success of Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution, in which the leaders united the country by referring to the United States as "The Great Satan." From the point of view of Generational Dynamics, that kind of strategy works in a generational Crisis era, such as Iran was in during the 1979 revolution and the 1980-88 Iran/Iraq war. But it can't work today, because Iran is now in a generational Awakening era. (See "Basics of Generational Dynamics.")
Thus, a speech at the same event given by hard-line cleric, Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, returns to the theme of Jerusalem and the Palestinians:
This statement is part of an incredible fantasy held by Ahmadinejad and other hard-liners in Iran's government: That Iran can create an Islamic empire encompassing the entire Mideast. Thus, the Iranians are aiding the Hamas Palestinian terrorists and the Lebanese Hizbollah terrorists to fight Israel. As unbelievable as this may seem, they actually believe that by doing things like that, they're going to be able to create an Islamic empire, centered in Tehran, that will control the entire Mideast.
This is tied into the fanatical religious belief, held by Ahmadinejad and other hardline Iranian leaders, of the coming of the Mahdi that I discussed in "Iran and Ahmadinejad are waiting for the Mahdi," something that's roughly equivalent to waiting for the second coming of Christ in the Christian religion.
They actually believe that the Arab/Sunni Muslim populations on the Arabian peninsula will allow themselves to be governed by the Persian/Shia Muslim government in Tehran. Such a belief is fanaticism to the point of insanity.
Iranian officials had feared al-Quds day demonstrations, and had forbidden them with threats of arrest. However, that didn't stop tens of thousands from protesting, according to The Times:
Car drivers stuck in the gridlock sounded their horns and turned on their headlights to show support. Protests were also reported in Isfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz, Qum, Rasht and other cities. Within hours the internet was flooded with video clips showing jubilant crowds applauding, singing and holding their arms aloft to form a sea of V-for-victory signs. Witnesses said that they chanted “Rape and torture will not stop us” and “Liar, liar, where is your 63 per cent?” — a reference to Mr Ahmadinejad’s alleged share of June’s vote.
They chanted: “I will fight, I will die, but I will take back my country”, and “Supreme Leader! This is the last message — the Green Movement of Iran is prepared for the uprising”. Mocking the regime’s concern for the Palestinians, they chanted: “Neither Gaza nor Lebanon — I sacrifice my life for Iran.” Some held placards saying: “If I rise, if you rise, everyone will rise.”
One elderly woman said: “They have raped, murdered and tortured our youth after stealing the election. May God’s wrath come down on them.”
A 69-year-old merchant said: “I came to show solidarity with the youth of my country. The regime is destroying Islam and Iran.”
A young female student said: “The cheating, the raping, the killing and the torture drive you mad. I’ve come to express my hatred for Ahmadinejad and his protector, that so-called Great Leader of the Revolution.”
Of particular note was the chant, "Neither Gaza nor Lebanon — I sacrifice my life for Iran." This was a direct repudiation of Ahmadinejad's policy of supporting Hamas and Hizbollah.
Analysts at organizations like Stratfor and the BBC had predicted, earlier this summer, that the protests would be crushed. At one point, the BBC reported all day that the protests were already dead. On the very next day, there were tens of thousands of protestors.
Analysts, journalists and politicians all got it wrong because they were using the wrong historical analogy -- the massive 1989 Tiananmen Square protests in China, that died out after they were crushed by China's People's Liberation Army firing on and killing hundreds or thousands of protestors.
However, as I said from the beginning, a Generational Dynamics analysis indicates that the best historical analogy is America's protests beginning with the 1967 Summer of Love. Those protests continued for almost a decade, and resulted in the failed presidencies of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon, as well as an American defeat in Vietnam.
(For information about generational Awakening eras, see "Basics of Generational Dynamics." For information about America's Awakening era in the 1960s-70s, see "Iraq Today vs 1960s America." For information about the Summer of Love, see "Boomers commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love.")
It's way too early to say that "the Islamic Revolution is toast," but it's not to early to say that Iran's government faces many years of political crisis, as the generation of hardline survivors of the 1979 revolution all retire and die, and younger post-war generations grow in size. These younger generations are generally pro-American and pro-West, and they are not interested in wiping Israel off the map. When colleges open in the fall, large campus demonstrations are likely.
And it's still my expectation, as I've stated several times in the past, that when the Clash of Civilizations world war arrives, Iran will be the ally, not the enemy, of America, Israel and the West.
(Comments: For reader comments, questions and discussion,
see the Iran thread of the Generational Dynamics forum.)
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