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Generational Dynamics Web Log for 22-Apr-2011
22-Apr-11 World View -- Muslims out of Russian military

Web Log - April, 2011

22-Apr-11 World View -- Muslims out of Russian military

European nations are considering unilateral recognition of Palestinian state

This morning's key headlines from

Russia reduces number and concentration of Muslims in military

Because of the impact of clashes between ethnic Russians and Muslims from the North Caucasus provinces in Russia's military, Moscow has cut the size of the draft quota by an order of magnitude for some of the North Caucasus republics, and is working to prevent them from being concentrated in any military unit. This policy change results in several problems. First, the military already is having trouble filling its ranks, so this will require the military to use even more force to draft ethnic Russians. Second, this will increase the already very high rate of unemployment in the Caucasus, resulting in even more young men turning to anti-Russian militancy. Third, the reduction of Muslims in the military will feed in the Islamist claim that Russia is a foreign occupier in the Caucasus. Paul Goble

Putin calls US monetary policy 'hooliganism'

After Monday's announcement that Standard & Poor's rating service had put U.S. debt on negative watch. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin slammed expansionary U.S. monetary policy. "Look at their trade balance, their debt, and budget. They turn on the printing press and flood the entire dollar zone--in other words, the whole world--with government bonds. There is no way we will act this way anytime soon. We don't have the luxury of such hooliganism," he said. Wall Street Journal (Access)

European nations are considering unilateral recognition of Palestinian state

French Ambassador Gerard Araud is quoted as saying, "Recognition of the state of Palestine is one of the options which France is considering, with its European partners, in a bid to relaunch the peace process." The White House opposes any unilateral declaration of a Palestinian statement, but is drafting a proposal based on four principles:

Jerusalem Post

Syria locks down in preparation for Friday's riots

The Syrian army is deploying overnight in the city of Homs, in preparation for riots that follow when thousands of people pour out of mosques at the end of midday prayers on Friday. 21 protesters have been killed this week in Homs, and 220 protesters in all have been killed since the protests erupted on March 18. Reuters

Yemen tribes unite against president Saleh and al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda hasn't fared very well in the Arab uprisings, and now Al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) may be undone in its headquarters, Yemen, thanks to anti-government protests. Opposition to president Ali Abdullah Saleh is uniting Yemen, including the different tribes, the southern secessionists and the northern Houthi rebels. "We’ve learned to forgive each other so we can join together to drive out this devil and take our country back from the hands of corruption. Once our new Yemen begins, we will turn our weapons over to a government that we trust to protect us," says Nasser Al-Qadhi, a sheikh from the Morad tribe in Marib. Global Post

Thousands of truck drivers clash with police in Shanghai, China

With fuel prices up over 5% in the last few months in China, a two-day strike in Shanghai turned violence as about 2,000 truck drives clashed with police. The drivers had blocked roads with their trucks and stopped working on Wednesday. Police arrested at least six people, and beat up people with batons. China has something like 100,000 anti-government mass incidents every year, by its own figures, and has a history of massive rebellions. Reuters

(Comments: For reader comments, questions and discussion, see the 22-Apr-11 News -- Russia seeks to cripple Nato through Libya United Nations politics thread of the Generational Dynamics forum. Comments may be posted anonymously.) (22-Apr-2011) Permanent Link
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