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Generational Dynamics Web Log for 28-Apr-2011
28-Apr-11 World View -- Egypt and peace with Israel

Web Log - April, 2011

28-Apr-11 World View -- Egypt and peace with Israel

Syria's uprising causes Iran to lose credibility in the region

This morning's key headlines from

Egyptians appear prepared to end peace treaty with Israel

Egypt and Israel
Egypt and Israel

Egyptians appear prepared to overturn the three-decade-old peace agreement with Israel, by a margin of 54% to 36%. Those with higher incomes or a college education are more likely than others to favor keeping the treaty. Pew Global Attitudes Project

Syria's uprising causes Iran to lose credibility in the region

Commentators in Arab countries are gloating at Iran's obvious discomfort over the uprising in Syria, insisting that it's a Zionist plot, after hailing and supporting the uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain. A regime change in Syria could be a huge blow to Iran's ability to project power in the region and threaten Israel, since Syria serves as a political and military conduit for Iran's backing of Hizbollah and Hamas. "Iran and Hezbollah destroyed whatever credibility Iran has left, when Iran let down the people of Syria by considering the movement of the people there a conspiracy," says one Jordanian commentator. LA Times

Fatah-Hamas reconciliation could help Israel

Wednesday's announcement of a reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas (see main article), if successful, could help Israel in some optimistic scenarios. If Hamas is participating in a unity government, this would minimize the group's desire to renew the conflict on the Gaza front, and could reduce tensions in general. In the most optimistic scenario, the reconciliation may even improve the chances of a deal to return captive soldier Gilad Shalit. Haaretz

Boom times in the West Bank

The Fatah-Hamas reconciliation, if successful, will lead to even more optimism in the West Bank, which is having an economic boom in anticipation of recognition of a Palestinian state. With five-star hotels and high-tech companies coming to the region, entrepreneurs are speculating that a Palestinian state could become one of the leading countries in the region. Spiegel

Pakistan's PM encourages Afghanistan's Karzai to dump the US

At an April 16 meeting, Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani lobbied Afghan President Hamid Karzai against building a long-term relationship with the United States, saying that the Americans had failed them both. Instead, Karzai should look to Pakistan and China as allies. If true, this would be consistent with the Generational Dynamics expectation that China, Pakistan and the Sunni Muslim countries would be allied against India and the U.S. in the coming Clash of Civilizations world war. Afghanistan's tribes would be split, with the Pashtuns in the south siding with the Taliban, and the Shia Muslim tribes in the north siding with India. Asian News International (ANI)

However, Pakistan denied the reports. "Reports claiming Gilani-Karzai discussion abt Pakistan advising alignment away fm US are inaccurate," Pakistan's ambassador in Washington, Hussain Haqqani, wrote on his Twitter feed. Pakistan's Foreign Ministry spokesman said, "It is the most ridiculous report we have come across." Reuters

President Barack Obama releases his birth certificate

Now that President Obama has released his birth certificate, does that mean that the vitriolic name calling on both sides will end? Hardly. During America's two previous generational Crisis eras, when acrimony is always at its worst, Abraham Lincoln was deeply hated by many, and just google the words "FDR scandals" to see what happened in the 1930s. Democrats called George Bush an illegimate president from the day he took office, and they vitriolically mocked his Texas accent and Texas hat. His reelection only made them angrier, and they even released a movie, "The Death of a President (2006)," that described Bush's assassination. The Democratic primaries in 2008 were acrimonious, especially as Hillary Clinton and anyone who disagreed with Obama was labeled a racist. So expect the release of the birth certificate to make the "birthers" even angrier, expect the Republicans to continue to find reasons to say that Obama is an illegitimate president, and expect the Democrats to continue to imply that all Republicans, and all people who disagree with Obama, are automatically racist. CS Monitor

Al-Qaeda leader put jihad before a sex life

One of the most senior members of al-Qaeda held at Guantánamo prison took injections "to promote impotence," so more time could be spent on jihad – rather than being distracted by women." Telegraph

(Comments: For reader comments, questions and discussion, see the 28-Apr-11 News -- Palestinian factions announce surprise 'reconciliation' on path to statehood thread of the Generational Dynamics forum. Comments may be posted anonymously.) (28-Apr-2011) Permanent Link
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