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Generational Dynamics Web Log for 18-Jan-2012
18-Jan-12 World View -- Turkey issues nationwide terrorist alert from Iran's Revolutionary Guard

Web Log - January, 2012

18-Jan-12 World View -- Turkey issues nationwide terrorist alert from Iran's Revolutionary Guard

Indonesia will use concrete balls to keep people off train roofs

This morning's key headlines from

Dramatic confrontation builds between EU and Hungary

Thousands of citizens protested on January 2 against the 'Viktator' Orban, who was celebrating inside the Budapest Opera House
Thousands of citizens protested on January 2 against the 'Viktator' Orban, who was celebrating inside the Budapest Opera House

The European Commission, the executive branch of the EU, on Tuesday sent three "Letters of Formal Notice" to Hungary, thereby launching "infringement proceedings" against three laws that took effect on January 1 allegedly violating EU treaties. The three laws allegedly reduce the independence of Hungary's central bank, discriminate against judges, and violate requirements to protect citizens' personal information online. EU President José Manuel Barroso said: "Hungary, like all Member States, is obliged by the EU Treaties to guarantee the independence of its National Central Bank and its Data Protection Authority and the non discrimination of its judges. The Commission is determined to take any legal steps necessary to ensure that the compatibility with European Union legislation is maintained." Europa

Two weeks ago, Hungary's Premier Viktor Orbán appeared to be backing down in the face of warnings from the EU, including the EU's refusal to discuss a bailout of Hungary unless the laws are rescinded. But now, Orbán has struck back by demanding to speak to the European Parliament on Wednesday presumably to refute the charges. The last time that Orbán spoke to the European Parliament was a year ago, over a new media law that allegedly limited political free speech. The visit provoked an extremely vitriolic debate, and Orbán was forced to back down. Associated Press and Financial Times (Access)

Report: Greece is nearing a deal with a 68% haircut for investors

Bruce Richards, CEO of Marathon Asset Management LP, a hedge fund firm heavily invested in Greece's bonds, says that Greece is nearing a deal with private investors that calls for them to take 32 cents per euro, or a 68% haircut, near the high end of the 60-70% range that I reported yesterday. According to Richard, Greece won't make its €14.5 billion bond repayment scheduled for March 20, but that won't be necessary because of this deal. Does anyone want to set up a pool to pick the day when this new deal will fall apart? Bloomberg

Bruce Richards' "leak" may have come about because of a perceived need to bolster market confidence in reaction to statement earlier in the day from Fitch Ratings Service that Greece is insolvent and probably won't be able to honor its March 20 bond payment. According to Fitch, "The so-called private sector involvement, for us, would count as a default, it clearly is a default in our book. So it won’t be a surprise when the Greek default actually happens and we expect it one way or the other to be relatively soon." Bloomberg

Turkey issues nationwide terrorist alert from Iran's Revolutionary Guard

Intelligence units in Turkey's Security General Directorate (EGM) have warned police across the country to be prepared for a possible bomb attack on United States assets, such as the Embassy or the Consulate General, conducted by Iran's Revolutionary Guard or the Quds Force. Lebanon-based Hizbollah may also plan to participate. Iran is becoming increasingly angry at Turkey for three reasons:

Iran has interpreted Turkey’s role in the international community as a threat against its interests, and is convinced the US and Israel are its archenemies seeking to destroy Iran. Turkey is concerned that Iran is leading a new rise of the Shiite Crescent in the region, supporting Shia-backed political blocs in other countries, such as Syria, while creating chaos in those ruled by Sunni leaders, such as Bahrain. Concerns are being expressed on both sides that "the brotherhood of Iran and Turkey, which spans centuries, [may] fall apart." Zaman (Istanbul)

Indonesia will use concrete balls to keep people off train roofs

Top: Commuters cover the roof and hang from doorways.  Bottom: Authorities install concrete balls that will knock people off the roofs.  (Daily Mail / AP)
Top: Commuters cover the roof and hang from doorways. Bottom: Authorities install concrete balls that will knock people off the roofs. (Daily Mail / AP)

After numerous failed attempts to persuade people to stop riding on the roofs of train cars, officials are hoping the threat of injury, or even death, will put a stop to the already dangerous practice. The railway announced on Wednesday that it planned to install hanging deterrents in the form of rows of concrete balls that will stop anything — living or dead — in its tracks. A railway spokesman said the concrete balls would be hung at rooftop height at several stations, and at train crossings. "With this method, we hope the passengers will no longer sit on the train roof, as it is dangerous," said an official. Can you believe this? Jakarta Globe

China and India set up a PR 'working mechanism' on border management

Border disputes between China and India have been getting increasingly vitriolic in the last few years. India and China on Tuesday agreed to set up "a working mechanism on border management" to deal with important affairs related to maintaining peace and tranquility in the border areas. However, it appears to be nothing but a public relations stunt, since it will "undertake other tasks that are mutually agreed upon by the two sides, but will not discuss resolution of the Boundary Question or affect the Special Representatives Mechanism." The Hindu

(Comments: For reader comments, questions and discussion, see the 18-Jan-12 World View -- Turkey issues nationwide terrorist alert from Iran's Revolutionary Guard thread of the Generational Dynamics forum. Comments may be posted anonymously.) (18-Jan-2012) Permanent Link
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