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Generational Dynamics Web Log for 3-May-2012
3-May-12 World View -- U.S. presidential campaign spurs Israel's attack on Iran

Web Log - May, 2012

3-May-12 World View -- U.S. presidential campaign spurs Israel's attack on Iran

Euro zone unemployment hits record high at 10.9%

This morning's key headlines from

Euro zone unemployment hits record high at 10.9%

Young protesters in Lisbon carry a banner saying 'We are all Greek,' listing some youth unemployment rates.  (AP)
Young protesters in Lisbon carry a banner saying 'We are all Greek,' listing some youth unemployment rates. (AP)

The economy of the 17 eurozone countries continues to spiral downward, as a new report shows that unemployment hit a record high of 10.9% March, up from 9.9% a year ago. The euro zone now has more than 17 million people without jobs. Across the euro zone, 22.1% of young people under age 25 are now unemployed. In Greece and Spain, more than 50% are unemployed. What's really striking is the difference between the northern and southern countries. Joblessness was lowest in Austria, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany, where unemployment was at 5.6%. LA Times

U.S. presidential campaign spurs Israel's attack on Iran

Israeli officials, led by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, are convinced that the time for Israel to attack Iran's nuclear facilities is during the U.S. presidential campaign, when neither candidate would risk losing by criticizing Israel. It's thought that not only would Republican challenger Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama refrain from chastening Israel, they might even compete in praising. Arnaud de Borchgrave

Scapegoat du jour: Rupert Murdoch

Beyond what I read in the papers, I have no personal knowledge of whether Rupert Murdoch is guilty of anything, but when I read that one political party in Britain said that Murdoch is "unfit" to run a major international business and the other political did not agree, then you can be pretty sure that some ideological scapegoating is going on. According to the evidence,

The story is very familiar these days. Some individual Gen-X employees believed that their Boomer and Silent management were buffoons, and too stupid to understand technology, and they decided to hack into politicians' phones because they were smarter than anyone else. The whole thing was covered up until it backfired and became public.

We've posted a number of stories like this before. The Gen-X banksters created "high tech" fraudulent high-tech securities, and sold them as AAA, lying to their Boomer bosses.

The difference between the two cases is that Murdoch was extensively investigated, since the politicians whose phones were hacked are furious. But no one wants to investigate the banksters who created the fraudulent securities since the politicians all get huge amounts of money from banksters.

I've been writing a lot about scapegoats lately.

No banksters have been investigated and prosecuted for the financial crisis, but Geir Haarde, the former prime minister of Iceland, was singled out and scapegoated for prosecution over the financial crisis, even though Gordon Brown and other politicians actively encouraged banksters to commit fraud.

And last week a U.N. war crimes tribunal convicted Liberia's former president Charles Taylor of war crimes for selling weapons to people in a war, as if that doesn't happen every day. Independent

Human Rights Watch accuses Syria's president Bashar al-Assad of war crimes

The comedy act continues as United Nations officials continue to tout the Kofi Annan "peace plan" in Syria, which president Bashar al-Assad uses as a shield to allow him to continue to torture, massacre and slaughter innocent Arab citizens as if they were cockroaches. So now Human Rights Watch is accusing al-Assad of war crimes.

But wait a minute. Russia is supplying weapons to Syria for use in carrying out the war crimes. Why isn't Human Rights Watch also naming Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin as war criminals, based on the precedent of last week's conviction of Charles Taylor? LA Times

(Comments: For reader comments, questions and discussion, see the 3-May-12 World View -- U.S. presidential campaign spurs Israel's attack on Iran thread of the Generational Dynamics forum. Comments may be posted anonymously.) (3-May-2012) Permanent Link
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