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Generational Dynamics Web Log for 24-Aug-2012
24-Aug-12 World View -- Large anti-Muslim Brotherhood rally planned in Cairo Egypt on Friday

Web Log - August, 2012

24-Aug-12 World View -- Large anti-Muslim Brotherhood rally planned in Cairo Egypt on Friday

Greece's cash reserves will last until middle of October

This morning's key headlines from

Greece's cash reserves will last until middle of October

Store with 'Shop Closing' sign in Athens (Kathimerini)
Store with 'Shop Closing' sign in Athens (Kathimerini)

European officials are saying that no new bailout payment will be made to Greece until the an audit is completed by early October, to determine whether Greece is able to meet its austerity commitments. If Greece passes, it will receive the next bailout installment of 31.5 billion euros. In the meantime, Greece is issuing short term treasury bills to bring in extra cash. It's freezing payments to suppliers, it's frozen tax rebates, and it's cut other expenses, in order to survive until mid-October. However, to make matters worse, tax collections are down by 2.2 billion euros, as of the end of July. Kathimerini

U.N. forms a special 'Iran team' to investigate nuclear program

Amid almost daily threats of attacks on Iran, the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is forming a special Iran 20-person team, drawing together sleuths in weapons technology, intelligence analysis, radiation and other fields of expertise, to try to get to the truth about Iran's plans for a nuclear weapons plans. Since Iran is blocking many IAEA visits to places in Iran, apparently the new team will look for evidence in other countries (or they could just google "Iran nuclear"). My personal expectation is that there will not be an American or Israeli attack on Iran, although many pundits are predicting it. AP

Egypt's President Morsi issues decree freeing jailed journalist

Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi has issued his first presidential decree, canceling the detention of defendants awaiting trial for media offenses. Morsi was facing increasing criticism in Egypt for the jailing last week of Islam Afifi, a critic of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, of which Morsi is a member. The new decree frees Afifi. Morsi is the first freely elected president in Egypt's 5,000 year history, and he's trying to establish himself as a different kind of president than the deposed Hosni Mubarak. LA Times

Large anti-Muslim Brotherhood rally planned in Cairo Egypt on Friday

Friday is always the day of the biggest "Arab Spring" demonstrations, because people pour out of mosques after Friday midday prayers and take to the streets. A big demonstration in Cairo planned for this Friday has generated controversy because it's targeting the Muslim Brotherhood. One Muslim cleric infuriated a lot of people by claiming, "Whoever joins the 24 August uprising ... will be committing high treason against their nation, God, his prophet and Muslims." He added: "Stand up against them. If they fight you, fight them back… if they kill some of you, the martyrs will go to heaven; and if you kill them, this will be righteous." However, Muslim Brotherhood Secretary-General Mahmoud Hussein quickly said that every citizen enjoyed the right to stage demonstrations – as long as said demonstrations remained within the confines of the law and did not damage public property. Organizers are promising that there will be no violence, but we'll see. Al-Ahram (Cairo)

U.S. plans to create missile defense shield across Asia

The U.S. and Japan are planning a powerful new early-warning radar system in southern Japan. The State Department says that the new system is intended for protection from missiles from North Korea, and has nothing to do with China, but most analysts believe that protection from China's vast array of long-range missiles is at least as important an objective. There have been recent rumors that China is testing a new intercontinental ballistic missile to strike any city in the United States. Earlier this year, analysts revealed that China was developing a new anti-carrier missile with the objective of destroying American aircraft carriers in the Pacific. RT

(Comments: For reader comments, questions and discussion, see the 24-Aug-12 World View -- Large anti-Muslim Brotherhood rally planned in Cairo Egypt on Friday thread of the Generational Dynamics forum. Comments may be posted anonymously.) (24-Aug-2012) Permanent Link
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