Originally Posted by
Eric the Green
Well, he being so naturally small and skinny, no cardio regimen was needed. And he's been lean and very athletic and hyper-active for years already.
That could be. Some folks have very efficient fat burning enzymes. I'll spare the details since that's in the Vandal fodder, 'kay.
No, weight lifting. Essentially, I had a desk job which of course meant I was sitting on my ass. Now, being a good boy, I get routine exams from the doc. The lipd panel came back OK, except for low HDL. Now, there's no drug to fix that. The only known thing that does work is getting to 90% HMAX. I suppose one could sprint/slow down/sprint in intervals because you can't keep going for long at 90% since you're way past your cardiovascular system's ability to get oxygen to working muscle. IOW, you "feel the burn" and pant like a dog on a hot July day. Now, multi joint weight exercises like bench press/squats/dead lifts will get you up to 90% real fast. I think the other factor is that I'm just better at weights than cardio. In a way, I think folks just self select which option without a gene scan. Mine just confirmed what I pretty much already knew from experience. The short story is that if I do weights, I can double my HDL ("good cholesterol". ) Weights also fixes other things like blood pressure, (not as good as when I chucked salt, but still...) and if you're middle aged, they'll increase your bone density so when ya get real old, you won't get bone fractures or collapsed vertebrae, etc. Now, Indie has the other piece for bone health. You need calcium/vitamin D/magnesium/vitamin K to the bones have what they need to mineralize when stimulated to do so. IIRC, you lean towards the cardio side. You might want to check out wind sprints.
No doubt about that; he has the money and support none of us have, although I admire his efficient use of time; something most of us can only dream of. He's a man in motion; less so than in the hyper-active, whirlwind days of 2010, but still impressive. Congrats on your own achievements though.
I'll grant you he's not an obese mess like so much of America (especially Oklahoma).
The best part about the whole thing is the song. "Bigger" is such a gem; such a perfect melody and performance. And so prophetic of what he would become, and would
need to say later to all his "haters." Even though his voice was too high and he was too young for lots of macho guys, the high point of his performance skills may have been his first EP
My World (e.g.
One Less Lonely Girl,
Love Me; just amazing vocal harmonies and spirit!). And his dancing skills were better then too, I think. But now he's making even ME a little jealous with his muscles. I wanted that when
I was 19. But I could never have beaten a retired basketball superstar in a celebrity match. Ratt is a champ, in several ways.
Obviously difference in music taste, been there, done that. Muscles? Uh, there I fail to see any reason to be jealous. He's in his physical prime, we're not. I remember lugging railroad ties from where my dad's garden was to make a border for mine at age 14. I couldn't pick 'em up and carry them, but dragging 'em over and placing them as a border was so easy then. I also had the stamina to stash a bunch of rocks in a backpack at age 14. My dad and one of my aunts/uncles had a cabin in NM. There was a place where you could get mineral at the top of a mountain. I managed to lug those things up and down steep slopes. My 5 mile paper route is probably what did that. I think if you lug 100+ papers in Oklahoma's crazy weather, you'll get fit and stay fit quite nicely. There's a reason why 20 somethings are draft eligible and we're not. It would take both of us a while to recover from microtraumas to mucles. In basic, your 20 something gets fit in a hurry because the microtrauma/recovery cycle is matched up. If you're 51, you haven't recovered so you just end up "overtrained" and become a wreck.
Safe for me to ignore....
You don't Vandal to stop by your temple?
MBTI step II type : Expressive INTP
There's an annual contest at Bond University, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term:
The winning student wrote:
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and promoted by mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end."