Originally Posted by
JDG 66
-My point is that troops are going to be based somewhere (we haven't invented the TARDIS yet). A foreign base might be cheaper than a US one. It is possible that sticking more guys in a pre-existing US base might be cheaper than putting them in a new foreign base, but you have to figure that on a case by case basis.
The cheapest option is to just muster the troops out. Again, we do not need anywhere near the Cold War troop levels. No USSR, no Cold War shit. In any even if Russia wants W. Europe, let 'em have it. That place is a clusterfuck right now. So, we don't need a TARDIS or any other fictional machines either.
Now, here's another option. I think the US is hopelessly dumb wrt 4GW. OK,
1. In theory, some military folks are smart enough to become cyber security experts. We DO need to harden some soft targets like the power grid. Perhaps we can modularize it into a number of sub components based on geography or however the the switching stations are laid out. Switching stations have some sort of hardware that is programmed. The goal would be to cordon off each sub component off from all of the others. Within each component, the programed hardware would be "trusted". For the links to the surrounding modules, you'd need firewalls of some sort to check for malicious instructions or even surges from stuff like solar flares. So if some hacker compromises one part of the grid, the rest of the grid is protected. One could also extend this to solar flare induced surges. Normally, solar flares could cause an overload which goes and trips a bunch of hardware all over the place and takes the whole grid down with it. Cf. "cascade effect". This concept is based on simple "structured" computer programming. Instead of one huge computer program of spaghetti code, one writes a program with subroutines, which makes debugging easier for one thing, makes it easier to write secure code, and limits bugs to just one section of code.
2. Ports/harbors. Obvious soft target. Station some soldiers with bomb sniffing dogs. I have a lab. They can smell anything.
3. Rail interchanges. Same as ports/harbors.
4. Place these folks under a superior officer who can educate our lame brained Congress about this stuff. See, now we're not fighting the last war. We are in the age of "info wars"
...Germany has a problem, but most countries don't.
Another reason to bail out of Europe. Like I posted to Justin'77 over on the Crazy Russia thread, economic clusterfucks tend to lead to social clusterfucks. In this case, I think Russia is sane and W. Europe is insane. I do think it would also be a proactive move to bail before A W. Europe beserk fest.
-I have all the sympathy in the world for the Kurds, are the largest ethnic group in the Middle East without their own country (and far more deserving than the Palestinians). But creating a land-locked country (out of just the Iraqi part, my you) with claims on Turkey, Iran and Syria was not likley to turn out well. What Iraq could use is the concept of
I agree pretty much here. , here's the scoop on the PKK. This is one of Rumsfeld's known unknowns. How would the PKK fit into this mess? I don't think it wise to give the PKK a base of operation.

Originally Posted by
'58 flat
We could live - or maybe not live! - to regret not listening to Joe Biden, who wanted to do right by the Kurds by engineering a three-way partition of Iraq.
Does Biden know about the PKK? What do you think we should do? As for moi, since the PKK is a designated terrorist organization, Iraqi Federalism may work, if the central government is strong enough to keep the PKK out so Turkey won't be going after Iraq from assorted provacations. Cf. Turkey getting quite annoyed when Syria shot down one of their aircraft. Now if the Iraq is a "failed" state, then my answer is there is no answer because this is unfixable. The same can be said for the Afghan/Pakistan border.The Pakistani central government has no control over the border area. This is precisely why the Taliban have set up base there and harries Afhanistan. So, I'd stash this as also unfixable, since as far as the border area, Pakistan is a failed state. Obviously, Somalia is the poster child of a failed state. There is no central government there. So it boils down to this. If we're confronted with a failed state situation, the notion of fixing things that involve them needs to go out the window.
Last edited by Ragnarök_62; 07-08-2012 at 01:34 AM.
MBTI step II type : Expressive INTP
There's an annual contest at Bond University, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term:
The winning student wrote:
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and promoted by mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end."