Originally Posted by
JDG 66
-We intervened in Libya, and we don't know how that's going to turn out. We didn't in Egypt, and that doesn't look so good right now.
This is true. but Eric is happy about the ensuring purple finger affect. Since the purple finger effect != my US *nationalist tendencies, I tend to become a shade of green with cynicism. By "nationalist", I mean the diametric opposite of being a "globalist". While foreign policy should be based on "what are our interests are". As such:
1. A nationalist foreign policy is one where intervention is not carried out unless there is some existential threat to the US.
2. Forbidden actions:
a. Interventions based upon emotional appeal.
b. Interventions which serve globalists' interests.
c. Interventions which serve economic oligopolies
2.Policies deamed actionable:
a.An explicit policy of hardening soft targets like the power grid.
b.An explicit policy of determining and rectifying single points of failure in sort targets (infrastructure like the power grid).
c.An explicit policy of assessing 4th generation tactics and weapons. See struxnet. Appropriate militar assets will be deployed in a manner to mitigate and neutralize specific actors in the conduct 4th generation warfare against US targets. Said actors include, but are not necessarily limited to, organized crime organizations, multinational corporations, and rogue states.
These policies set forth shall also be used as a "jobs redeployment program" to neutralize assorted bleating from the MIC about jobs lost when useless weapons programs get cancelled and bases which are not aligned with the policy are closed. The soldiers shall be mustered out, but may be redeployed if their skill sets match those as set down in "the policy". If there is a shortage, then the musterees may train up to fill the jobs with the approval of the DOD, department of asymmetric warfare.
-Differrence: The mass murderers in Syria are the government, working on behalf of said government.
Yes, it may be a difference. However, Mexican drug cartels fall under "organized crime organizations". Also, since they do things like use military type weapons right here in the US, then there is a clear national interest in neutralizing them (when on our soil). Their actions in Mexico are of course a different matter. Mexico as a sovereign nation would deserve equal say in any actions (if any) we jointly agree to undertake. The policy forbids unilateral actions like the use of drones in Mexico without their approval.
-Actually, Iraq is one of the least screwed up Arab countries right now. Of course, the Kurdish part (as you hint at) is the safest.
Yes, and I hope Iraq has the sense to keep the PKK at arms length to preclude issues with Turkey.
-Dumb in the long run. We aren't anywhere near Cold War levels. What you advocate has been an American failing since the beginning. It's easier to maintain a military (once you gave it), than to try to build one up after you've torn it back down. Do we need an army of 560K? Probably not. But the further down you go, the less of a basis you have to re-build on. And I guarantee, we will...
1. Why dumb in the long run? I'd use the money now going to black hole projects like the F-35 boondoggle and build some wind turbines or something.
2.I certainly see no need for based in Germany. Sorry Europe, though sort of messed wrt Euro are big boys now. They can take care of themselves.
3.I prefer the term "creative destruction". With 4G warfare, an internet connection would substitute for a base just fine. They're just sitting ducks in any event if some suicide bomber decides he/she wants to commit asymmetric damage. In a lot of places, they go against "the policy"
. The policy is meant to be aligned with the general domestic affairs agenda as set forth in "the platform".
Last edited by Ragnarök_62; 07-22-2012 at 12:21 AM.
MBTI step II type : Expressive INTP
There's an annual contest at Bond University, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term:
The winning student wrote:
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and promoted by mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end."