*** 9-Jun-13 World View -- Obama and China's Xi Jinping endorse new cooperative relationship
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- China's Xi Jinping and Obama endorse 'new model' of relationship
- Churchill and FDR never met Hitler
- Pakistan strongly protests Friday's drone strike
**** China's Xi Jinping and Obama endorse 'new model' of relationship

Xi and Obama having informal shirtsleeve discussions (Reuters)
Saying that his meeting with China's president Xi Jinping
was "terrific," President Barack Obama met with the Chinese
leader for several hours on Friday and Saturday. Prior
to the meeting, both leaders endorsed a "new model" of
U.S.-China cooperation. Prior to the meeting,
Obama said:
<QUOTE>"This will give me an opportunity to reiterate how the
United States welcomes the continuing peaceful rise of China as
world power and that in fact it is in the United States' interest
that China continues on the path of success.
The United States seeks an international economy and seeks an
international economic order where nations are playing by the same
rules, where trade is free and fair and where the United States
and China work together to address issues like cybersecurity and
protection of intellectual property."<END QUOTE>
Xi also called for "a new model of major country relations," and said,
<QUOTE>"I’m confident that our meeting will achieve positive
outcomes and inject fresh momentum into the China-U.S.
relationship."<END QUOTE>
Politico and CBS News
**** Churchill and FDR never met Hitler
Neither American president Franklin Delano Roosevelt nor British prime
minister Winston Churchill ever met Germany's Fuhrer Adolf Hitler face
to face. However, Churchill's predecessor, Neville Chamberlain did
meet Hitler face to face in Berlin, and came back to Britain promising
"peace in our time." He came with an agreement signed by Hitler that
promised a new model of British-German cooperation. The agreement
<QUOTE>"We, the German Führer and Chancellor, and the British
Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in
recognizing that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the
first importance for our two countries and for Europe.
We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German
Naval Agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never
to go to war with one another again. We are resolved that the
method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with
any other questions that may concern our two countries, and we are
determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of
difference, and thus to contribute to assure the peace of
Europe."<END QUOTE>
The agreement met with worldwide praise, and was considered to be a
historic turning point in German-British relations, in that
disagreements would be solved by diplomacy and negotiation.
After the war, Hitler's comments on the meeting were revealed:
<QUOTE>"Well, he seemed such a nice old gentleman, I thought
I would give him my autograph as a souvenir."<END QUOTE>
Euro Docs and Gordon State
**** Pakistan strongly protests Friday's drone strike
Pakistan summoned the U.S. Charge d'Affaires on Saturday to protest
Friday's drone strike (see "8-Jun-13 World View -- U.S. snubs Pakistan with new drone strikes in Waziristan"
). Pakistan's Ministry of
Foreign Affairs issued the following statement:
<QUOTE>"On the Prime Minister’s [Nawaz Sharif] instructions,
the US Charge d’ Affaires, Ambassador Richard Hoagland was
summoned this afternoon to the Foreign Office by Special Assistant
to the Prime Minister and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs,
Mr. Tariq Fatemi to lodge a strong protest on the US drone strike
carried out in North Waziristan on 07 June 2013. The US official
was handed a demarche in this regard.
It was conveyed to the US CdA that the Government of Pakistan
strongly condemns the drone strikes which are a violation of
Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The importance
of bringing an immediate end to drone strikes was emphasized.
It was also pointed out that the Government of Pakistan has
consistently maintained that drone strikes are counter-productive,
entail loss of innocent civilian lives and have human rights and
humanitarian implications.
It was also stressed that these drone strikes have a negative
impact on the mutual desire of both countries to forge a cordial
and cooperative relationship and to ensure peace and stability in
the region."<END QUOTE>
Friday's drone strike killed a key Pakistani Taliban commander, Mutaqi
alias Bahadar Khan, along with six suspected militants. The drone
strikes are extremely unpopular with the Pakistani people, many of
whom blame the frequent terrorist violence on the drone strikes. The
drone strikes were a major issue in the recent elections that brought
Nawaz Sharif to power, and he has demanded several times that they
end. However, this puts him in apparent conflict with Pakistan's army
and intelligence services, who are thought to favor the drone strikes
as an important tool in the fight against the Taliban. Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Dawn (Pakistan)
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, China, Xi Jinping,
Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
Neville Chamberlain, Adolf Hitler, Britain, Germany,
Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif, Richard Hoagland,
Tariq Fatemi, Mutaqi, Bahadar Khan, Taliban
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