*** 14-Jun-13 World View -- U.S. escalates Syria crisis with confirmation of chemical weapons
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- U.S. escalates Syria crisis with confirmation of chemical weapons
- Bill Clinton slams Barack Obama for Syria leadership failures
- Qusair battle turns Sunni Arab people and nations against Hezbollah
- Congressmen whine because Obamacare applies to them
**** U.S. escalates Syria crisis with confirmation of chemical weapons

Funeral for Hashem Salman, 28, who was who was shot and killed at a rally outside Beirut's Iranian Embassy Sunday while protesting Hezbollahs involvement in the Syrian conflict. (Daily Star)
The White House issued a statement late on Thursday confirming that
the regime of Syria's president Bashar al-Assad has crossed a "red
line" with the use of chemical weapons on its own people, causing some
150 deaths:
<QUOTE>"Following a deliberative review, our intelligence
community assesses that the Assad regime has used chemical
weapons, including the nerve agent sarin, on a small scale against
the opposition multiple times in the last year. Our intelligence
community has high confidence in that assessment given multiple,
independent streams of information. The intelligence community
estimates that 100 to 150 people have died from detected chemical
weapons attacks in Syria to date; however, casualty data is likely
incomplete. While the lethality of these attacks make up only a
small portion of the catastrophic loss of life in Syria, which now
stands at more than 90,000 deaths, the use of chemical weapons
violates international norms and crosses clear red lines that have
existed within the international community for decades. We believe
that the Assad regime maintains control of these weapons. We have
no reliable, corroborated reporting to indicate that the
opposition in Syria has acquired or used chemical
weapons. ...
The President has been clear that the use of chemical weapons or
the transfer of chemical weapons to terrorist groups is a red
line for the United States, as there has long been an established
norm within the international community against the use of
chemical weapons. Our intelligence community now has a high
confidence assessment that chemical weapons have been used on a
small scale by the Assad regime in Syria. The President has said
that the use of chemical weapons would change his calculus, and it
has. ...
Put simply, the Assad regime should know that its actions have led
us to increase the scope and scale of assistance that we provide
to the opposition, including direct support to the SMC. These
efforts will increase going forward.
The United States and the international community have a number of
other legal, financial, diplomatic, and military responses
available. We are prepared for all contingencies, and we will make
decisions on our own timeline."<END QUOTE>
However, while this statement escalates the rhetoric, it avoids
talking about any specific action, presumably for the same reasons as
before -- that any aid given to the rebel groups could fall into the
hands of Jabhat al-Nusra or other al-Qaeda linked groups. The problem
is that President Obama has repeatedly used highly threatening
rhetoric, sometimes specifying "red lines," but has taken no action
when a red line is crossed except to move the red line. This has
subjected him to some ridicule in the Mideast. Now it appears to be
happening again, although Obama has promised to evaluate all options.
**** Bill Clinton slams Barack Obama for Syria leadership failures
The harshest critic of president Barack Obama on lack of leadership in
Syria has been Senator John McCain. But now, former president Bill
Clinton has said that he agrees with McCain. At a press
event on Tuesday held jointly with McCain, Clinton criticized
Obama for allowing his decisions to be too strongly guided
by opinion polls:
Some people say, 'Okay, see what a big mess it is? Stay out!' I
think thats a big mistake. I agree with you [McCain] about this.
Sometimes its just best to get caught trying, as long as you
dont overcommit like, as long as you dont make an improvident
Nobody is asking for American soldiers in Syria. The only
question is now that the Russians, the Iranians and the Hezbollah
are in there head over heels, 90 miles to nothing, should we try
to do something to try to slow their gains and rebalance the power
so that these rebel groups have a decent chance, if theyre
supported by a majority of the people, to prevail? ...
[If you blame a lack of action because] there was a poll in the
morning paper that said 80 percent of you were against it
... youd look like a total wuss. And you would be."<END QUOTE>[/i][/indent]
Suggesting that president Obama might look like a "total wuss" is
pretty strong language. Politico
**** Qusair battle turns Sunni Arab people and nations against Hezbollah
The White House justified its statement Thursday threatening action in
Syria because of chemical weapons, but that's really old news. It's
far more likely that the White House was pressured by last week's news
of the stunning victory by the al-Assad regime in Qusair, aided by
Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon. Analysts that I've heard
have expressed little doubt that Assad could not have won
that battle without help from Hezbollah's fighters, who have
been trained in street fighting by Iran.
Hezbollah's popularity surged among Sunni Muslim Arabs in the wake of
the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, at a time when
Sunni and Shia Muslims were largely united over the American military
in Iraq. However, all of that changed very rapidly in the last few
weeks, since Hezbollah's leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah gave a fiery
speech promising to defeat Sunni Muslims in Syria, and then followed
up by supporting al-Assad's Shia-Alawite army in Qusair.
According one Saudi writer, the attitude of the Sunni Arab public has
become vitriolic:
<QUOTE>"They have exposed a malicious racist spirit that
places its pains above all others pain. They are moved by the
desire of blind vengeance. They know no mercy, tolerance or
justice. They consider that the ones responsible for all these
pains are everyone who belongs to the sect of the tyrant. This is
how crimes were attributed to people who have nothing to do with
the fighting in the Syria. They were only attributed to them
because they happen to belong to the same sect. ...
At first, I thought they were bats of darkness on Twitter. I
thought they were masked people who enjoy insulting, criticizing
and accusing others of infidelity on Twitter because they know no
one can pursue them or hold them accountable. But I later realized
that the situation is far more dangerous and expanded than that. A
university scholar who teaches in a prominent university in our
country wrote 'we must remind our children that the infidel Shiite
and Alawites are the ones who [committed crimes] against our
people in Qusair. I will spit in the face of whoever preaches to
me about tolerance.' A Saudi reminded him of humanitarian,
cultural, national and religious references that unite people and
described the formers stance as reactionary and primitive. The
university teacher responded saying: 'Welcome to reactionism and
primitiveness that will purge our country of your
impurity.'"<END QUOTE>
The Sunni Arab Muslim vitriol at Hezbollah is being translated
into threats by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) of Sunni
Arab nations.
<QUOTE>"The GCC strongly condemns Hezbollahs blatant
intervention in the crisis in Syria which caused the death of
civilians. ...
Hezbollahs illegal intervention and the horrific practices of its
militias in the region will harm its interests in GCC countries.
The GCC council decided to take measures against Hezbollah
loyalists' residencies as well as their financial and trade
transactions."<END QUOTE>
The exact sanctions were not described, but this kind of statement
directed against Hezbollah would have been unthinkable a few
weeks ago.
For years I've been writing that the Mideast is heading to a new war
between Sunni and Shia Muslims, between Israelis and Arabs, refighting
the genocidal 1948 war that followed the partitioning of Palestine and
the creation of the state of Israel. It's now a possibility that this
war will be an expansion of the war in Syria, triggered by the
invasion of Hezbollah militias into Syria. Daily Star (Beirut) and Al Arabiya (Dubai)
**** Congressmen whine because Obamacare applies to them
This is really hilarious. Republicans and Democrats in Congress, and
their aides, have suddenly discovered that the Obamacare law, which
nobody read before it was passed, actually applies to them. They're
whining and panicking because their health insurance costs will
skyrocket, and the resulting policies won't be as good. It couldn't
happen to a nicer bunch of people. Politico
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Syria, Hashem Salman, Hezbollah, Lebanon,
Bashar al-Assad, Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda,
John McCain, Bill Clinton, Qusair, Israel,
Gulf Cooperation Council, GCC, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah,
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