*** 10-Aug-13 World View -- Reports of an Israeli drone strike in Sinai disputed by Egyptians
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- Reports of an Israeli drone strike in Sinai disputed by Egyptians
- Russia's Georgia invasion roils Azerbaijan-Armenia tensions
- Dept. of Justice accuses Bank of America of securities fraud
**** Reports of an Israeli drone strike in Sinai disputed by Egyptians

Egyptian military tanks deployed in Sinai last month (AFP)
One or two large explosions on Friday afternoon in the Sinai region of
Egypt, near the borders of Gaza and Israel, killed four or five
jihadist militants, and wiped out a jihadist radar installation,
according to first reports. Egyptian sources were quoted as saying
that the explosion was caused by a missile attack from an Israeli
drone, launched with permission of the Egyptian army, as part of the
increasingly close cooperation between the two armies against a common
enemy. However, later in the day, an Egyptian army spokesperson
stressed that there's no truth to media claims of an Israeli attack on
Egyptian soil, nor to claims of Egyptian-Israeli coordination.
Al Ahram (Cairo) and Jerusalem Post
**** Dept. of Justice accuses Bank of America of securities fraud
President Obama's Dept. of Justice has adamantly refused to
investigate and prosecute the criminals who caused the financial
crisis, which is far from over, with the result that no one has gone
to jail for one of the greatest crimes in history. This week's
decision by the Justice Dept. to charge Bank of America with
securities fraud for knowingly selling billions of dollars in faulty
mortgage-backed securities does not change that.
According to William K. Black, who was the senior regulator
investigating the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s:
<QUOTE>"Yes. So this, first, is a civil suit, not a criminal
prosecution. And even in a civil suit, the Department of Justice
has refused to sue any of the senior officers who, according to
this complaint, became wealthy through leading this massive fraud
by Bank of America. ...
The allegation of the nature of the fraud is that Bank of America
knew that it was selling product that was often fraudulent and
was--mortgage product that was often fraudulent and was in any
event of very poor quality, and that it lied in its
representations to Wachovia and the Federal Home Loan Bank of San
Francisco in order to induce them and others to purchase the
alleged best portion of this mortgage-backed security.
And there are some more interesting allegations along the way,
interesting because I think the Department of Justice doesn't
explain how--understand how embarrassing they are to the
Department of Justice. So one of the allegations, for example,
says that Bank of America, after it realized that one of its loan
officers was working with a borrower to commit a fraud, fired the
loan officer, made a criminal referral to the Department of
Justice. That loan officer, former loan officer, is under
indictment; in other words, he's going to be criminally
prosecuted; and that they still--they being Bank of America--still
sold that loan under representations and warranties that it was a
great long, even though they knew it was in fact a product of
multiple frauds. And, of course, the loan blew up and caused
substantial losses.
Now, of course, the question that everyone in the world except the
Justice Department would ask is the complaint goes on to say that
Bank of America employees came under intense pressure from senior
officials at the Bank of America to deliberately make bad loans
and to approve bad loans made by loan brokers, that they were
specifically instructed that their job was not to find fraud, that
their bonus packages depended on approving really crappy
loans. And they got extra big bonuses if they exceeded their
quotas. And the only way to do that was to approve all kinds of
terrible loans."<END QUOTE>
In other words, the Justice Dept. is not prosecuting the real
criminals in order to hide their own complicity in the criminal
activities. And as I've pointed out in the past, these senior
bank officials contributed enormous sums of money to Obama's
reelection campaign, and are immune from prosecution.
There is massive corruption in Washington and on Wall Street and in
the mainstream media. As Hannah Arendt documented in the early days
of Nazi Germany, respectable people are actually gangsters, and
gangsters are treated as respectable people. Reuters and Willam K. Black
**** Russia's Georgia invasion roils Azerbaijan-Armenia tensions

Nagorno-Karabakh (BBC)
Azerbaijan is arming to the teeth. Armenia is growing increasingly
disillusioned with Russia, its main protector. And the potential for
armed conflict in the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region appears higher
than it has been in years. Many of the increased tensions throughout
the Caucasus can be attributed to Russia's decisive victory in its
2008 5-day invasion of Georgia, in support of the separatist region of
South Ossetia, for years a province a Georgia. As a result of that
war, Russia's role as powerbroker in the region was undermined,
according to an analyst:
<QUOTE>"[The war] sent also a signal to other post-Soviet
countries that Russia is willing to use force to implement its
interests. It also undermined Russia's role, to some extent, as a
player which has allies, maybe, in the region."<END QUOTE>
Armenia and Azerbaijan fought a very bloody war that ended in 1994
with Armenia gaining control of Nagorno-Karabakh, a region in the
middle of Azerbaijan. According to an Azerbaijani politician:
<QUOTE>"The war between Russia and Georgia was, in reality,
an aggression of Russia against independent Georgia -- there is no
doubt. And it is a very dangerous action after the collapse of
the Soviet Union in the Caucasus because it demonstrates that
Russia is the same empire -- very aggressive to all peoples and to
all small nations in the region."<END QUOTE>
Russia tried and failed to mediate between the two countries, but that
attempt failed after the 2008 war. Today, Russia has largely reduced
its role to that of the main arms supplier to both sides. RFERL
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Israel, Egypt, Sinai, Gaza,
Azerbaijan, Armenia, Russia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Georgia,
Bank of America, William K. Black, Hannah Arendt
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