*** 14-Sep-13 World View -- Ban Ki-moon accidentally tells the truth about Syria
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- Syria discussion on Framingham Mass. TV on Sunday
- Ban Ki-moon accidentally tells the truth about Syria
- Russia elated by its diplomatic victory on Syria
- Reports: Assad's troops dispersing them throughout Syria
- The Way the World Works
**** Syria discussion on Framingham Mass. TV on Sunday
Massachusetts residents who have access to Framingham TV should tune
in on Sunday (9/15) evening at 6 pm, where I'll be the guest on the
subject of Syria on Jim Pillsbury's news/talk show.
**** Ban Ki-moon accidentally tells the truth about Syria

Ban Ki-moon thinking he's speaking privately on Friday (Al-Jazeera)
I keep trying to stay away from the Syria situation frankly because
it's depressing to keep seeing first Congress then KGB officer
Vladimir Putin and psychopathic Bashar al-Assad continue to make fools
of the community organizer President of the United States and the
administration, as the latter bumble from one flip-flop and gaffe to
the next. But I keep getting pulled back in by the sheer astonishment
I feel because of the unbelievably ridiculous play that's being acted
out in the international community.
Friday's stunner occurred when United Nations secretary-general Ban
Ki-moon told the truth about Syria's president Bashar al-Assad when he
thought he was talking privately. Instead, his remarks were seen and
heard by all the U.N. journalists. Here's what he said:
<QUOTE>"What happened is that [al-Assad] has committed many
crimes against humanity. Therefore, I'm sure that there will be
surely the process of accountability when everything is over. ...
Our team will come out soon with the report. But I believe the
report will be overwhelming, overwhelming report that the chemical
weapons were used, even though I cannot publicly say at this time
before I have received this report."<END QUOTE>
Ban also gave a U.N. estimate that the August 21 chemical weapons
attack killed 1,400 people. Ban did not say that the al-Assad regime
was responsible for the chemical weapons attack, though he arguably
implied it. The "many crimes against humanity" that Ban was referring
to were committed with tanks and missiles and bombs and other
"conventional" weapons, that have killed over 100,000 people and
displaced millions from their homes. The U.N. official report is
expected on Monday.
Now Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are negotiating over this
ridiculous proposal to destroy Syria's chemical weapons. This has
been endlessly discussed on every news show, and every analyst has
said that it would take years to accomplish this, which means that
it's never going to happen. This is just one more way that Russia and
Syria are making fools of the U.S. administration. AFP and Fox News
**** Russia elated by its diplomatic victory on Syria
It was just a couple of weeks ago when President Barack Obama was
snubbing Russia's president Vladimir Putin because Putin was gloating
over having given asylum to American traitor Edward Snowden. Now
Putin has not only completely humiliated the American administration,
but has also stopped cold the President's avowed intention to respond
forcefully to Syria's use of chemical weapons. In fact, the military
action was going to destroy al-Assad's air force, the principal weapon
that he had to commit crimes against humanity against his own people.
Al-Assad is now free to resume full mass slaughter of his people,
using the heavy weapons supplied by Putin.
So now we come to Thursday's stunning event: Vladimir Putin's
op-ed, published by the NY Times.
<QUOTE>"The United Nations’ founders understood that
decisions affecting war and peace should happen only by consensus,
and with America’s consent the veto by Security Council permanent
members was enshrined in the United Nations Charter. The profound
wisdom of this has underpinned the stability of international
relations for decades.
No one wants the United Nations to suffer the fate of the League
of Nations, which collapsed because it lacked real leverage. This
is possible if influential countries bypass the United Nations and
take military action without Security Council
authorization."<END QUOTE>
This is laughable. The United Nations is already as useless as the
League of Nations, and Putin has made it so. As I wrote in 2011,
Russia's policy since the Libyan action has been to use the United
Nations to cripple NATO and the United States, leaving it free to
pursue any military operations it wants.
( "22-Apr-11 News -- Russia seeks to cripple Nato through Libya United Nations politics" )
Thus, Russia invaded Georgia in 2008, without asking for approval from
the United Nations. Russia still has troops in Georgia, without
asking for U.N. approval. Russia has annexed to of Georgia's
provinces, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, without asking for
U.N. approval. Russia is supplying masses of heavy weapons to
al-Assad, where they're being used to commit crimes against humanity,
all without asking for U.N. approval. So Putin's policies have been
astonishingly successful. He's free to pursue any military policies
he wants, and at the same time he's using the United States to cripple
American and Nato policy. It's absolutely incredible, and it's only
possible because of America's phenomenally incompetent foreign affairs
<QUOTE>"My working and personal relationship with President
Obama is marked by growing trust. I appreciate this. I carefully
studied his address to the nation on Tuesday. And I would rather
disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating
that the United States’ policy is “what makes America
different. It’s what makes us exceptional.” It is extremely
dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional,
whatever the motivation."<END QUOTE>
This is making my head explode. Of course he appreciates Obama's
Tuesday address to the nation, because Obama totally capitulated
to Putin. What's there not to like for Putin?
Well he found something. It's dangerous, according to Putin, for
America to see itself as exceptional.
The concept of America being exceptional is a new one for Obama,
who's spent most of his life listening to his mentor, Reverend
Jeremiah Wright, say things like "God Damn America! God Damn
America!" And Obama began his presidency by apologizing for
almost everything. So apparently the president has even
"evolved" enough to say that America is not exceptional. It
was such a strange thing for Obama to be saying, that perhaps
even Putin was astonished.
It's possible that Putin went too far. Democratic Sen. Robert
Menendez said that Putin's op-ed made him almost want to throw up, and
House Speaker John Boehner said he was "insulted." Washington Post and CNN
**** Reports: Assad's troops dispersing them throughout Syria
The chemical weapons negotiations between America and Russia are
farcical on their face, as described above, since even in the best of
circumstances it would take years to accomplish the goal of destroying
the chemical weapons. But now there are numerous reports that Bashar
al-Assad's army has been moving the chemical weapons about 50 other
sites within the country. This means that the entire negotiation is
just another joke that Russia and Syria are playing on Obama and
Kerry. Independent (London)
**** The Way the World Works
Some people are suggesting that after President Barack Obama and
Secretary of State John Kerry have been so incompetent and shown such
weakness and confusion, that now many nations -- China, Iran, Russia,
etc. -- will feel free to do whatever they want because they know they
can get away with anything.
But that's not the way the world works.
At some point, community organizer Barack Obama is going to be sick
and tired of being made a fool of by one person after another, and
he'll get angry and strike back. That may mean, for example, taking
some military action WITHOUT first asking permission from Vladimir
Putin or Congress. The military action might be successful, but also
it might impulsive, might be disastrous, might even cause a war.
Even forgetting that, the Syria debacle will have further inflamed
Sunni and Shia jihadists who are heading for Syria to fight, and will
dash the hopes of the millions of Syrian refugees who had been hoping
that they might return to their homes soon.
Those who believe that Putin's victories this week mean the world is a
safer place should understand that the opposite is true. The Syria
debacle has made the world a much more dangerous place. That's the
way the world works.
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Syria, Bashar al-Assad,
United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, Russia, Vladimir Putin,
John Kerry, Edward Snowden
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