*** 23-Oct-13 World View -- Saudi Arabia continues its break with the United States
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- News of the day from Iran
- Saudi Arabia continues its break with the United States
- Prime Minister of Pakistan asks for U.S. help with India
**** News of the day from Iran

Iranian college girls wearing the hijab
Here are some interesting political stories from Iran:
<QUOTE>"Several MPs criticized President Hassan Rouhani’s
recent statements in which he said that the country’s treasury is
empty. MP Abdolvahid Fiazi said, "Mr. Rouhani’s statements are
contrary to the statements of the Economy Minister. We ask the
administration to convey the reality of the matter to the
people."<END QUOTE>
This is interesting because there's a political conflict brewing in
Iran over the economy. Western economic sanctions have badly hurt
Iran's economy, and the new president Hassan Rouhani has as much as
admitted it in recent statements. But his political opponents are
displeased with the admission, and would rather pretend that there are
no economic problems.
<QUOTE>"Justice Minister Hojjat al-Eslam Mostafa Pour
Mohammadi stated, "[The slogan of] 'Death to America' is not one
of the necessities of our country, but our country is an
anti-Arrogant [anti-Western] country. If there is a need, we will
negotiate, and if it is necessary to agree with the enemy we will
even do so. This is because it is no problem for us to agree with
the enemy for our interests, but we must know that he is the
enemy."<END QUOTE>
The phrase "Death to America" has become a compulsory patriotic phrase
in Iran, ever since the Great Islamic Revolution in 1979 and the
Iranian hostage crisis in 1980. If you're not willing to chant "Death
to America!" on any occasion, then you're not a true revolutionary
Iranian. But as the younger generations have grown up, many of them
like America, and think that "Death to America!" is irrelevant. This
has become an issue between the generations in today's Iran, which is
in a generational Awakening era (like America in the 1960s).
<QUOTE>"Earlier this week, Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini's
granddaughter, Zahra Eshraghi, told Sharq Parsi website that she
sought to be a "taboo breaker" in the matter of hijab because she
"always opposed the way ladies whom are active in the government
dressed and [does] not agree with it at all." She added, "If they
want to introduce Islam, they can do this with better clothing and
hijab." Representative of the Supreme Leader to Greater Tehran
IRGC Hojjat al-Eslam Abdolali Govahi subsequently criticized her,
and said, "You are damned wrong. Who are you to do such a thing?
If we do not say anything it is due to the dignity of Imam
[Khomeini] and the Imam’s family."<END QUOTE>
I posted several funny stories during the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad era
about Iran's police rounding up women wearing loose hijabs
(headscarves) or no hijabs and carting them off to jail, where they
are lectured on proper dress for a young Iranian woman. Now here you
have the granddaughter of Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini, who was the
original Supreme Leader in the 1979 revolution, criticizing the
arbitrary hijab requirement, and receiving harsh criticism from the
older generation of survivors of the Great Revolution. This is
exactly the kind of thing that happened during America's Awakening era
in the 1960s, when girls were wearing miniskirts and hot pants, and
were burning their bras, to harsh criticism from their parents and the
WW II survivor generation. Khomeini must be spinning in his grave.
AEI Iran Tracker
**** Saudi Arabia continues its break with the United States
Ever since Saudi Arabia's surprise rejection, last Friday, of a prized
seat on the United Nations Security Council, Saudi officials have been
lambasting the United Nations for its hypocricy, and President Barack
Obama in particular for adopting policies inimical to Saudi Arabia.
The split really began when the Obama administration threw Egypt's
leader Hosni Mubarak under the bus when the Arab Revolution began in
2011. Most recently the Saudis are furious at Obama's flip-flop and
subsequent decision not to strike the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria,
and then the administration's apparent growing closeness to Saudi
enemy Iran. In addition, the Obama administration failed to
support the Saudis during the Bahrain uprising.
Saudi Prince Bandar Bin Sultan al-Saud, 64, was Saudi Arabia's
ambassador to the United States from 1983 to 2005. He lost influence
after that because of loss of confidence from King Abdullah, according
to reports. But now Bandar is back in the spotlight, leading the
change in policy to move away from the United States, according to
reports that quote him as saying that the rejection of the UNSC seat
"was a message for the U.S., not the U.N." According to one Saudi
analyst, "The shift away from the U.S. is a major one."
However, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday that he
had met with Saudi foreign minister Saud al-Faisal on Monday, and
that: "I have great confidence that the United States and Saudi Arabia
will continue to be the close and important friends and allies that we
have been."
As I've been writing for years, Generational Dynamics predicts that in
the approaching Clash of Civilizations world war, Saudi Arabia,
Pakistan and China will be allied against Iran, India and the United
States. Reuters
**** Prime Minister of Pakistan asks for U.S. help with India
Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, in a visit to Washington
on Tuesday, is asking the United States to mediate in the
dispute with India over the disputed territories of Kashmir
and Jammu:
<QUOTE>"With its growing influence in India, the US now has
the capacity to do more to help the two sides resolve their core
disputes, including Kashmir, and in promoting a culture of
cooperation."<END QUOTE>
Kashmir and Jammu was the epicenter of the one of the worst wars of
the 20th century, the genocidal clash between Muslims and Hindus that
followed Partition, the 1947 partitioning of the Indian subcontinent
into Pakistan and India. NDTV (India)
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Iran, Hassan Rouhani, Death to America,
Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
Saudi Arabia, United Nations Security Council,
Prince Bandar Bin Sultan al-Saud, John Kerry,
Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif, India, Partition
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