*** 14-May-14 World View -- Muslim world split by Boko Haram abductions
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- Muslim world split by Boko Haram abductions
- Russia bans U.S. from International Space Station
- Syria mediator Lakhdar Brahimi resigns in disgust
**** Muslim world split by Boko Haram abductions

Both jihadists and ordinary Muslims are condemning Boko Haram for the mass abduction of young schoolgirls
It's a common Western complaint of Islam that Muslim officials and
clerics rarely condemn the acts of Islamist terrorists, or that any
such condemnations are rarely as aggressive as a Christian cleric
condemnation of a terrorist act by a Christian.
There have been similar criticisms about the Muslim reaction to the
Boko Haram abduction of over 200 young school girls. Within Nigeria
itself, there is bitter criticism that the politicians and the army
did nothing for weeks, and that Goodluck Jonathan, was even seen
dancing the day after the attack.
However, as the worldwide public has become aware of this terrorist
act, it's caused a fierce debate with the Muslim community -- both
among ordinary Muslims and among jihadists.
One Muslim, Sydney Casely-Hayford in Ghana, says that Boko Haram
reflects flaws in Islam. He argues that the "continuous silence" of
Muslim clerics is an indication that Boko Haram is subtly accepted:
<QUOTE>"I have not heard so far one single high ranking,
respected Muslim cleric [in Ghana] stand up and say [the
activities of Boko Haram] is totally non-Muslim activity; this is
not what Islam is all about. ...
You [Islamic Leaders] need to hold a big stage and say so clearly
so that we all understand that you are against what is going
In response, the Coalition of Concerned Muslims says that the
accusation of "subtle acceptance" is an absurd and blatant lie, as
numerous comments by Muslim Clerics and Muslims in general have
been published:
<QUOTE>His assertion that the ‘Boko Haram’ projects the
weakness of Islam as a religion is devoid of logic. It is sad and
strange that he has chosen to use the actions of ‘Boko Haram’ as a
yardstick in measuring the strength or otherwise weakness of
Islam. It is intellectual dishonesty to judge Islam by way of the
behavior of a few deviant followers.
A majority of Muslims have conducted themselves well wherever they
are located. Under no circumstance should the actions of a few
deviant folks be used to describe Islam but rather it is sound and
logical to use the actions of the majority of Muslims. Does he not
see that the world would be in chaos if Muslims throughout the
world were to unite upon violence and aggression? Would it be fair
to say the Catholic Church projects the weakness/flaws in
Christianity because its priests abuse children? Or the inhumane
actions of the Lord’s resistance Army in Uganda show that
Christianity has flaws? We Muslims have been thought to be just in
our dealings and analysis and so we do not draw such flimsy
conclusions as done by Mr. Casely Hayford."<END QUOTE>
With ordinary Muslims reacting angrily to the Boko Haram abductions,
it's perhaps surprising that even jihadists are shocked by the
appalling and repulsive nature of the attack. One jihadist was most
fearful of revenge attacks, and gave a very interesting historical
<QUOTE>"Today, there are different sentiments, as the peoples
of the [Islamic] nation hear from the channels news that we never
hoped to hear – namely, the kidnapping of Muslim and non-Muslim
girls and your announcement that you intend to sell them as
This matter, if you proceed with it, will become a dangerous
precedent and will bring about grave calamities such as the nation
of Islam has never heard of for centuries. Your announcement of
'imprisoning' hundreds of girls will not benefit Islam and the
Muslims in any manner. On the contrary, it will reflect tragically
not only on their image but also on whatever similar reactions the
enemies of Islam will carry out. The [Islamic] nation has enough
tragedies as it is.
Brothers in [Boko Haram]: if you do this, and sell the girls as
prisoners, can you guarantee to your wives, your daughters, your
sisters, and your Muslim relatives here and there that the enemies
will [not] commit rape against them and will not defile their
honor and modesty?
Do not open the gates of evil, have mercy on your Muslim sisters,
and protect your religion's reputation.
Know that not everything that is permitted in Islam is proper to
do at all times and in any manner without considering its
advantages and disadvantages.
Know that imprisonment and enslavement resulting from war between
Muslims and infidels are part of reciprocity, and that this was
the norm among peoples in ancient times. Today, however, as the
act of enslavement between the nations of the world has ceased to
exist, and the exchange of prisoners has become the custom, we as
Muslims should not initiate this toward our enemy, since it has
grave repercussions. Preventing harm takes precedence over making
gains, according to famous jurisprudential principle. We do not
know what advantage for Islam and the Muslims will be gained if
you do this...
We appeal to you: Release the girls and do not continue their
imprisonment and enslavement. The Muslims today are suffering from
enough oppression; do not bring any harm on their honor
[i.e. their women]."<END QUOTE>
Not all jihadists were convinced, however. One responded: "On the
contrary, [we should] imprison [as much as we can]. Ripping out the
hearts of the infidels who have no morals in war is a legitimate
administration of justice. As a Muslim, I think that the brothers, the
mujahideen in Nigeria, did a good thing. I pray to the great Allah to
give them victory and power throughout the land." Citi-Fm (Ghana) and Ghana Web and Memri
**** Russia bans U.S. from International Space Station
In retaliation for American sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine
situation, Russia's deputy prime minister Dmitry Rogozin announced on
Tuesday a series of sanctions against the U.S.:
- Russia will ban the U.S. from using the International Space
Station after 2020, though Russia may continue using it. According to
Rogozin, "The Russian segment can exist independently from the
American one. The US one cannot."
- Russia will suspend the operation of GPS satellite navigation
system sites on its territory.
- Russia will no longer permit Russian engines in Atlas 5
rockets used to launch military satellites.
Moscow Times and Telegraph (London)
**** Syria mediator Lakhdar Brahimi resigns in disgust
When the Syria war began in 2012, the Arab League and the United
Nations appointed former U.N. secretary-general Kofi Annan as a
special envoy to bring peace to Syria. Annan formulated a farcical six-point 'peace plan'
said absolutely nothing, and so was not vetoed Russia in the
U.N. Security Council.
By August 2012, Syria's president Bashar al-Assad has made a fool of
Annan enough times that Annan resigned, and he was replaced by 78 year
old Algerian diplomat Lakhdar Brahimi. I had noticed a difference in
tone between the two: whereas Annan sounded pathetic and dishonest,
Brahimi sounded realistic and truthful.
Brahimi was congratulated on a couple of occasions, when he got both
sides, the al-Assad government and the opposition rebels, to
participate in a peace conference in Geneva, once in 2013, and once in
February of this year. Syria had previously agreed to discuss a
"transitional government body," which meant that either al-Assad would
step down or at least that the opposition would have a place in the
government. The regime absolutely refused to even put that subject on
the meeting agenda. The "peace talks" collapsed once and for all,
and Brahimi clearly blamed the Syrian
regime, and apologized to the Syrian people. The regime was furious at
Brahimi after that, and considered him to be biased.
And why should al-Assad step down? Why should he compromise
on anything?
- The Shia/Alawite regime is being provided with enormous
supplies of heavy weapons from Russia, which it can use to conduct its
genocidal policies against its Sunni Muslim opponents.
- The regime has used sarin gas on its own population, with
- The regime continues to use chemical weapons. Regime helicopters
drop huge barrel bombs onto civilian neighborhoods. The barrel bombs
contain explosives, screws, nails and other shrapnel, plus canisters
of chlorine and ammonia. When chlorine is inhaled, it reacts with the
moisture in the lungs, turning into hydrochloric acid that literally
burns the target to death from the inside out.
- Officials in the al-Assad regime has used electrocution,
eye-gouging, strangulation, starvation, and beating on tens of
thousands of prisoners on a massive "industrial strength" scale, and
does with complete impunity, and in fact with encouragement and
support from Russia and Iran.
- The regime does all of this with impunity. In fact, the regime,
along with Russia's president Vladimir Putin, has repeatedly
humiliated and made fools of John Kerry and Barack Obama.
- The regime has help from Iran's Republican Guard units,
and from Lebanon's Hezbollah terrorists.
- The regime has won a number of military victories recently, and is
gaining ground on the opposition.
- The regime is going to hold presidential elections in June. These
elections will be about as honest as a Soviet election, or the
farcical east Ukraine referendum that I reported on yesterday.
Al-Assad will be certain to win,
and there will be no chance that any Brahimi peace plan will
So it's absurd to believe that al-Assad would ever compromise on
Kofi Annan and Lakhdar Brahimi have been useful idiots for the Assad
regime by providing cover for him to continue his war criminal acts on
civilian Sunnis, and cover for the Russians and Iranians to make
sanctimonious statements while they support al-Assad's bloody
It's worth remembering again, as I wrote in 2011 (see "22-Apr-11 News -- Russia seeks to cripple Nato through Libya United Nations politics"
), Russia
adopted a policy of using the United Nations Security Council to
cripple American and Western foreign policy. Putin has been
incredibly successful with this policy, and has crippled American and
Western policy almost completely, most recently in Ukraine.
So Lakhdar Brahimi, now 80 years old, stepped down on Tuesday, and
apologized to the Syrian people once more:
<QUOTE>"It's not very pleasant for me. It's very sad that I
leave this position and leave Syria behind in such a bad
state."<END QUOTE>
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon promised to appoint a new envoy, but
I doubt that there's any hurry. al-Jazeera and BBC
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Nigeria, Boko Haram, al-Qaeda, Ghana,
Russia, International Space Station, Dmitry Rogozin,
Syria, Bashar al-Assad, Lakhdar Brahimi, Vladimir Putin,
John Kerry, Kofi Annan, Ban Ki-moon
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