*** 16-Jun-14 World View -- The size of the Iraq catastrophe continues to unfold
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- The size of the Iraq catastrophe continues to unfold
- Senator Lindsey Graham says Obama has to order air strikes in Iraq
- Rep Steve Stockman: U.S. planning a military operation to rescue the schoolgirls from Boko Haram
- Pakistan launches major military action against Taliban
**** The size of the Iraq catastrophe continues to unfold

ISIS militants kill Iraqi soldiers after forcing them to lie in trenches
Here's a collection of facts that I gleaned from the Sunday news talk
shows and from some media reports:
- The Islamic Emirate in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is by far the
most powerful and wealthiest terror group in the world now, much more
powerful than al-Qaeda before 9/11.
- ISIS has about $450 million in cash, after raiding the central
bank in Mosul. This is in addition to billions of dollars' worth of
dozens of tanks, humvees, helicopters, and other heavy weaponry,
mostly American, that they got from weapons stores in Mosul that the
Iraqi army was supposed to be guarding.
- The tanks and helicopters are being driven and flown by former
Sunni officers in Saddam Hussein's army, who have now joined with
ISIS, out of disillusionment with and fury at the al-Maliki's
- ISIS has set up jihadist training camps in Syria, and thousands of
foreign fighters have gone there for training and to fight the regime
of Syria's genocidal president Bashar al-Assad. Syria is an
international jihadist magnet, as we've been reporting for over a
- On May 24, a gunman entered the Jewish Museum in Brussels and shot
three people dead, wounding a fourth. It turned out that the
perpetrator had been trained in Syria, and had spent a year fighting
there. Thousands of young men from Europe have gone to Syria for
jihadist training, as have almost 100 Americans.
- These jihadists are much more dangerous than foreign-born
terrorists, like those who perpetrated 9/11, because they have clean
American passports, and can come and go as they please. Homeland
Security now considers these ISIS-trained jihadists to be America's
biggest domestic threat. Not only could more people die than on 9/11,
but ISIS could bring worldwide economic chaos.
- Within the space of a few days, ISIS marched south in Iraq,
capturing Mosul, Baiji, Tikrit and parts of Samarra. That's about 200
miles in a few days.
- At the same time, they captured 1,700 Iraqi soldiers who
surrendered. ISIS has posted videos showing what happened to the ones
in Tikrit. They were put into trucks, taken to a desert area, forced
to march into trenches that had been dug, and then shot.
- Iraq's president Nouri al-Maliki seems to have been successful in
getting new army volunteers, almost all Shias from southern Iraq.
- ISIS has been stopped about 60 miles north of Baghdad. The army
seems to have stopped ISIS at that point, at least temporarily.
- The citizens of Baghdad are in a state of total panic because they
believe they're next. The city is in chaos.
- There are thousands of Americans and Westerners living in Baghdad.
They are going to be targeted.
- Baghdad has the largest American embassy in the world, with 1500
employees. Some unspecified number of those employees are being
evacuated to Irbil, Basra and Amman Jordan.
- As the situation worsens in Iraq, President Obama is going to be
under enormous pressure to intervene militarily. Air strikes are a
possibility, but to be effective they need someone on the ground to
pick out target. If the Iraqis do that, then they may target
political enemies rather than ISIS. Or maybe we can let Iranian
forces pick out targets for us. If Iraq really begins to deteriorate,
there will be a lot of pressure on Obama to send in some troops, at
least special forces.
- Obama has made any American military involvement contingent on
al-Maliki resolving the bitter political dispute between Shias and
Sunnis. That's not going to happen. It sounds like Obama is in yet
another "red line" situation. What's he going to do next?
LA Times and Israel National News and Slate
**** Senator Lindsey Graham says Obama has to order air strikes in Iraq
I listened to numerous interviews on the Sunday morning news talk
shows, and I felt the best one was the CNN interview with South
Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham:
<QUOTE>DONNA BASH: And, Senator, on the issue of Iraq, I know
that you have said that you think U.S. airstrikes is the only
answer right now. But I want you and our viewers to look at
something, the toll so far when it comes to Iraq, 4,424 deaths,
wounded, 32,239, and then the cost of money, $770 billion. I have
got to ask the question that I'm sure so many Americans out there
watching are going to ask. Why spend one more dollar or risk one
more life?
GRAHAM: Because Iraq and Syria combined are going to be the
staging area for the next 9/11 if we don't do something about it.
The people holding ground in Iraq also hold ground in
Syria. Economic instability that comes from a collapsed Iraq will
affect gas prices and our economic recovery. But the main reason
is, if ISIS is not dealt with, that's the staging area for a new
attack on the United States. They -- the -- the predecessor --
they're the follow-on to al Qaeda in Iraq.
What they will do is use the area between Baghdad, Kurdistan and
Syria to operate with impunity. They have a lot of wealth. They
will plan an attack against our country. And my biggest fear is
that they're going to march toward Jordan.
And I hope America understands that, if the king of Jordan goes,
if he's the victim of these guys, then the whole Mideast is in
BASH: And you really thinks that's possible?
GLORIA BORGER: What makes -- what makes you think they have the
organization to pull something like that off?
GRAHAM: What makes you think they don't?
Look what's happened. Look what's happened. They have basically
occupied a portion of Syria. They -- they took the second largest
city in Iraq. They're going into Baghdad.
My number one goal is, let us stop them from going into Baghdad,
not the Iranians. If the central government in Iraq collapses --
and that's their goal -- they're trying to get the Iraqi
government to collapse -- the Iranians dominate the south. They
will own all the resources in the south.
These guys will operate from Baghdad to Kurdistan, all the way
into Syria. They will consolidate economic and military
power. They will march towards Jordan and Lebanon. And they will
use that space to attack us. If Baghdad falls, if the central
government falls, a disaster awaits us of monumental proportions.
BASH: Now, the question about the leadership there now, Prime
Minister Maliki, he is somebody who perhaps has not done all the
things that the U.S. should have -- wanted them to do, which is, I
think, an understatement.
BASH: So is he the right man for the -- to lead Iraq right now?
GRAHAM: No. Stop the march on Baghdad. Form a new government. Send
Petraeus and Crocker over, somebody who knows...
BORGER: How do you form a new government? It's a democracy.
GRAHAM: There are plenty of voices over there.
He [al-Maliki] should resign. He's incapable of bringing the
Sunnis back into the fold. Three things have happened in 2010 and
'11 to create this. How did we get there should be the
question. Al Qaeda in Iraq, the predecessor to ISIS, was on their
back, just about gone. Syria blows up. They get reinforcements
from Syria into Iraq.
Maliki withdrawals from the coalition. He becomes a sectarian
leader. Obama's administration is completely hands-off, and we
withdraw troops in 2011. That's the perfect storm.
BORGER: But whose fault was that? You know, the...
GRAHAM: That's President Obama's fault.
BORGER: Why is that President Obama's fault? Maliki didn't want to
leave a residual force there.
GRAHAM: Bush -- no, that is not true. That is absolutely a lie.
I was there on the ground, at the request of Secretary
Clinton. Maliki, Barzani and the Sunnis were willing to accept an
American force. We wanted the agreement to go through parliament,
which would have been a disaster.
They got what they wanted. The Obama administration wanted to say:
I ended the war in Iraq. I'm going to end the war in Afghanistan.
This was as predictable as the sun rising in the east. I blame
President Obama mightily for a hands-off policy when it comes to
BASH: Because, I mean, we can debate this probably for a long
time, because Maliki...
GRAHAM: Look forward.
BASH: OK. So, looking forward, Iran, Bloomberg News had an
interesting op-ed today, saying that they are sort of the
frenemies of the U.S. right now in Iraq. And people might not
realize this, that Iran, who is generally no friend of the U.S.,
is now potentially working -- going to work with the U.S. on Iraq.
... How -- does that make you feel comfortable or comfortable?
GRAHAM: No. Hell no, it doesn't.
Why did we deal with Stalin? Because he was not as bad as
Hitler. The Iranians can provide some assets to make sure Baghdad
doesn't fall. We need to coordinate with the Iranians. And the
Turks need to get in the game and get the Sunni Arabs back into
the game, form a new government without Maliki.
But, yes, I don't want Iran to dominate Iraq. And that's where
they're headed. If the central government falls, the Iranians are
going on the Shia area of -- of Iraq, the south. Don't the
Iranians save Baghdad. Let us save Baghdad, so there will be a
chance at a second government.
BORGER: Do you -- is it your prediction that, eventually, this
White House will go for airstrikes?
GRAHAM: I think they have to. And it's stunning to me that nobody
in Congress is saying, you have got to come to us first. Everybody
in Congress is scared to death of what's going to happen in
Iraq. They won't come out and admit it. But nobody is saying,
Mr. President, don't use airpower. The air force in Iraq, I think,
has been grounded. But Nic will know that better than I
**** Rep Steve Stockman: U.S. planning a military operation to rescue the schoolgirls from Boko Haram
A U.S. Congressional delegation is in Nigeria to discuss the terrorist
group Boko Haram, which continues to abduct schoolgirls. According to
Texas congressman Steve Stockman, the U.S. is planning military action
in Nigeria:
<QUOTE>"We get briefed by the military and pending the
approval of the government of Nigeria and our government, we plan
to take action, but I don’t think we are going specifics this
time; it was a classified briefing. We stand ready to help and as
soon as our government and Nigerian government approves, we will
take action.
What I want to say is that I think what it is right now is to work
with the Nigerian government in training of the military. I want
to emphasize again here that we have come all these miles to say
that our Congress stands ready to cooperate and the government in
a manner that is appropriate and with the consent of Nigerian
government. And I want to emphasize the need for the Victims
Relief Fund because there is so much suffering going on by the
young girls and the their families that have been touched by this
violence."<END QUOTE>
World Stage Group (Lagos, Nigeria)
**** Pakistan launches major military action against Taliban
Last week's massive terrorist attack on the Jinnah International Airport
in Karachi, Pakistan, on Sunday
has shocked the nation, and pressured the government to order the army
to do something it's never done before: to go in and clean out the
hideouts and weapons stores in the North Waziristan Agency in
Pakistan's tribal area that are making the terrorist strikes possible.
According to a Pakistan army statement:
<QUOTE>"On the directions of the government, armed forces of
Pakistan have launched a comprehensive operation against foreign
and local terrorists who are hiding in sanctuaries in North
Waziristan Agency. The operation has been named Zarb-e-Azb. ...
Using North Waziristan as a base, these terrorists had waged a war
against the state of Pakistan and had been disrupting our national
life in all its dimensions, stunting our economic growth and
causing enormous loss of life and property. They had also
paralyzed life within the [North Waziristan] agency and had
perpetually terrorized the entire peace loving and patriotic local
Our valiant armed forces have been tasked to eliminate these
terrorists regardless of hue and color, along with their
sanctuaries. With the support of the entire nation, and in
coordination with other state institutions and law enforcement
agencies, these enemies of the state will be denied space anywhere
across the country. As always, armed forces of Pakistan will not
hesitate in rendering any sacrifice for the
motherland."<END QUOTE>
An unnamed official says, "Thousands of troops will participate in
this action. You can roughly say 25,000 to 30,000 troops will be
involved in the operation."
Reports indicate that many people, both civilians and militants, have
left North Waziristan in the last few days because the army offensive
was anticipated.
The prime minister Nawaz Sharif has tried everything possible to avoid
this moment, including attempted "peace talks" with the Taliban that
could never have succeeded. This is a very significant change in
direction for Pakistan. Daily Times (Pakistan) and Dawn (Pakistan)
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Iraq, Nouri al-Maliki, Syria,
Islamic Emirate in Iraq and Syria/Sham/the Levant, ISIS, ISIL,
Irbil, Basra, Amman, Lindsey Graham,
Nigeria, Boko Haram, Steve Stockman,
Karachi, Pakistan, North Waziristan, Zarb-e-Azb,
Nawaz Sharif, Taliban
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