*** 5-Sep-14 World View -- ISIS and al-Qaeda in a generational struggle for India
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- ISIS and Mideast realignment energize Islamic terrorism in India
- ISIS and al-Qaeda have generational struggle, and the prize is India
- China to increase harassment of U.S. surveillance planes
**** ISIS and Mideast realignment energize Islamic terrorism in India

Mumbai's Taj Mahal Palace Hotel during Mumbai's 26/11 terrorist attack in 2008
In the past few days, we're discussed the Mideast realignment following the Gaza war
and the effect of ISIS on the Mideast realignment.
However, the meteoric rise of the Islamic State / of
Iraq and Syria (IS or ISIS) is firing the excitement and imagination
of young Muslim men around that world, giving ISIS an effect that goes
well beyond the Mideast.
Islam has grown organically within India, unlike other countries, and
has over centuries evolved elaborate cultures of accommodation with
Hinduism and other faiths. India's last generational crisis wars --
the 1947 Partition war between Western India and Pakistan, and the
1971 crisis war between Eastern India and Bangladesh (East Pakistan)
-- were both particularly bloody, and pitted Hindus against Muslims,
leaving even the Muslim survivors living in India with little desire
for more violence through terrorist attacks. What Islamic terrorism
has occurred has mostly come from external sources, namely terrorist
militias in Pakistan, often funded by Pakistan's Inter-Services
Intelligence (ISI) Agency.
But now two important developments, both attributable to the rise of
ISIS, indicate that internal forms of Islamic terrorism are likely to
increase in India.
First, ISIS is directly energizing Islamic terrorism in India.
Estimates vary from several dozen to several hundred of the number of
Indians that have gone to the Mideast and are suspected of having
joined ISIS. A breakaway faction of the Indian Mujahiddeen has
declared its intention to fly the ISIS flag over South Asia. And the
formerly moderate India militia Jamaat-e-Islami recently issued a
<QUOTE>"It is very necessary to welcome the announcement of
the establishment of Islamic Caliphate by the ISIS because Islamic
caliphate is the aspiration of every Muslim and there has never
been a disagreement on the issue among the Muslims in any period
of history."<END QUOTE>
An unknown is what effect ISIS is having on the Pakistan, and ISI's
funding of anti-India militias, particularly in Kashmir and Jammu.
ISIS may energize ISI as well to increase funding to homegrown Indian
jihadist groups like Indian Mujhideen, or to encourage these jihadist
groups to enter the ISIS fold. South Asia Terrorism Portal (SATP - India) and One India
**** ISIS and al-Qaeda have generational struggle, and the prize is India
The second new development attributable to ISIS is that al-Qaeda has
apparently been energized to take a new look at establishing a branch
in India.
The rise of ISIS has led to a generational split within the global
jihadist community. When ISIS's young leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
declared himself a new "caliph," and demanded that the entire Muslim
world bow down to him, the response has been sporadic. While young
Muslims may be drawn to the thrill of decapitating Western
journalists, older jihadists are tied by loyalty oaths to al-Qaeda
leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, and are even more repulsed by the ISIS's
recent massacre of hundreds of Sunni tribesmen in Syria. Others
simply question the religious legitimacy of al-Baghdadi's
self-anointed caliphate.
So, some people see al-Zawahiri's new message as opportunistic, and
others see it as desperate. His statement emerged in a video late on
<QUOTE>"A new branch of al-Qaeda was established and is
Qaedat al-Jihad in the Indian subcontinent, seeking to raise the
flag of jihad, return the Islamic rule, and empowering the Shariah
of Allah across the Indian subcontinent. [It will defend the]
vulnerable in the Indian subcontinent, in Burma, Bangladesh,
Assam, Gujarat, and Kashmir [and] your brothers in Qaedat al-Jihad
did not forget you and that they are doing what they can to rescue
you from injustice, oppression, persecution, and suffering.
This entity was not established today, but it is the fruit of a
blessed effort for more than two years to gather the mujahideen in
the Indian subcontinent into a single entity to be with the main
group, Qaedat al-Jihad, from the soldiers of the Islamic Emirate
and its triumphant emir, Allah permitting, Emir of the Believers
Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid."
"It is an entity that was formed to promulgate the call of the
reviving Imam Sheikh Osama bin Laden, may Allah have mercy on him,
to call the Ummah to unite round the word of Tawhid (monotheism),
to wage jihad against its enemies, to liberate its land, to
restore its sovereignty, and to revive its
Caliphate."<END QUOTE>
The leader of the new group, Umar, said in an audio recording released
with the video, that Jews and Hindus, who he referred to as 'apostates
of India", "will watch your destruction by your own eyes". Fighters
will "storm your barricades with cars packed with gunpowder," Umar
said, decrying what he called the region's "injustice toward Muslims."
Whether the old geezers at al-Qaeda can attract young Muslims in India
is far from clear. The realignment of the Mideast goes far beyond the
Mideast, and it seems likely that ISIS will be more successful in
India than al-Qaeda will. Pune Mirror (India) and Foreign Policy
**** China to increase harassment of U.S. surveillance planes
As we recently reported,
a Chinese
jet fighter made several passes as close as 30 feet to a
U.S. surveillance plane in international waters. The incident is
reminiscent of an April 2001 encounter, when a Chinese F-8 interceptor
crashed into a U.S. surveillance aircraft off the southern China
coast. The Chinese aircraft crashed into the sea, and its crew was
killed. The U.S. plane made an emergency landing on China's Hainan
Island, and its 24 crew members were imprisoned for 10 days.
It's been assumed that these were the acts of rogue Chinese pilots,
but now it appears that they were ordered from above, and that the
harassment is likely to become even more aggressive and dangerous.
According to China's Rear Admiral Zhang Zhaozhong:
<QUOTE>"We didn't give them enough pressure (before). A
knife at the throat is the only deterrence. From now on, we must
fly even closer to U.S. surveillance aircraft."<END QUOTE>
It's believed that China is trying to prevent the U.S. from learning
anything about their submarine fleet. China is continuing to build
submarines capable of launching nuclear missiles with a range of over
4,000 nautical miles, and already has 70 such submarines. China has
been for years on an aggressive program to develop as much military
capability as possible, including a variety of missiles with no other
purpose than to target American cities, aircraft carriers, and
military bases. The submarine fleet would permit China to launch
simultaneous nuclear attacks on hundreds of cities across the United
States. Reuters
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Islamic State / of Iraq and Syria/Sham/the Levant, IS, ISIS, ISIL,
Inter-Services Intelligence, ISI, Jamaat-e-Islami,
Indian Mujhideen, Kashmir, Jammu, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,
al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden,
China, Zhang Zhaozhong
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