*** 9-Mar-15 World View -- Mali's capital city Bamako in shock after terror attack
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei makes public appearance on Sunday
- Mali's capital city Bamako in shock after terror attack
- Are ISIS and Boko Haram 'far right' extremists?
**** Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei makes public appearance on Sunday

Khamenei in a meeting at his home in Tehran on Sunday (AP)
Three days ago I wrote "6-Mar-15 World View -- Khamenei's illness may signal generational policy change in Iran"
, in which I referred to media reports that Iran's 76
year old Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has been
hospitalized in critical condition with prostate cancer. I described
significant policy changes in Iran that his death could trigger due to
generational differences between the survivors of the 1979 Great
Islamic Revolution and the generations that grew up after the
revolution. Since then, the media reports have morphed into
widespread rumors of Khamenei's death.
However, Khamenei was well enough on Sunday to participate in a
meeting in his home with environmental activists. The television
pictures that aired made him look comfortable and healthy. So it
looks like we're going to have to wait a little longer for that policy
change. The National (UAE)/AP
**** Mali's capital city Bamako in shock after terror attack
Northern Mali has been bloodied repeatedly starting in 2012, with a
separatist rebellion by the ethnic Tuaregs, which was overtaken by
terrorist attacks by the al-Qaeda linked Ansar Dine, and then further
attacks by Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). The Islamist
attacks resulted in the destruction in Timbuktu of centuries-old
shrines and mosques, along with tens of thousands of ancient
But through all of that, Mali's capital city Bamako, in southern Mali,
has escaped the chaos, until Saturday. Residents of Bamako were
stunned to hear that a masked gunman sprayed bullets into La Terrasse
restaurant and bar killing five people, including a Frenchman and a
Belgian. The AQIM-linked terror group Al Mourabitoun (The Sentinels),
led by Algerian terroris Moktar Belmoktar, claimed responsibility,
saying that it was "to avenge our prophet against the unbelieving West
which has insulted and mocked him," and in revenge for the killing of
a leader of the Al Mourabitoun group in a French-Malian military
In addition to five deaths, there were seven people injured, including
two international experts working for the United Nations. No sooner
did the UN put out a statement condemning the attack in Bamako,
terrorists attacked a UN base in northern Mali with 30 rockets and
shells targeting the base, killing one UN soldier and two civilian
As I've been describing for months, there is a large and growing
Muslim versus Muslim war in the Mideast, North Africa and South Asia,
and it seems to worsen in one way or another every week. This is
a strong historical trend, and at some point it will pull us
and the West into it.
Irish Independent and United Nations and AFP
**** Are ISIS and Boko Haram 'far right' extremists?
Fawaz Gerges, London School of Economics, occasionally appears on news
shows analyzing Mideast events. Appearing on al-Jazeera on Sunday,
Gerges was asked to comment on Friday's announcement by Boko Haram that
it was pledging allegiance to the Islamic State / of Iraq and Syria
(IS or ISIS or ISIL or Daesh).
The interview was interesting on a couple of levels. Gerges said that
Boko Haram was so extremist, that al-Qaeda would not be interested,
while ISIS has not been interested in the past, though may be changing
its mind. The interview was also interesting for Gerges's bizarre
characterization of ISIS and Boko Haram as "far-right extremists." My
<QUOTE>"Ironically, in the last few months, ISIL has not
really responded to the many messages by Boko Haram (BK) praising
ISIL, and that tells me that even ISIL, one of the most extremist
jihadist organizations, have viewed BK as a liability.
But my take now if you ask me if Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, the leader
of ISIL, would accept the fealty of BK, I would say yes. Yes,
because it's a win-win.
It shows ISIL as the leader of the global jihadist movement, that
jihadists near and far, in particular militant activists, whether
you're talking about Egypt or Yemen or Algeria or Afghanistan or
Pakistan, and now Boko Haram, are basically praising and saying
they want to be part of this winning horse. ISIL is being seen as
a winning horse, as a powerful organization.
And even if ISIL accepts the allegiance or the fealty by BK, then
little will change. Remember, BK is desperate for legitimization.
It would like to be part of ISIL which is seen as a basically
winning horse, but nothing would change on the ground.
But the reality is you're talking about ISIL and BK, two sides of
the same coin, really on the far right of the jihadist movement,
and would argue that Ayman al-Zawarhiri, the leader of al-Qaeda
central, would really hesitate to accept any kind of allegiance
from BK, because BK is seen as ISIL is seen as very extremist,
very nihilistic, really on the far right of all militant
organizations that exist today."<END QUOTE>
Gerges very clearly emphasized the phrase "far right," even repeating
it, and so we have to assume that Gerges wants to burnish his own far
left credentials. Gerges holds the Emirates Chair in Contemporary
Middle Eastern Studies at the London School of Economics and Political
Science and in today's society, political scientists are almost always
far left.
But what makes it so bizarre is that "right" and "left," as applied to
politics, is a European concept, and it doesn't really make any sense
outside of Europe (and North America) because politics is so different
in other regions. In the Mideast, if ISIS is "far right," then who's
"far left"? Al-Qaeda? Hezbollah? Iran? It's an almost meaningless
But it's also bizarre for another reason. In the French Revolution,
where the terms "left" and "right" were first applied to politics, the
extremists perpetrating the Reign of Terror were on the left, while
the politicians on the right opposed it. So it's hard to see how ISIS
and Boko Haram could be called "far right" in any conceivable sense.
I guess you can't trust anyone these days (except me) not to put an
ideological spin on something where it doesn't even make sense.
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Iran, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei,
Mali, Bamako, La Terrasse, Al Mourabitoun, The Sentinels,
Al-Qaeda on the Islamic Maghreb, AQIM, Moktar Belmoktar,
Fawaz Gerges, Nigeria, Boko Haram,
Islamic State / of Iraq and Syria/Sham/the Levant, IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh,
French Revolution, Reign of Terror
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