*** 30-Mar-15 World View -- Arab League meeting ends with promise for joint Arab military force
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- Top Iranian journalist defects, criticizes US nuclear negotiators
- Arab League meeting ends with promise for joint Arab military force
- Report: Iran nuclear negotiations may be deadlocked
**** Top Iranian journalist defects, criticizes US nuclear negotiators

Iran's negotiating team in Lausanne (AFP)
Amir Hossein Motaghi, a top Iranian journalist and close aide to
Iran's president Hassan Rouhani, defected to the West on Friday, while
reporting on the nuclear negotiations between Iran and the West.
Appearing in a televised interview, he said:
<QUOTE>"There are a number of people attending on the Iranian
side at the negotiations who are said to be journalists reporting
on the negotiations. But they are not journalists and their main
job is to make sure that all the news fed back to Iran goes
through their channels. My conscience would not allow me to carry
out my profession in this manner any more."<END QUOTE>
Anyone in Iran who criticizes the regime in any way may be subject to
imprisonment, torture or death. This was particularly evident
following the 2009 presidential election, when there was blood in
streets as peaceful student protesters were slaughtered by regime
security forces.
Journalism in Iran is a particularly dangerous profession, since
angering some regime politician can lead to imprisonment. One of the
factors in Motaghi's decision to defect was the arrest of his friend
Jason Rezaian, the Iranian-American reporter for the Washington Post,
who was brutally arrested on July 22 of last year, along with his
wife. He's still in prison, and there have been no charges.
Motaghi says there's no point to being an Iranian journalist, since
all you do is parrot with the regime tells you to say. He's also
critical of Secretary of State John Kerry and the U.S. nuclear
negotiating team: "The US negotiating team are mainly there to speak
on Iran’s behalf with other members of the 5+1 countries and convince
them of a deal." Telegraph (London)
**** Arab League meeting ends with promise for joint Arab military force
Most annual Arab League summit meetings have as their top agenda item
the problem of Israel and the Palestinian cause. But this year, the
26th Arab League summit was held in Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt, and the
war with the Houthis in Yemen was pretty much the only major agenda
item. Other important agenda items, including the Islamic State (IS
or ISIS or ISIL or Daesh), the unrest in Iraq, Libya and Syria and the
Palestinian cause, were discussed only briefly.
The major decisions to come out of the Arab League meeting were:
- A general endorsement of the Saudi Arabia-led military action
against the Houthis in Yemen.
- A non-binding of the proposal by Egypt's president Abdel al-Fattah
al-Sisi for all Arab countries to form a joint Arab military force to
"fight terrorism." Al-Sisi has been pushing this idea for several
weeks, ever since the massacre of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in
Libya last month by terrorists who had pledged loyalty to
The final draft resolution called on Arab countries to support
Palestine's budget, and to pressure Israel to respect signed
agreements and international resolutions.
The anger directed at Iran is palpable. The Houthi insurrection has
done something that the Syria war, ISIS, and terrorism in Libya did
not do: It unified the Arab nations, at least for the time being.
Yemen is not seen as a local problem, but as Iran's grip on another
nation, after Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, while at the same time making
use of a "desperate" president Barack Obama.
This Saudi editorial seems to capture what a lot of Arabs are feeling
<QUOTE>"If anything, the so-called Arab Spring had provided
Iran with an unprecedented opportunity to boost its strategic
presence in the Arab world. Indeed, Tehran has exploited every
crisis in the Arab world to its advantage and to gain a foothold
in the region. I will state the obvious and argue that Iran is a
revisionist state.
Many Saudis as well as other Arabs believe that Iran’s bullying
knows no bounds. Hence, many Arabs are looking up to Saudi Arabia
to effectively confront Iran’s expansionist designs in the
region. While Riyadh had been working along with other like-minded
states in a peaceful way to prevent unnecessary escalation, the
Iranian leaders erroneously thought that they could destabilize
Yemen, change the balance of power in the Gulf region, and get
away with it. In such a situation, it was necessary to formulate a
new strategy conveying a strong message to Iran and its ilk that
Saudi Arabia could always resort to using military means if and
when necessary to prevent an imbalance in the regional balance of
The same strategy could be seen currently at work in Yemen. The
failure of diplomacy to encourage the Iranian-backed Houthis to
negotiate with good faith compelled Riyadh to adopt this approach.
In a short period of time, Riyadh put forward a formidable
coalition with one objective: To reverse the gains of the Houthis
and to hit them hard so that they understand that their actions
will not be tolerated and that they have to negotiate a political
The running argument within and without Saudi Arabia is that short
of taking strong and decisive action against Iran’s proxy, Iran
will not change course.
To have a better understanding of this strategy, one has to
examine the wider context. Observers in the region agree that
United States President Barack Obama is desperate to leave his
legacy in the Middle East. Time and again, Obama made it perfectly
clear that a deal with Iran topped his priority list. The problem,
and herein the crux of the matter, is that such a deal is most
likely to give Iran an elated status. It is as if you get the
genie out of the bottle. A deal with Iran is likely to strengthen
a revisionist Iran, a scenario that will be too
risky. Furthermore, the prevailing perception in this part of the
world is that the American appeasement of Iran will only hurt the
interests of the Arab world in the long run."<END QUOTE>
This is only a few steps away from a call for war with Iran. Al Ahram (Cairo) and Arab News and AP
**** Report: Iran nuclear negotiations may be deadlocked
The self-imposed deadline for completion of nuclear negotiations is
Tuesday, and it's believed by many that the Obama administration is
desperate for a deal, possibly so that Obama and Kerry can share a
Nobel Peace Prize.
A report late Sunday indicates that Iran is backing away from a
previous agreement to ship their stockpile of atomic fuel to another
country, presumably to Russia. This would make the stockpile
inaccessible for making a nuclear weapon.
Another major area of disagreement is the removal of sanctions.
Iran's Supreme Leader has vetoed any nuclear agreement that doesn't
give Iran immediate relief from Western sanctions, as we reported two weeks ago.
There is a
disagreement among politicians in Washington whether Obama has the
power to reduce or remove sanctions unilaterally, without a vote from
It's typical in a hard negotiating situation for compromises to be
reached at the last moment. Daily Star (Lebanon) and Bloomberg
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Iran, Amir Hossein Motaghi, Hassan Rouhani,
John Kerry, Jason Rezaian, Arab League, Egypt, Yemen, Houthis,
Saudi Arabia, Abdel al-Fattah al-Sisi, Libya
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