*** 15-Jul-15 World View -- Arab views of Iran nuclear deal
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- Arab views of Iran nuclear deal
- Another Arab view of Iran's nuclear deal
- Generational Dynamics view of Iran nuclear deal
- Congratulations to my readers for sticking with all this
**** Arab views of Iran nuclear deal

Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a vocal critic of the Iran nuclear deal (Politico)
Media from Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries were completely
silent on Tuesday, following the announcement of the Iran nuclear
deal. According to one Israeli analyst: "There’s an [Arab] sense of
disappointment mixed with shock. These countries, and especially
Saudi Arabia, are trying to come to terms with the materialization of
their worst fears."
There was a brief statement from the Saudi Press Agency:
<QUOTE>"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has always believed in
the importance of reaching a deal regarding Iran's nuclear program
that ensures preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and at
the same time includes a specific, strict and permanent mechanism
for inspecting all sites - including military ones - along with a
mechanism for rapidly and effectively re-imposing sanctions in
case Iran violates the deal, an official source said in a
statement following the nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1
group. ...
Under the nuclear deal, Iran has to use its resources in serving
its internal development and improving the conditions of the
Iranian people, rather than using these resources in destabilizing
the region which is an act that will be strictly faced by the
region's countries."<END QUOTE>
The statement emphasizes two major areas of Arab concern: That Iran
may develop a nuclear weapon for use on the Arabs, and that Iran will
use the money from lifting sanctions to further destabilize the
Frank Gardner, the BBC security correspondent, listed three major area
of concerns for Arabs:
- The fear that Iran will obtain nuclear weapons and use them,
not on Israel, but on Arab countries.
- The major fear: That the unfrozen billions of dollars will be used
for malevolent purposes in Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, and for
fomenting trouble in Bahrain and eastern Saudi Arabia.
- Iran will replace Saudi Arabia as America's big strategic partner
in the middle east, in the long term.
The Saudis recall that under the Shah of Iran, prior to the 1979 Great
Islamic Revolution, Iran was the big US ally in the Middle East.
After 1979, the Saudis became the big ally, and now Iran is returning
to its prior role.
According to Gardner: "What I fear is that Sunni hardliners will say,
right, OK, we need to now support Sunni extremists in the Middle East,
as a bulwark against Shia extremists and Shia militias, which will
extend and prolong the wars and conflicts in Iraq and Syria."
Saudi Press Agency and Times of Israel
**** Another Arab view of Iran's nuclear deal
Marwan Bishara is the senior political analyst for the Qatar-based
al-Jazeera, and he appears on both the English and Arabic channels.
He's a good analyst, though he's consistent with Qatar's policies in
that he's stridently anti-American, anti-Israeli, and anti-Palestinian
Authority, while he's pro-Hamas. Thus, he provides a good overview of
Arab opinion (my transcription):
<QUOTE>"It's important for everyone, and I'll add that it
will affect everything in the Middle East, and everything in terms
of western relations to the Middle East, in so many ways.
Everything from the energy markets to the arms race - the economic
well-being of citizens in Iran to the elections in the United
States, from security in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region, to the
war in Yemen. from ISIS, and the developments in Iraq and Syria,
to what's going on in Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, North
Africa, and so forth.
So I think probably every aspect of the political strategic life
of the Middle East region will change, and the world's approach to
the Middle East region will change with it."<END QUOTE>
BBC correspondent Frank Gardner, quoted above, said that a Saudi
concern is that Iran will replace Saudi Arabia as America's big
strategic partner. Bishara expressed the same concern in a more
colorful way:
<QUOTE>"My idea is that we're going to be seeing slowly the
phasing out of Iran as the bogeyman and the phasing in of ISIS.
For our viewers around the world, it's good to remind everyone
that for the last 5 or 6 decades, every 10 years, Washington and
the West in general have had a bogeyman in the region. So in '58
it was Nasser of Egypt, in '68 it was Yasser Arafat of Palestine,
'78 it was Ayatollah Khomeni, in '88 it was Saddam Hussein, in
'98 it was Osama Bin Laden, back in 2009 it was again Iran's
Ahmadinejad, and now we're going to al-Baghdadi and ISIS.
The Saudis and the rest of the Arab world in general are probably
happy that Iran's nuclear program has been verifiably limited to
civilian development. But everyone is worried about what the rest
of the deal means in terms of a strategic opening for
Bishara's colorful description doesn't have all the dates right, but
it expresses the view that the "bogeyman" target will move from Iran
to ISIS, and implies that, at the same time, Iran will be the US
partner, while the Saudis may be blamed for ISIS.
What's most interesting about Bishara statements is that he foresees
major changes throughout the Mideast because of the Iran nuclear deal.
He doesn't detail what those changes are, but it's easy to guess what
he means: Iran will use the billions of dollars that Iran will now
receive, to worsen the wars in Yemen, as well as the conflicts in
Syria and Iraq; Iran will support terrorist organizations throughout
the region, from North Africa to Bahrain. Bishara sees these and
other changes as having major effects in the Mideast, far broader than
anyone is saying. Politico and DPA
**** Generational Dynamics view of Iran nuclear deal
As long-time readers know, I've been saying for almost ten years that
Iran would be our ally in the coming Clash of Civilizations world war.
This has actually been pretty obvious since the early 2000s, when
Iranian college students were holding pro-West and pro-American
demonstrations. Those college students are today increasingly in
positions of power.
Ten years ago, the prediction seemed preposterous to most people, but
we've all watched it coming true in the last couple of years, as those
college students are now in their 30s. The Iran nuclear deal is a big
step forward in that prediction, for the reasons outlined above by
Frank Gardner and Marwan Bishara.
In recent weeks, as it's becoming more and more apparent that the
Generational Dynamics analyses are coming to pass, I've been getting a
lot more questions. I've been discussing these issues at length for
years, but here's a summary:
- China is preparing for a preemptive missile attack on the
United States, at a time of its choosing. China has been developing
and deploying hundreds or perhaps thousands of missiles with no other
purpose than to attack American aircraft carriers, military bases, and
cities. This will lead to a world war. There's no guarantee that the
US will survive, but it's more likely that a devastated US will
survive, and that China will be destitute and destroyed.
- China will be allied with its close ally, Pakistan.
- China will also attack India. India is preparing for a two-front
war with China and Pakistan. India will be ally of the United States
and the West.
- Iran is in a generational Awakening era, and appears to be very
close to an Awakening era climax. (The last time this happened in the
United States was the 1974 resignation of Richard Nixon.) This will
signal a complete generational victory of the generation that grew up
after the 1979 Great Islamic Revolution over the old geezers from the
war who are still alive. There are people who are predicting regime
change in Iran, and this is how it will occur. The younger post-war
generations are pro-Western and have no desire to push Israel into the
ocean. However, they do want to build a nuclear weapon, as protection
from Israel and Pakistan.
- Furthermore, Shia Muslims and Hindus have been allied in wars
against Sunni Muslims since the seminal Battle of Karbala in 680, and
so Iran and India will be allies against Pakistan, China, and the
Sunni Arab states.
- Ethnic Russians are highly xenophobic towards Sunni Muslims, and
many would like to see the North Caucasus Muslims be gone, one way or
another. Russians also hate the Mongols and the Chinese, after
centuries of wars, and love the Europeans, despite wars. Russia is
also a close ally of India. So Russia will be the ally of Iran, India
and the West against the Sunni Muslims and Pakistan and Turkey.
- Anyone who says that Russia represents an existential threat to
the United States, as one American General did last week, is
completely out of touch with reality, in my opinion, based on a
Generational Dynamics analysis. Those who believe that Russia could
never be an ally of the United States should recall that Stalin was a
bitter enemy of the United States before and after World War II, and a
close ally of the United States during WW II. The political choices
that politicians make become completely irrelevant during an
existential generational crisis war.
Putting all this together, America will be allied with India, Iran,
and Russia against China, Pakistan, and the Sunni Arab states.
So I agree with Marwan Bishara when he says that there will be massive
changes throughout the Mideast following the Iran nuclear deal, from
regime change in Iran to bigger sectarian Sunni-Shia conflicts
throughout the region, finally ending up in all-out war.
**** Congratulations to my readers for sticking with all this
Every once in a while I receive a very nice e-mail message, and would
like to share it with everyone:
<QUOTE>"Every few months I feel compelled to write you.
First and foremost I thank you for your HARD WORK. I see what you
do collecting, sorting, packaging and sending out a concise
snapshot of what's really going on in the world. I don't waste my
time watching news on television since they are always chasing the
cheap and easy stories that come in the form of press releases
from the White House. Because of your e-mails, I knew about Syria
two years before ABC, NBC, or CBS talked about what was going on.
Just now, people are taking notice of China's financial
problems."<END QUOTE>
The writer is one of the almost 500 people who receive the daily
Generational Dynamics World View article by subscribing to the daily e-mail message. Others subscribe to the RSS Feed. Some tens of thousands read it on the Generational Dynamics web site
or the Breitbart National Security web site.
I'd also like to congratulate you, Dear Reader, for sticking with
this. It's not easy going to read these articles, since the news
isn't good. I can tell you that there are many people who couldn't
find Iran on a map if their lives depended on it, and who go to their
happy places when someone gives them bad news. You, Dear Reader, are
definitely not in that category.
The American mainstream media just slavishly prints whatever the White
House tells them to print, and so it's almost always good news, even
if it almost always turns out to be wrong. But I issued a challenge
in 2005 to anyone to find any web site, any politician, any analyst,
or any journalist that has a more successful predictive record than my
web site. Several people have taken up that challenge, but none has
succeeded because no such web site or politician or journalist exists.
The Generational Dynamics methodology is a major breakthrough in
analyzing and relating historical events to current events, and its
predictions have been almost 100% correct over 12 years.
So I hope that you will continue reading the daily World View
articles, and that you will use the information to take whatever
actions you can to protect yourself, your family, your community and
your nation. That's the only thing that can make this effort
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman,
Frank Gardner, Marwan Bishara, Qatar, China, India, Russia,
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