*** 21-Dec-15 World View -- Taliban victories in Helmand put Obama's Afghan withdrawal policy in doubt
This morning's key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com
- Defense Sec'y Carter visits Afghanistan, warns of ISIS and resurgent Taliban
- Taliban victories in Helmand put Obama's Afghan withdrawal policy in doubt
- Obama's 30,000 troop Afghan 'surge' strategy now in seventh year
**** Defense Sec'y Carter visits Afghanistan, warns of ISIS and resurgent Taliban

Afghanistan's Helmand province is being overrun by Taliban, dealing withdrawal strategy a setback (VOA)
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter paid a surprise visit on Friday to a
remote army base near Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan, and warned of
the threat of deteriorating security in Afghanistan from a resurgent
Taliban and a growing number of fighters allied with the so-called
Islamic State (IS or ISIS or ISIL or Daesh).
The warning comes after a year that saw Afghan army and police suffer
more than 5,000 casualties. U.S. commanders estimate that ISIS has
1,000 to 3,000 fighters here, many of whom apparently are former
Taliban members who shifted allegiance.
Carter's remarks reflect a major new Pentagon report on the war in
Afghanistan, which states:
<QUOTE>"In the second half of 2015, the overall security
situation in Afghanistan deteriorated with an increase in
effective insurgent attacks and higher ANDSF [Afghan National
Defense and Security Forces] and Taliban casualties. Though the
insurgency remains resilient, the Afghan government remains in
control of all major population centers and continues to deny the
Taliban strategic ground throughout the country. The Taliban have
remained active in their traditional strongholds, namely in
Helmand in the south and Logar and Wardak in the east, and also
created a sense of instability for brief periods of time in other
parts of the country, such as in Kunduz in northern
Afghanistan. Nonetheless, the Taliban were unable to hold
territory they had wrested away from ANDSF control. The ANDSF
consistently retook ground they had temporarily lost to the
Taliban. Although the ANDSF maintain a significant capability
advantage over the insurgency, insurgents are improving in their
ability to find and exploit ANDSF vulnerabilities, making the
security situation still fragile in key areas and at risk of
deterioration in other places."<END QUOTE>
As stated below, even this assessment is being challenged by the
governor of Helmand province as being far too optimistic, and this may
force a further retrenchment in Obama's withdrawal plan, which has
been repeatedly revise since Obama's original commitment of total
withdrawal in 2014. In the latest version of the withdrawal plan, the
US will maintain its current force of 9,800 in the country through
2016, and after that will leave a force of 5,500 troops in place to
train Afghan forces and conduct counter-terrorism missions. LA Times and DOD Dec 2015 report on Afghanistan (PDF) and Long War Journal
**** Taliban victories in Helmand put Obama's Afghan withdrawal policy in doubt
The Taliban have been defeating Afghanistan's National Army (ANA),
taking over districts in Helmand province, and appear close to a
victory that will give them control of the entire province. In the
latest victory, on Sunday, Taliban forces have taken control of the
Sangin district, and claim to have surrounded around 150 fleeing ANA
During a Taliban assault on Sangin in November, more than 60 Afghan
soldiers were killed while another 70 defected to the insurgency. The
crucial district had been one of the deadliest places in Afghanistan
for NATO troops who fought for years to secure the volatile poppy
growing region.
Sunday's Taliban victory came after a desperate plea appeared on the
Facebook page of Deputy Governor Mohammad Jan Rasulyar, writing to
Afghanistan's president, Ashraf Ghani. Rasulyar said that he knew of
no other way to contact the government in Kabul, and wrote:
<QUOTE>"Your Excellency, Helmand is standing on the brink and
there is a serious need for you to come. Be quick and act on
this! Please save Helmand from tragedy. Ignore those liars who
are telling you that Helmand is secure. ...
Helmand will collapse to the enemies and it's not like Kunduz,
where we could launch an operation from the airport to retake
it. That is just impossible and a dream."<END QUOTE>
The reference to Kunduz indicates that the situation is similar to the
situation that led up to the fall of the northern city of Kunduz in
late September, when Taliban fighters seized and held on to for
several days before government troops regained control. ( "29-Sep-15 World View -- Afghan Taliban capture of Kunduz has major repercussions for Central Asia"
The desperate plea highlights the dangers faced by the Afghan
government as the US-led coalition withdraws from the country. The
Ghani government has been claiming that the Afghan security forces
have been controlling the insurgency, but a series of Taliban
victories have put that claim in doubt.
In fact, there have been unconfirmed reports in the last week that the
US has once again been committing troops to Helmand, and that there
are more American troops fighting there than at any time since
President Obama last year announced a formal end to combat operations
in Afghanistan. According to the NY Times:
<QUOTE>"The extent of the American role has been kept largely
secret, with senior Afghan officials in the area saying they are
under orders not to divulge the level of cooperation, especially
by Special Operations forces on the ground. The secrecy reflects
the Pentagon’s concern that the involvement may suggest that the
American combat role, which was supposed to have ended in December
2014, is still far beyond the official “train, advise and assist”
mission."<END QUOTE>
This is the latest in a series of escalations that have forced the
Obama administration to repeated renege on its commitment to remove
American forces by the end of 2014. VOA and Reuters and Independent (London) and NY Times
**** Obama's 30,000 troop Afghan 'surge' strategy now in seventh year
In fact, it was just six years ago this month that President Obama
gave a speech at West Point announcing the troop "surge" in
<QUOTE>"As cadets, you volunteered for service during this
time of danger. Some of you fought in Afghanistan. Some of you
will deploy there. As your Commander-in-Chief, I owe you a
mission that is clearly defined, and worthy of your service. And
that's why, after the Afghan voting was completed, I insisted on a
thorough review of our strategy. Now, let me be clear: There has
never been an option before me that called for troop deployments
before 2010, so there has been no delay or denial of resources
necessary for the conduct of the war during this review period.
Instead, the review has allowed me to ask the hard questions, and
to explore all the different options, along with my national
security team, our military and civilian leadership in
Afghanistan, and our key partners. And given the stakes involved,
I owed the American people -- and our troops -- no less.
This review is now complete. And as Commander-in-Chief, I have
determined that it is in our vital national interest to send an
additional 30,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan. After 18 months,
our troops will begin to come home. These are the resources that
we need to seize the initiative, while building the Afghan
capacity that can allow for a responsible transition of our forces
out of Afghanistan."<END QUOTE>
That was in December 2009, the same month that Obama went to Oslo to
accept his Nobel peace prize, and then went on to Copenhagen to give a
speech to a farcical climate change conference.
The West Point speech was sharply criticized on both the left and the
right as I wrote at the time. ( "People are shocked! shocked! at Obama's war plan in Afghanistan."
) People on the left criticized it because it was
another escalation of the Afghan war. People on the right criticized
it because of the 18-month deadline.
Indeed, people on the right have been bitterly criticizing Obama's
strategy from the day it was announced. By giving an 18-month
deadline, Obama was giving the enemy a huge strategic advantage, since
they could plan their military campaign based on Obama's unilateral
withdrawal announcement. And Obama has been repeatedly criticized for
ignoring and overriding the recommendations of his own army generals,
even though Obama has no clue what's happening in Afghanistan.
Obama has had to repeatedly extend the 18-month deadline, which is a
surprise to no one. Now that Obama is being forced to send additional
troops back into Helmand province now, six years later, it's clear
that the critics were right, and the 18-month deadline was a disaster.
A worse irony is that President Obama's Afghan war strategy is modeled
after President Bush's "surge" strategy in Iraq, something that
Senator Obama bitterly opposed before it turned out to be successful.
However, I wrote a detailed comparison of the Afghanistan versus Iraq
wars in mid-2009 in "American army general warns of imminent defeat in Afghanistan war,"
showing that the Iraq "surge" strategy could not work in Afghanistan.
As I described at length in that article, there are important
differences between Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq's previous
generational crisis war was and external war, the Iran/Iraq war of the
1980s, where Sunni and Shia populations were united to defeat the
Iranian enemy.
The situation in Afghanistan was always very different. Afghanistan's
last generational crisis war was the very bloody 1991-96 civil war
between different Afghan ethnic groups. The Sunni Muslim Pashtuns in
the south fought against what later became known as the "Northern
Alliance" -- Shia Muslim Hazaras, as well as Tajiks, Uzbeks and other
ethnic groups in the north. Iraq has a long history in generational
crisis wars of uniting against a common external enemy, while
Afghanistan has a long history of internal generational crisis civil
wars of fighting each other.
An even worse difference is that Afghanistan is right next door to
Pakistan, which is in a generational crisis era. As I pointed out at
the time, ethnic Pashtun Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan would
cooperate with each other, and that's what happened, as Taliban forces
in Afghanistan conduct attacks and then flee across the border, where
they're safe from Afghan government forces. No such similar situation
existed in the Iraq "surge," as I described in my 2007 article,
"Iraqi Sunnis are turning against al-Qaeda in Iraq". Obama's surge strategy is failing for
precisely the reasons that I detailed in 2009, based on a Generational
Dynamics analysis. White House (1-Dec-2009) and CS Monitor (2-Dec-2009) and CNN (22-Jun-2011)
KEYS: Generational Dynamics, Afghanistan, Helmand, Sangin, Ash Carter,
Mohammad Jan Rasulyar, Ashraf Ghani, Kunduz, Taliban,
Islamic State / of Iraq and Syria/Sham/the Levant, IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh,
Iraq, Pakistan, Pashtuns
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