Originally Posted by
Devil's Advocate

Originally Posted by

Originally Posted by
Kiff 1961
...comfy chair?
Oh, wait, that was the Spanish Inquisition. :wink:
Three minutes to identify the reference, without being explicit! Must be a record!
No doubt the longest "reference" indentification has to go to that little seadog fella. Several months ago he claimed that one "of the few honest statements Daddy Bush ever made in his entire life was: 'David Rockefeller has made me all that I am.'" Reading the words actually in quotes, I was a bit dumbfounded that a poster would have the nerve to talk about "honest statements" while engaging in sheer and blatant dishonesty, himself.
Still fixated on this non-issue? You are oh so pathetic, Monsieur Douchebag. I only know about the quote in question because it repeatedly appeared at many of your Kool-Aid drinker sites (Freak Republic and/or similar sites) during Clinton's reign along with a lot of other quotes and facts pertaining to Daddy Bush. Attribution was always provided then. I don't have the attribution, or necessarily the exact quote. But that is indeed the point Daddy Bush made, and quite possibly in those exact words, and it is not the least bit difficult for an honest person to believe since it is pretty damn obvious.
As I told you before, M. Douchebag, if you are that interested in an attribution, go look for one. Whether you seek an attribution or not does not change the fact that I do not make stuff up. You on the other hand continually project your quite obviously pathologically dishonest self onto me and others. If you are truly that miserable a human being, you might consider just doing yourself in. But better yet, you might genuinely become the Christian you dishonestly claim to be on nearly a daily basis. You hate Reaganites such as Mr. Saari and myself because you hate the truth. It really is that simple. Your blatant revulsion toward the truth, continually displayed at this site, is why your claims to being a Christian are completely laughable. Get a life, M. Douchebag, and learn to love the truth.
"What went unforeseen, however, was that the elephant would at some point in the last years of the 20th century be possessed, in both body and spirit, by a coincident fusion of mutant ex-Liberals and holy-rolling Theocrats masquerading as conservatives in the tradition of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan: Death by transmogrification, beginning with The Invasion of the Party Snatchers."
-- Victor Gold, Aide to Barry Goldwater