Originally Posted by
They aren't just 'five guys in an outlaw organization'. What happened to Berg was precisely in line with the basic goals and policies of al Queda and their fellow groups.
you're missing the essential point-- the "outlaw organization", not the "5 guys". we all know it goes beyond 5 guys. sheesh.

Originally Posted by
It wasn't a freakish example, and yet our media tries to act as if it was no big deal.
the reason the media acts as if it's no big deal is because it wasn't a freakish example. we know what terrorists are willing do, and we know that given the opportunity, they'll do it.

Originally Posted by
The Abu Ghraib affair was a freakish oddity....
I was walking down the street with my friend and he said "I hear music." As if there's any other way to take it in. I told him "you're not special.... that is the way I receive it, too". -- mitch hedberg, 1968-2005