Originally Posted by
Terminator X

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Originally Posted by
Terminator X

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And what if Saddam had actually COOPERATED? Wouldn't that have thrown a monkey wrench into the whole conspiracy?
It wasn't a conspiracy per se. It was something they had been waiting to do once they regained office and did it. Since the people that are in power now are essentially a continuation of a narrow leadership that extends back to 1992, (and beyond) they had plenty of time to outline their goals for the post-Clinton years, from the selection of the candidate, to the war on Iraq.
You didn't answer the question.
The answer is simple: IF Hussein was innocent (or even nearly so) and allowed genuine inspections, there would have been no invasion. What Bush
intended or
wanted would not have made any difference, it would have been politically impossible.
The 'we'll try the UN one last time' charade was a nice pantomme for old times sake, but they would have found a loophole anyway. They were determined to do it, and did so, as you and I have both witnessed. I do not trust in the restraint nor sanity of George Walker Bush, nor his keepers.
You still haven't answered the question.
By allowing inspections, I'm not talking about the UN. No sane President is going to stake American security on anything handled by the UN. But if he had offered this, the invasion would have been stopped,
if he was innocent:
"I will permit American and British inspectors, under American leadership, unrestricted access to all parts of Iraq, contact with anyone they wish to speak with in or out of Iraq, and I will permit armed American and British escort of the inspectors. American overflights will not be interfered with, and no officers of my regime will accompany the inspectors."
If he had offered that, and
done it, Bush would not have invaded, because he could not have invaded. Unless, of course, the inspectors discovered WMDs after all.