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Webb has the problem of being another frustrated moderate Republican. He'd make a great Eisenhower, but that's not what is needed. I am not thrilled with the idea of Bill Clinton (another Eisenhower) being back in the White House, but Hillary is not Bill. All else being the same, I believe that a white woman elected president in 2016 following another Democrat would enact policy closer to what is needed than would a white man, simply because being female in American society gives one a different perspective than being male. Also a woman is more likely to put other women on her staff. This might increase the the probability that a suitable new paradigm could be identified so we can actually solve some of the many problems facing the country that are impossible to solve under the current paradigm.
Here we definitely disagree. Yes, having a woman POTUS will affect how governance happens, but will it affect it in a good way? We need a laser focus on long-term projects that will both create jobs and tighten the job market long enough to get us back above 2% inflation. The other focus is AGW. Neither of these are known interests of Hillary. If we were talking about Elizabeth Warren, I would feel differently. Hillary is more like the typical UMC liberal, who has interests in foreign affairs and social issues, but bread-and-butter ... not so much.
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.