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June 25, 2014 by
Lambert Strether Bill enters, stage right. Note the difference between the post title as edited at Bloomberg:
Bill Clinton Defends Hillary’s Middle-Income Ties [What does that even mean?]
and the URL, which shows the original title:
C’mon. Nobody outside the Beltway ever “pivots” from anything to anything else. That tells you where this whole fauxtroversy is coming from and who’s expected to care about it. Nevertheless, to the story:
Hillary Clinton, the former first lady and a potential 2016 presidential candidate, is trying to rebound from a series of comments in which she suggested that she and the former president aren’t really rich.
Bill Clinton acknowledged that she didn’t “give the most adept answer”[1] to questions about their personal wealth. “You can say, ‘OK, I gotta clean that up,’ which she did.”
[Hillary Clinton] has been tripped up most often on questions about her finances — even when no question has been asked.
Clinton said in an interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer that she and Bill Clinton were “dead broke” when they left the White House in January 2001. She told Britain’s Guardian newspaper that the couple isn’t “truly well off.” Chelsea Clinton cemented the storyline with remarks to Fast Company magazine.
Logically, Clinton — I’m calling “Hillary Clinton” Clinton, now, and Bill Clinton “Bill,” reversing my 2008 usage — is perfectly correct; as
Piketty knows, and heck,
Karl Marx knew, income really is not “true” “wealth.” If you’re “truly well off,” you get to clip coupons! (To me, wealth is about
ownership; specifically, about owning the product of the collective labor of others. That’s one reason that the “1%” frame from the Occupy movement was so analytically destructive; it distracts from social relations to focus on mere quantity. The Bloomberg reporter helpfully blurs this distinction with the formulation “not really rich.”)
The real issue is this: The fact that we’re even having this conversation is a sign of the policy vacuity at the heart, if any, of the Clinton non-campaign. If Hillary Clinton were advocating
truly humane policies that benefit all equally —
the 12-Point Platform gives a good list — we wouldn’t talking about Clinton’s tone deafness or hairstyle or health or looks or any of her personal characteristics at all: We’d be talking about policy. The political class would be outraged! Outraged! that Clinton advocated — picking an example at random — free public education K-16. Their hair would be on fire! Heck,
even HOLC, back from 2008, an FDR-style bailout of individual homeowners, would put every pair of knickers in the beltway in a twist! FDR was a patrician, for pity’s sake; and the Roosevelts were a “truly” “wealthy” New York dynasty, not first-generation arrivistes from Mammoth Falls Little Rock. Arkansas. And FDR was brought to recognize the necessity of the New Deal, so kwitcherbellyachin, political class!
Clinton’s policy vacuity gave the opening to
the h8terz, not in artful wording. Get back in your box, Bill!
Let’s go back to another time and place: Beijing, September 5, 1995, where Clinton gave the plenary speech to U.N. 4th World Conference on Women Plenary Session.
In relevant part: