Originally Posted by
Cynic Hero '86
America Needs strong Government, a government run by a meritocratic elite, which would be generated by a nationwide civil-military education system. It would be like the military aristocracies of ancient and medieval times except that the elite would be selected by merit rather than birth. It would be an institutionalized system of government by the competent. Decisions would not be debated for months on end; instead orders would be given and drawn up within a matter of hours or even minutes.
America needs government strong enough to serve the People yet restrained by Constitutional prohibitions against tyranny by any in government or by any who wield influence upon government. It is best that it have an educational system that makes people of every possible background competent to contest any possible despotism whether by elected officials, senior military officers, bureaucratic elites, or the moneyed rich.
Weak and ineffective government has typically been the vehicle for tyrannical takeovers. It was the ineffectiveness of shaky democracies that made fascism and Nazism possible.
...Obviously the best life in material terms would go to the 'meritocratic' elite. Who decides who has merit? The ability to make an arbitrary choice of who gets to join the elite and who gets consigned to the cr@ppy jobs. IQ? Ted Kaczynski was a brilliant fellow, but he obviously had some problems. Those who show the most enthusiasm for the 'meritocratic order'? Sure -- then the universities become diploma mills as they did in Nazi Germany. I have never known of any ruling elite (aside from some monastic orders -- perhaps) that has failed to take everything for itself once it gets the chance. Such is a warning about the menace of a plutocratic oligarchy within America.
Freedom is valuable. Great privilege in return for a constant fear of a purge is a raw deal, and that is what awaits the 'meritocratic' elite. Freedom allows one to find opportunity that elites prefer that one not get.
So what is freedom worth? According to Benjamin Franklin, it is worth more than some temporary safety. But I can go further. Economic gain? Getting to shape a mandated culture for others?
You have a problem with people spending months or even year in debate. American politics have not been so ugly since the start of the Civil War. Swift decisions indicate the absence of democracy. Yesterday the House of Representatives voted to repeal the inheritance tax on behalf of the super-rich. The Senate will likely go along, and the President will veto it. There will be more right-wing efforts -- perhaps abolition of health and safety rules that get in the way of profit maximization, outlawry of unions, and abolition of welfare. Sure -- bring back debt peonage or have mass starvation. That would take little time.
Stalin's Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Ba'athist Iraq and Syria could enact legislation quickly and efficiently. That sort of efficiency practically ensures bad laws.
Keep dreaming.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters