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I just wanted to point out that, generally it's not going to matter what generation the president is actually from as much as it will the general overall make up of people in government, both civil servants and elected officials.
The President of the United States has few unaccountable powers, and Congress can trim those as necessary. The generational type may color the behavior of the President, but such is personality.
People tend to look at, say, the Patriot Act as a Bush law. But it was introduced by a congressman from Wisconsin, went through a committee, and was passed by congress long before Bush had any say. And let's be clear here. This wasn't passed in a vacuum. It was only done because enough people threw a hissy fit about their own feelings of their security. If Gore had been in the White House, the Patriot Act would have been considered a Gore Law. But it wouldn't have changed the Patriot Act a bit.
Suppose that we had a different President in 2001... Richard Lugar, a conservative Republican... who got knowledge of plotting by al-Qaeda of something big -- this time with airliners. Tightening the security of airliners might have made 9/11 impossible. I can easily imagine the President misinterpreting the threat as one of al-Qaeda getting jetliners, loading them with explosives, and detonating them (the MO of al-Qaeda was to use heavy equipment to deal explosives to a target and then detonate the explosives in the heavy equipment). Maybe the President asks the people who know best what would happen if someone used a jetliner as a missile. But if one can't buy jetliners one could hijack them, which suggests that prevention of airline hijackings would be part of the safety measure.
September 11 is then just an insignificant day in history. There might be no Patriot Act. But I speak of a "Richard Lugar administration" that never happened.
And here's the critical point: there's no way that Xers would have passed this law. They'd have seen it for the public nuisance that it really is. I do think they would have done something, but prophets love drama, and when they succeed it's because drama is called for and when they fail it's because it's not and they're gonna do it anyway.
Generation X was then just turning 40.
If an Xer had been in the white house for 911, however, they'd have done almost exactly the same thing that Bush had, not necessarily because they wanted to, because the place was so jam packed full of Boomers pushing for high drama that he'd have gone adding with it.
My scenario has a Silent President -- someone whom I assume would have been curious enough to ask the right questions. But that has more to do with character and personality more than anything else.
Even though the right solution was a no drama, no fuss, swing in on a helicopter and shot him solution and even though all the post 9-11 drama actually prolonged the situation, there's no way that would have been acceptable to us as a whole circa 2001. Changing one particular piece in the puzzle would have done nothing. You would have to have had a large enough Nomad presence in the public sector and a small enough Boomer population size to let that fly and... under those conditions, that would have made the whole affair a 1T event anyway, and that makes sense because if something is going to happen "the way it should" it's going to happen in the 1T.
It may be mere coincidence that the jetliner crashes into the World Trade Center towers happened when George W. Bush was President and not when Bill Clinton was President. Both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were born in 1946.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters