A view from a neighbor to the north:
Originally Posted by Terry Glavin
But pause to calm down just a bit and it’s hard not to notice that Canadians politics just now, no matter what the shouters have to say for themselves, is not taking its trajectory in a very American way, or in any British fashion. For this, we should count ourselves very lucky. First, a synopsis of the American scene reveals a contest for the Republican Party’s presidential-ticket nomination dominated by a cast of gargoyles so hideous and reactionary you’d think the entire money-poisoned spectacle was a lavish reality-television satire produced and directed by a consortium of Hollywood moguls intent on securing Hillary Clinton’s victory in 2016.
Clinton remains out in front of the race for the Democratic Party ticket owing to her successful strategy of trying to go unnoticed. Her closest challenger is apparently the fire-in-the-belly socialist Bernie Sanders, a scrupulously honest and reasonable senator from Vermont who would probably feel at home in Canada among either the Liberal party or the New Democratic Party.
Leading the Republican pack is the famously loutish casino and beauty pageant tycoon Donald Trump, about whose vulgarity little needs to be said because dummkopf coarseness is the very thing for which he is best known — that and of course his cartoonish hairdo. But what is worth noting about Trump’s boorishness is that it is proving to be such a favourability-rating virtue that all the hillbillies among his opponents are finding it necessary to emulate and mimic him, just to draw attention to themselves and give the impression that they’re “serious” contenders.
If this keeps up, any advantage sought by Trump’s challengers will inevitably go to the candidate to whom the utterance of ill-tutored bellicosities and loudmouthed indecencies comes most naturally. This is a state of affairs that presents as grim a terrain for such level-headed candidates as, say, Jeb Bush, Trump’s closest competitor, as it does for such distant runners as Carly Fiorina, the former chief executive officer of Hewlett Packard.
The otherwise presentable credentials that should be useful to Jeb Bush are offset of course by the taint of his family name, his brother being former president George W. Bush (now as much a figure of contempt on the Republican right as among most Democrats) but his most crippling handicap is that he isn’t downright loopy. In Farina’s case, she appears doomed, not in spite of her potential to broadly mobilize both sensible Republicans and reasonable Democratic Party voters, but because of it.
It’s come down to this. Trump floats the notion of a constitutional amendment to allow him to catapult Americans born of illegal immigrants back over that “wall” he keeps talking about building on the U.S.-Mexican border, or takes time to expostulate on the allegedly diminished attractiveness of celebrity supermodel Heidi Klum. This allows former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee to score upticks in the polls by proposing to mobilize the National Guard for such national-security purposes as ensuring that even a 10-year-old pregnant rape victim would be prevented from gaining access to an abortion.