US Senate -- approval of incumbents, where available. I post this because a poll in Pennsylvania shows incumbent Senator Toomey with an approval of 28%. He's probably not that unpopular; the 51% approval from another pollster (I believe for a Republican firm) seems inflated. Senator Pat Toomey likely has an approval rating somewhere near the mean of those two ratings around 40%. But that average is very poor for the chances of an incumbent Republican winning re-election in any but a Republican wave year.
Approval polls only.
Gray -- no incumbent at risk.
White -- retiring incumbent or (should it happen) an incumbent defeated in a primary, with "D" or "R" for the party in question.
Yellow -- incumbent under indictment or with a terminal diagnosis short of the completion of his term, with "D" or "R" for the party in question.
Light green -- Republican incumbent apparently running for re-election, no polls.
Light orange -- Democratic incumbent apparently running for re-election, no polls.
Blue -- Republican running for re-election with current polls available.
Red -- Republican running for re-election with current polls available.
Tan -- incumbent Senator credibly running for another office. Approval and party (D, R) shown
Intensity percentage shows the first digit of the approval of the incumbent Senator --
"2" for approval between 20% and 30%, "3" for approval between 30% and 39%... "7" for approval between 70% and 79%.
Numbers are recent approval ratings for incumbent Senators if their approvals are below 55%. I'm not showing any number for any incumbent whose approval is 55% or higher because even this early that looks very safe.
An asterisk (*) is for an appointed incumbent (there are none now) because appointed pols have never shown their electability.
Approval only (although I might accept A/B/C/D/F) -- not favorability. I do not use any Excellent-Good-Fair-Poor ratings because "fair" is ambiguous. A fair performance by a 7-year-old violinist might impress you. A 'fair' performance by an adult violinist indicates something for which you would not want to buy a ticket.
What I see so far with incumbents:
App Rep Dem
<40 5 0
40-44 1 0
45-49 1 2
50-54 3 0
55-59 0 0
>60 0 2
retire 1 3
indict 0 1
oth off 2 0
no poll 9 2
... Senator Rand Paul is no longer running for the Presidency.