
Originally Posted by
I would expect large components of the Obama Coalition to stay home. To be specific, racial/ethnic minorities, and Millies. The former does not trust Hillary, the latter is not excited by her in the least and most I've run into are actually turned off by her. (She probably reminds them of a not very pleasant version of their own mothers.)
LOL. You are really out of touch Playdude. I've not read a newspaper (unless you count the free classified ads paper a "newspaper") in about five years, and I've not bought one in about 10. I get my news from a variety of sources in a variety of formats from articles to videos--all most all of this content provided without charge. So what is being sold exactly?
A week is a long time in politics, 11 months is nearly an eternity. I foresee that if Hillary is nominated she will be put under a microscope, her record examined to death, and the GOP Noise Machine that has 20+ years experience making her look undesirable will surpess the votes of those who would normally vote for a Democrat. This means the GOP need only excite its base to win.
Florida is a deeply purple state, I have heard Millies supporting Trump already down here. Millies that would normally vote for Democrats even. Sanders could beat Trump but Hillary can't. Given her weakness with the Democratic Coalition as it exists now, this means if she is run, and unless the GOP runs Rubio or Bush on the top of their ticket the White House is going to the GOP because FL's 29 electoral votes are important to both parties.
Considering you're a New Yorker you probably don't understand how hated Jeb and Marco are.
It is generally considered bad form for the current lame duck president to campaign for the candidate of his Party. That being said...
Hillary was historic in 2008 to being the first woman with an actual shot at being President. People didn't go for her then either. Hillary hasn't changed much in 8 years, neither has the country. People who want a Jeb Bush type would rather have Jeb Bush than Jeb Bush with a shrill voice and a vagina. The Truman Rule is still in effect.
Further, being a historic candidate doesn't really do much. Had John McCain not selected a crazy person for his VP candidate he very well could have been elected President in 2008. He would have been a one termer of course, but he would have been elected. People do not vote on the basis of a candidates race or their genitals. That you would assume that they would exposes your own sexism and racism. But then again, that's the contradiction inherent in identity politics.
We shall see. But mark my words. If Hillary runs, and she isn't going up against a ticket with Bush or Rubio on it she will loose. A GOP ticket absent of those too almost guarantees FL going red this time round.
There's nothing here but conjecture and anecdotes; your views are not supported within the 2008/2012 Coalition.
You're caught up in the Trump circus show brought to you by the 'entertaining news' (the Donald finally issued his first poli-ad saying he felt guilty not having to do so since he's been getting enormous free coverage by the entertaining news). It's pretty obvious this is a form of selection bias - you don't like Clinton and only hold that 'information' that supports her un-electability in your mind.
I went through this with another poster, JustPassingThrough ("the polls are skewed! the polls are skewed!), in 2012 and it was pretty amusing - at least up until a few days after that election; the stakes were high for him and I thought we might have to call a suicide watch. I don't think you have much actual interest in this election so I'm hoping my derived amusement will be fairly unlimited up to and hopefully at least a few weeks past November 8.
We're definitely marking your words.
Last edited by playwrite; 01-04-2016 at 01:18 PM.
"The Devil enters the prompter's box and the play is ready to start" - R. Service
“It’s not tax money. The banks have accounts with the Fed … so, to lend to a bank, we simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account that they have with the Fed. It’s much more akin to printing money.” - B.Bernanke
"Keep your filthy hands off my guns while I decide what you can & can't do with your uterus" - Sarah Silverman
If you meet a magic pony on the road, kill it. - Playwrite