Originally Posted by
Eric the Green
So this is what people here say that Hillary Clinton and her husband are experts at:
In the social sciences, triangulation is often used to indicate that two (or more) methods are used in a study in order to check the results of one and the same subject. "The concept of triangulation is borrowed from navigational and land surveying techniques that determine a single point in space with the convergence of measurements taken from two other distinct points." The idea is that one can be more confident with a result if different methods lead to the same result.
So this term is supposed to represent some kind of dishonest, calculating approach on the part of Hillary Clinton? I don't get it.
Certainly some of you are doing some dangerous "triangulation" of your own, saying "allow things to get much worse in the hope they will then get better if the GOP can be blamed." But meanwhile we have to endure and deal with the results of allowing things to get much worse. Given the results of allowing even further climate change, another right-winger on the Court, and a possible clash of civilizations, plus a worse recession resulting in even more lasting inequality, it seems too high a price to pay. If the GOP gets more power, even now, it will be even harder to dislodge it in 2020.
Remember, my cosmic method indicates that the Democrats will keep the White House indefinitely, if they can get a much better candidate than the GOP in 2024, which seems likely. It shows the party in power keeping the WH in 2016 AND 2020. So we don't really need to play Russian Roulette. We've got the ball now, so let's roll.
Hillary is an "Establishment" politician, so they say. What does that mean?
She is less likely to bring "systemic change" or something like that, you guys say. So, under Hillary, we can expect the system to be the same, but steady progress or change much like under Obama. So, what's wrong with that? Isn't that less risky than "systemic change?" What do we need to do instead; close all the big banks in 2017, for example? Do we really need to do that, or is it enough to make sure that such banks don't crash the economy again, as Hillary proposes?
Personally, I'd like to see Glass Steagall brought back, and too big to fail banks broken up. I'd like to see a speculation tax and other restrictions on Wall Street, as Bernie proposes. But I have a feeling that the time to do these things may have been when Obama was elected; and people might feel that now it would disrupt things too much and cause a recession. So Bernie may not be able to do these things now anyway, even if he brings about his "electoral revolution" and Democrats take over congress.
Hillary is seen as "lacking integrity and trustworthiness." But when asked to give specifics, none of them hold any water. So shouldn't we get over that wrong impression which the media has foisted upon us? She is not lacking integrity compared to any of the other candidates, save Bernie.