Considering that Iowa, as far as Democrats go, is a good indicator of who the nominee will be I would say that bolstered by wins there he will pick up SC and NV but barely and by Super Tuesday will have locked up the nomination. Clinton waffles too much to be trusted by the Democratic base, something that killed her in 2008 as well.
75% of the comments from the Commentariat are wrong.As I said before, a Bernie win in Iowa and New Hampshire will eventually go into all the pundits' talking points of how those two states reflect the eccentricities of Bernie supporters.
The GOP clown car always gets eliminated in NH and SC. I fully expect the GOP to be going into SC with Trump, Cruz and Rubio. I doubt that Rubio will survive SC though, but he could pick up a VP spot. All three have economic and political positions very similar to the GOP of the 1990s and incidentally the Clintons.There are some comparisons of HC to Establishment GOP, and granted even Bill Clinton, positions of the 1990s on financial regulations, but there is absolutely nothing in common with the GOP clown show of today. Someone trying to suggest otherwise can only be described as having been in a coma for the last 20 years and steadfastly remaining willfully and blindingly ignorant by ideological choice.
I agree. Thankfully we live in a republic with democratic (and that is small d democratic) traditons and the primary will winnow out the clowns, like it always does. Even the most partisan GOPer here (and I won't name names) will admit that they need someone who can at least beat Hillary Clintion (not that doing so would be that hard with their voter suppression and a large portion of the Obama Coalition staying home cause they do not like and do not trust her). Seriously have you seen HRC's unfavorables lately?The GOP clown show is pretty damn scary. I recognize that one way to cope with that is to ignore it or try to dismiss it, BUT that doesn't mean the reason why they're so damn scary is going to go away.
The PRC is aware of everything the DPRK does.Ah, the biggest concern coming out of DPRK detonation is the PRC wasn't aware it was coming and the DPRK doesn't give a shit.
I will grant that he is a 32 year old unknown. However, he is surrounded by a Soviet-Like Politburo made up of a bunch of old men. A failure to understand this is a failure to understand the structure of the DPRK's system.And you know this how? Jong-Un is not a Soviet Politburo made up of a bunch of old men.
Yes. In the House the Baggers make up less than 60 seats currently and that is likely to drop. In the Senate the Dems from the minority can still filibuster just about everything. Reid's nuclear option turns out to not be so nuclear.Tempered by Congressional GOP crittters??? What are you smoking???
As to what I'm smoking, I've not smoked anything since 7th February 2013. I do like my special brownies from time to time though.
Considering that HRC and other Boomer Democrats have consistently gone with the Neo-Con agenda there is no reason to expect her to not be the same old warmonger. As for Rand Paul, he never really was in the GOP Clown Car to start with. The Pauls are imperfect fits with the GOP in general being Libertarians. They typically only run on GOP tickets due to the fact that the Libertarian Party has distinct disadvantages in states that don't allow fully open elections such as California or Florida.One can make that argument relative to Bernie and if one wants to vote for him over that issue, I fully understand that. On the other hand, anyone suggesting the ANY Democrat, including HC, is anywhere near the warmongering of today's GOP is either a complete idiot or smokin too much weed. Have you noticed that the one guy, Rand Paul, in the GOP clown car willing to suggest a less NeoCon approach on the world stage is slowly being escorted out of the clown car?
Both parties have written themselves laws to ensure that they and only they can really run for office.
I'm aware of all of these things. What you seem to have not noticed is that since Hiroshima and Nagasaki the US has never tangled in a shooting war with a nuclear power. That 50 year old doctrine is holding because no one wants to be dictator over a grave yard. It is kind of besides the point after that.You sure are putting a lot of faith in a 50-year old doctrine. You might want to go outside and talk to people; a lot has changed. Did you know that the Berlin Wall has been taken down? Are you aware that we now have people willing to blow themselves up, even take down big skyscrapers by flying planes into them? Did you know that the guy who came into the WH in 2000 based on no more nation-building, did in fact invade two countries and we're still trying to not only prop up those countries but just about every country that borders those two countries?
It isn't a daydream to understand that the US does not attack powers with nuclear weapons. 70 years of history backs up that thesis.It's nice to keep the faith in a daydream, but sometimes you need to wake yourself up and take a look around at reality. I realize it is scary, but just trying to ignore it and hope it all goes away in a few years isn't going to make it so.
History indicates that when the ideological line of one of the Parties is discreditied in the manner of a major depression of which their playbook offers no solution they will remain discredited for a generation, maybe even two. Eisenhower may have been a Republican but he was still a New Dealer after all.I'm the one being hyperbolic???
Do you really think your predicted cyclical contraction in 2017 is going to be anything near what happen in 2008??? That was a 4T near depression with a financial sector meltdown sprinkled on top - a once-in-a-lifetime event. Even so, the GOP took the Congress just two years later and some half-ass GOP candidate gave Obama at least a run for his money. Now just two terms later, you and others are suggesting the GOP could put somebody back in the WH. Party killing? Really???
"It's the economy" has power in a particularly election...maybe. But a Party killer??? Again, what are you smokin?![]()
So the question should be, what are you smoking? Since the business cycle will kick in and you seem to want there to be Clintonvilles instead of Hoovervilles or Trumpvilles or Cruzvilles.
There is no evidence of Kim Jong-Un being suicidal, (homicidal is debatable) that being said even he has to understand that even if all 10 (or so) of their nukes hit the US west coast or Japan, a rain of ruin the like of which has never been seen before will be striking Pongyang in about 24 hours after that.Kim has a lot of problems but pushing a button is not one of them.
Moreover, a lot of people with "problems" become suicidal and those that buy into their being a god often have a difficult time when reality creeps in.
Only if one is also scared of the boogeyman. Seriously Playdude, you are starting to sound almost as paranoid as PBR and that is saying something.Jong's state-of-mind is just one of thousands of scenarios of things that could go wrong on the geopolitical stage that would have a profound impact on all of our lives.
I agree on having an adult in the White House. That essentially precludes ALL boomers--that generation never grew up--as such I'll be supporting Sanders in the Primary. That being said, should we have to have a clown, let us go with the biggest one, get it done and over with and get that party totally discredited for a generation maybe two.I'd rather have an adult in the WH that understands that - four years of a GOP clown at the helm can be disastrous - we've certainly seen that. Hey, were you aware that Saddam actually didn't have any WMDs and that he had nothing to do with 9/11? Hey, did you know that there was essentially no regulation of the finance sector in the 00-00s and that caused a bit of a problem for some homeowners and oh, by the way, the entire F-in global economy?
And yes I know that Saddam was a weapon of mass distraction (c) (TM) (etc). That a total lack of financial regulations (a Clinton policy btw) brought chaos to the financial sector and crashed the economy and all that shit.
You're not talking to JPT here.
Maybe you should be checking in with those who actually think that the US can have a sovereign debt crisis. Our differences rest on unimportant matters, namely that you're a partisan Democrat and I couldn't give a shit less as long as we don't have Clinton because I know whatever she does I will not like. Seriously even my Boomer mother hates that woman's guts--there has to be a reason besides being a non-white, non-liberal, Democrat. I'm thinking it may have something to do with being on the progressive wing of the Democratic Party and I mean actual progressives and not the Neo-Progressive SJW types. Those are the Democratic Version of the GOP Clown Car.Just checking.