My new projection (3/7) on the US Senate
New Public Policy Polling surveys in Arizona, Iowa, Missouri, and North Carolina find that voter anger over their Republican Senators’ unwillingness to consider a replacement for Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court could help make those seats competitive for Democrats this fall.
Key findings from the surveys include:
-All these Senators start out with pretty mediocre approval ratings. John McCain’s approval is a 26/63 spread, Roy Blunt’s is 25/48, and Richard Burr’s is 28/44. Only Chuck Grassley within this group is on positive ground and his 47/44 spread is down considerably from what we usually find for him as he loses crossover support from Democrats because of his intransigence on the Supreme Court issue. Further making life difficult for this quartet is the incredibly damaged brand of Senate Republicans. Mitch McConnell is vastly unpopular in these four states, coming in at 11/63 in Iowa, 16/68 in Arizona, 16/69 in Missouri, and 19/65 in North Carolina. McConnell will be an albatross for all Senate Republicans seeking reelection this fall.
This assessment can change rapidly should the Republicans not play obstructionist games with the nomination of a Justice of the Supreme Court. Anyone with an approval rating below 40% is in extreme danger of defeat, no matter what State he represents. Many pols with such low approval ratings retire or get defeated in a primary.
Of course, should Republicans act responsibly with an Obama appointment this assessment reverses.
My take (and rationale):
Approval polls only.
Gray -- no incumbent at risk.
White -- retiring incumbent or (should it happen) an incumbent defeated in a primary, with "D" or "R" for the party in question.
Yellow -- incumbent under indictment or with a terminal diagnosis short of the completion of his term, with "D" or "R" for the party in question.
Light green -- Republican incumbent apparently running for re-election, no polls.
Light orange -- Democratic incumbent apparently running for re-election, no polls.
Blue -- Republican running for re-election with current polls available.
Red -- Democrat running for re-election with current polls available.
Intensity percentage shows the first digit of the approval of the incumbent Senator --
"2" for approval between 20% and 30%, "3" for approval between 30% and 39%... "7" for approval between 70% and 79%.
Numbers are recent approval ratings for incumbent Senators if their approvals are below 55%. I'm not showing any number for any incumbent whose approval is 55% or higher because even this early that looks very safe.
An asterisk (*) is for an appointed incumbent (there are none now) because appointed pols have never shown their electability.
Approval only (although I might accept A/B/C/D/F) -- not favorability. I do not use any Excellent-Good-Fair-Poor ratings because "fair" is ambiguous. A fair performance by a 7-year-old violinist might impress you. A 'fair' performance by an adult violinist indicates something for which you would not want to buy a ticket.
What I see so far with incumbents:
App Rep Dem
<40 8 0
40-44 2 0
45-49 1 2
50-54 3 0
55-59 0 0
>60 0 2
retire 3 3
indict 0 1
oth off 1 0
no poll 6 2
Now -- my projection for the 2016 Senate election:
Sure R:
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
Likely R:
Iowa (from Sure R)
Edge R:
Arizona (from Edge R)
Georgia (from Edge R)
All but one of the current tossups are current R seats.
Edge D:
Missouri* (from toss-up)
New Hampshire*
North Carolina* (from toss-up)
Likely D:
Solid D:
*flip (so far all R to D)
New Jersey looks like a fairly sure hold should current, but indicted, Senator Bob Menendez be compelled to resign.