Originally Posted by
Eric the Green
Yassar Arafat already agreed to the Jewish state. What is needed is pressure on Israel to behave. If Israel behaves then Israel will have peace. Most Arabs and Muslims don't care all that much if Israel exists or not. But Israel's behavior is one good propaganda tool for terrorists to use against the USA and The West.
I remember an interview back in 2008 on NPR (either Fresh Air or WUNC The Story) of Yasser Arafat's bodyguard. The bodyguard said amongst other things that when Israel agreed to give up almost all disputed territory Arafat agreed initially, then backpedaled on the Right of Return issue and finally launched the Second Intifada. Why? Because otherwise he would have been assassinated like King Abdullah I of Jordan and Anwar Sadat. From that point on it was all or nothing. Israel will not agree to a Palestinian State that will mean it's eventual dissolution. And the current Palestinian Authority or Hamas cannot agree to a Palestinian State that DOSEN"T mean the eventual dissolution of the State of Israel.
And that has not affected us. No, Iran is not a democracy according to those who measure those things. Holding elections is not democracy.
If Iran is not a democracy with it's limitations, our vote suppression and more importantly our party structure which rigs elections and manufactures consent may not be a democracy either.
Someday. More speculation. As of now, Saudis support moderate policies outside the kingdom, and are good allies of the rebels against Assad and the IS.
Saudi supported IS in the past. And supported and supports the Taleban now. And financially supports Wahabi mosques in the West that teach Salafism and radicalisation. These are not moderate policies.
True. I think my definition might be a better clarification that applies to what the IS and Al Qaeda do. Terrorists kill innocent people who have no connection to the cause they are fighting for. That has no relation to the ELF or the ALF who burn places that do things they are opposed to.
And spike trees causing grievous bodily harm to lumberjacks when their saws run into those spikes. We kill innocent people with no connection to Taleban or ISIS when we drop our bombs too. Which radicalises people who see no moral distinction between bombers who have multimillion dollar airplanes and drones and bombers who do not and use themselves.
Castles continued to be built in the next half millennium (when most of them were built). They helped protect the nobles from their fights with each other, but also against raiding pirates and brigands.
And finally against the centralising power of kings. Which is why Louis XIV forced France's nobility to a) spend all their time at Court and b) cut windows into their chateaux.
Yes, it's been almost eliminated, as we knew it in the 20th century. But it's true the crimes of the financial gamblers are a threat to civilization too, but we have not declared "war" on them but allowed them to go almost scot free.
Tell that to the Mexicans and Colombians who continue to suffer the depradations of the cartels.
And to the extent that organised crime HAS been eliminated it has been due to legalisation of their funding source. (Think gambling).
That's true; a code and ideology of hatred can help get people swept up in the gang, although the actions of the terrorists don't have the slightest thing to do with actually accomplishing anything on behalf of their slogans. They just kill, pillage and rape. The KKK and the IS and their ilk are just criminals, which civilizations must contain and try to destroy; not just with war, but with progress and education.
Nixon and certainly Trump had no such ideas; those are
your ideas.
It shows the utter poverty of both our foreign policy elite and our academic schools of international relations that these ideas are not being discussed and debated in print with reputable foreign policy specialists advocating them. Instead we have a foreign policy establishment that is as monolithic and inbred as we saw in Russia under the Soviet Union. Instead our schools basically teach that there's only one right way to do foreign policy. Which isn't surprisng since universities are becoming hedge funds with schools attached. See
The Russians are terrible to have attacked and killed the Syrian rebels, and to foment civil war in Ukraine; among other crimes. But I suppose The West has to work with the Russian Oligarch when he can be useful, as he sometimes is. Hardly an ally though.
We were able to treat Stalin as an ally when he was doing worse things to his and other people. We take on allies when allies are needed. Which now we do.
You are asking those questions, not Trump who is too stupid to ask them. As with Israel and Iran, it is not who they are that is the problem with Russia; it's their behavior. Or in this case, mainly HIS behavior, since Magister Putin practically owns as well as runs his country.