I don't claim to have a crystal ball, but my gut instincts leads me to advise others to not count on a quick ending to the 4T. IOW, although 1850-59 sort of equals 2000-09, there are too many independent variables to count on 1869=2019 happening. Again we all have opinions, that's just where I am in relation to the theory.
As I see it a lot of that is demographics. The civil war did not have nearly as many artist gen. octogenarians around.

: Not that I am personally complaining, far from it. After all I've spent my entire life calling one particular currently 78 year old silent female "mom."

But the idea of post elderhood, which to their credit S and H noted as a possible, indeed likely, future modifier on the saeculum dynamic, is I suspect is upon us.
Every turning in the future may have a very blurry cusp as the post elder continue to provide their endowment postseasonally.
And IMHO, that means that the analyitical approach is going to be needed in higher quanities in the future. If noithing else, we are trying to understand what seems to be a repeating pattern that is most discernable by mood. As much as numbers can help provide
what Hobbes mentioned , namely "the most signs to guess by."
