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I think you're glossing over some of the major contributions of the 3T, there, eric. The technology distributed during the 3T, while initially the plaything of the wealthy, eventually became cheap enough to distribute to the masses. The technological accomplishments of the prior two 3T's were primarily authoritarian and required a centralized authority to operate. From telegraphs to television, all were created with a centralized control in mind.
This 3T broke that trend. It started with VCR's and home video equipment and computers all as seperate objects, but it ultimately grew into the 4T's plug and play, do it yourself style of distro. This allows free dissemination and distribution of information without having to have it okayed prior to production. Free creation and distribution of books, movies, music, news, discussions, ideas all at your finger-tips without having to get goahead in the form of an investment. That's undercuts authoritarian goals and aims in a huge way. The internet is as revolutionary to humanity as the printing press, and the proliferation of technology that makes that possible is all 3T.
While it was created in what I consider the 4T, the ICS is a very 3T concept in spirit for creating temporary command structures to deal with situations, then disolve. As this concept expands (my brother and I worked out a concept to make it work for film crews, and with a little thinking, we can make it available for any task), it's going to completely undercut and mitigate the need for authority in the work place. You're looking at the 3T being responsible for a level of nonsuperficial personal freedom while allowing for authority in situations that require control, and then the disolution of that authority when the task is done, which is something that both governance and free market solutions are terrible at.
The 3T makes these options possible, and an extended 2T would have snuffed the proliferation of anti-authoritarian goals out because the 2nd half 2T was about the replacement of old authority with new authority, not loosening the shackles to allow people to have greater options in their own decision making. While the 3T carried darkening times, it had a highly constructive underbelly, the fruts of which will have major implications for the next 1T. On the other hand, the 2T's values were reshaped in the 3T, and those are the values that will pass on into the next 1T, because those are the values Millennials raised themselves on.