Originally Posted by
When your "obvious refutation" amounts to: "Nuhuh!" *blows raspberry like toddler*
IOW a 
Go ahead. I'll snip it so my readers don't get tired though.
Eric the verbose ?
So Wrong!!!!!. God I wish I had a game show buzzer for you sometimes.
Something better, Whammies. 
Of utmost service - Rags.
With Boomers, you have Nomad-prophet generation. Like all idealists you love to talk about morals, and ideas, but actually putting them into action only if and when they are expedient.
I disagree. The current 4T is at least 4 years old already. In short it is supposed to be 20% over if the pattern holds and yet, and yet, there is no cohereant vision of where the country needs to go to survive. Culture War issues are still rearing their ugly head on a nearly daily basis. And etc.
1. Bank bailouts.
2. Cruft accumulation/and/or failure to remove cruft. Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac/HUD/scads of useless defense contracts/thousands of pages of loophole riddled tax codes/ etc. etc. It's awful damn hard to get new stuff when we have all this cruft around.
In every previous 4T, within 4 years of it starting (1773-1777, 1857-1861, 1929-1933) there was at least a vague plan for going forward. So, where is the saeculum's Declaration of Independence?, Its Civil War? its New Deal? I mean yeah, we did manage to get a 2000 page half-assed insurance company give away, and a too little too late economic stimulus, but where is the "big idea"?
We don't. This 4T is more of a slow motion train wreck.
Strange, you wouldn't even bother to listen to Krokus--granted not necessarily my taste either but I can appreciate it for what it is. Why is that? Oh thats right...it has a totenkopf on the enbed screen. I suppose that the totenkopf must mean SS and Nazi automatically to you never mind the death's head has been used as a symbol for CENTURIES.
Eric doesn't like 3T music which is fine and I don't like <<<you know who>>> which is fine. The agreement is that I won't preach to Eric as long as he does not preach at me. We agreed to both like 2T music.
If The Castrato was so talented he wouldn't need to have it "OVER produced". Simple production would handle any deviations from the otherwise high standards to which normal people place upon music. Well good music anyway--something I know for a fact you know nothing about. After all Tribute Tread to The Castrato...enough said.
Privoxy has allowed me to put that thread on ignore.
Musical substance is political in nature. All art is political in nature. All of it. As to "Pray" it has the political wit of a six year old. I found that song uniquely terrible. I had to rinse my ears out with bleach after hearing it.
Yeah, 1 play was enough to "just say no".
I see you've not actually listened to any then. Then you would know that loud screaming is not featured at all in Hip-Hop especially. Particularly when its first name "rap" is an acronym for Rhythmic African Poetry.
Rap's not my cup of tea either, but if folks like it, no issue.
"Pop" music? You are seriously basing your judgements of 3T music on the singularly worst genre ever concieved since the invention of the phonograph? Well no wonder you hate it then. If the only thing you know about it is the garbage they play on the Top 40 stations...which is the most dumbed down asinine garbage imaginable. I could see your point.
101 Luftballons and Photograph do suck.
You put me on ignore anytime you like sugar. That just means I've won. You can't handle my argumentation.
You'll make a fine collection addition to all of those other Xer's he alreadc has.
ely terrible, and anyone who thinks it is good better be a little girl with no taste or deaf. Any person want to fight me over this? I'm ready to spar right n
MBTI step II type : Expressive INTP
There's an annual contest at Bond University, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term:
The winning student wrote:
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and promoted by mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end."