Originally Posted by
Cynic Hero '86
A bipolar compromise between the two parties while desirable, is nothing but a pipe dream, especially with today's gop. Neither of the two existing parties are currently able to provide a positive agenda for the citizenry. Only Restorationism, with its appeal to communal spirituality,the idea a society of friends and countrymen working together, and finally the emphasis on equality of opportunity and a new elite whose's power is based on merit and participation in meritocratic achievements, is up to the task. The meritocratic elite will be a caste of men and women who would have proven their right to rule. Quality education would be made available for all, children would be taught not only traditional subjects such as reading, math, science, history, language, etc, but also practical technical skills as well as ready made emergency and survival skills. Coordination and strengthening of the education system would be placed under the direction of the military. Technical and vocational schools would be opened for all, largely to correct the problem of students completing their education but finding no jobs available that are designed for them. Education would be multifaceted and worldly, but also must be advanced with a keen eye toward teaching children to distinguished between those in the world who are good and generous on one hand and those who are evil and cruel on the other hand. Children would also be taught to distinguish betwen the redeemable and the irredeemable. Economically, outsourcing would be ended and corporations forced to hire american workers on pain of treason charges. Reindustrialization would commence and then be stepped up. The military would be expanded to a standing army of 10 million troops, with the navy, air force and marine corps having 2.5 million troops each. Another 20 million troops would be trained as a ready reserve. The nuclear arsenal would be boosted back to and over cold war levels of roughly 40000 warheads. Regarding foreign policy america should seek first a delienation of spheres of influence with russia, china and europe. America should also seek an anglophone union with britain, canada, australia, and new zealand and other nations. This would be followed by the conquest and vassalization of latin america followed by the "general pacification in the middle east". With regards to how the pacification of the middle east would be carried out, this would be carried out by the wholesale purging of the islamic cleric classes that are prevalent in the mideast, this would be like a doctor when he performs surgery using his scalpal. Although there are a minority of clerics who oppose islamist terrorism, the history of the past 35 years has shown that genuine long term peace in the mideast would be possible only if their is a surgical removal of the terrorist support bases, at least as it is currently constituted, the islamic cleric caste must be eliminated. The middle east would be reorganized into military administrative regions, and admininstrative centers and other settlement cities would be built and populated by american, canadian, latin american, israeli settlers and even some indian and african settlers. Although construction of these proposed cities would be carried out by arab muslim labor.