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Huh? Labor issues are big with Millennials--generally, lack of well-paying jobs, the chronic stagnation of wages, Wall Street screwing Main Street, etc. As for the "Middle Class", there isn't much of one left, and many people are now in the "Lower Class" (whether they'll admit or think of themselves that way), and those that are just may have a shift in political interests. Can you blame them? And maybe also, they're finding that the ways we've solved those issues in the past are outdated, just as everything becomes outdated at the end of a saeculum, leading to 4Ts and new ways forward. As for "traditional Democratic constituencies", if that "traditional" is code for cultural issue crap, the Millennials are pretty much done with that, with the default being the "mind your own business" side of issues such as gay rights, marijuana, and whatnot--and I have no problem with that, it's the people who won't mind their business and want to enforce their particular values there that are ultimately exerting a futile effort, whose energy (not to mention the government expense--particularly in the Drug War) could be expended more productively elsewhere: as in getting things done to improve the economy and make thing better for the people who work (or seek to work) in it (you know, "labor"), and maybe even make Middle Class status more reachable for more people again. I can tell you they are focused on those issues like a laser--it's just that you may not like some of the conclusions that are emerging as to what really does need to be done to address them satisfactorily.
Please expound on that with examples and data and prove to me you're not just another hysterical red-baiting crank, please.
Ooh, you've coined a scary new propaganda word. What Millennials (and many of us Xers as well) in this emerging constituency want is not about destruction, it's ultimately about creating and building a system that works for them. This one arguably does not, in many ways. Some deadwood will need to be knocked down, sure, to enable the new. Such are 4Ts, better get used to it.
Well isn't it good that we can all see where you fall on the issue of police states, and those Un-American freedoms of speech, expression, and ideas. Maybe you'd like to lock me up for Thoughtcrime as well, huh? You won't without a fight, I'll tell you that much.
And what you think needs to be done, is not necessarily what needs to be done. Who do you think will ultimately decide? Who are the future?